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미국 가주 가장 싼 자동차 보험

작성자challenze|작성시간23.08.15|조회수230 목록 댓글 1

미국 가주 가장 싼 자동차 보험

Cheapest car insurance in California,


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새 가입자는 안받고, 기존 가입자들만 계속 유지.


Geico 는 online 으로 견적하는데 10-15 일 걸리고

그 후 가입,


GOV, Government Auto Insurance,


한번에 1년치를 받고 liability 만 $466/yr,


My Low Cost; 866-602-8861,

Find Agent 열고 Zip Code 넣으면 가장 가까운 사무실 나옴,


Agent Office 찾으려면 Zip Code 넣으세요.


to Qualify for this Program,

You Must ;;

(1. Have a Valid California Driver’s License,

(2. Meet Income Eligibility Guidelines,

(3. Own a Vehicle Valued at $25,000 or Less,

(4. Be at Least 16 Years of Age,

(5. Have a Good Driving Record or are a New Driver,

- 교통위반 traffic violation 1 point 는 자격이 되나 2 points 자격 안됨,


Geico auto insurance southern California ;

NO Office in California,

(951) 514-4647

Zip Code ;


An Insurance Company for Your Car And More, GEICO,


When you click "Continue" you will be taken to a site owned by , not GEICO. GEICO has no control over their privacy practices and assumes no responsibility in connection with your use of their website. Any information that you provide directly to them is s


Quote estimate, OnLine Only;

Geico 는 online 으로 견적하는데 10-15 일 걸리고

그 후 가입,


41115 Winchester Rd Suite 101B, Temecula, CA 92591,


(800) 841-3005, (800) 207-7847,

CA (800) 841-3000 / Facebook, (800) 861-8380,


Here are minimum liability insurance requirements

(per California Insurance Code §11580.1b) ;

$15,000 for injury/death to one person.

$30,000 for injury/death to more than one person.

$5,000 for damage to property.


자동차 보험 각 주 최소 요구 조건들, auto insurance,

Minimum Car Insurance Requirements by State,


현재 게시글 추가 기능 열기


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