[전체] 질문게시판


작성자crosswithyou|작성시간23.07.26|조회수187 목록 댓글 4

Hello. I am wondering why my application has not yet been accepted. I think I wrote everything correctly. I would appreciate your help so that I can make the first prepayment deadline. Thank you.

현재 게시글 추가 기능 열기


댓글 리스트
  • 작성자숙객 | 작성시간 23.07.26 You are already accepted as an regular member so you can just wait until the pre-payment day.
  • 답댓글 작성자카페지기 | 작성시간 23.07.27 Thank you for your help in answering.
  • 작성자crosswithyou 작성자 본인 여부 작성자 | 작성시간 23.07.26 Oh okay, great. I thought I wasn't because there were some parts of the cafe that I couldn't access. Thank you.
  • 작성자카페지기 | 작성시간 23.07.27 Hello.
    Sorry for the late reply.
    You are currently identified as a full member (정회원) of your grade.
    If you leave any additional questions, I'll answer them. Thank you.
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