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교통 위반 vs 교통 경범죄, 차이,

작성자challenze|작성시간24.12.13|조회수11 목록 댓글 0

교통 위반 vs 교통 경범죄, 차이,

**Traffic infraction vs misdemeanor;

main difference between a traffic infraction and a traffic misdemeanor is the severity of the offense and the potential punishment:


*Traffic infraction ; 교통 위반,

일반적으로 감옥에 갇히지 않는 덜 심각한 범죄 입니다.

위반은 "위반" 또는 "민사 위반"이라고도 합니다.

일반적인 처벌에는 벌금, 교통 교육, 운전 기록 벌점 등이 포함됩니다.

a less serious offense that usually doesn't result in jail time.

Infractions are also known as "violations" or "civil infractions".

Common penalties include fines, traffic school, and points on your driving record.


교통 위반 종류, infraction results in minor punishable offenses;


-Violating pedestrian crosswalk sign, 횡단보도 표시 위반, 사람이 다 건너간 후에 운전, 횡단보도에 정지 금지,

-Making an illegal left turn, 불법 좌회전,

-Making an illegal U-turn, 불법 유턴,

-Tailgating, (바짝) 뒤따라가기,

-Driving without insurance, 무보험 운전,

-running on red lights (Code 21453 CVC)

-Parking in an illegal area,

-Driving with broken taillights,

-Negligent driving, 부주의 운전,

-Driving without a license, 무면허 운전, or, driving not having driver's license,

[ Failing to present a driver's license (운전면허증 제시하지 못한 경우)] 등 등,,

[ Failing to present a driver's license is an infraction under California Vehicle Code Section 12951 VC that is punishable by a $250 maximum court fine (not including additional penalty assessments)].

-Failure to wear a seat belt,


*Traffic misdemeanor ; 교통 경범죄,

징역형, 벌금 또는 기타 처벌을 받을 수 있는 더 심각한 범죄 입니다.

경범죄는 또한 귀하의 범죄 기록에 영향을 미칠 수 있으며, 이는 운전 이상의 결과를 초래할 수도 있습니다.

예를 들어, 경범죄 유죄 판결은 전문 자격증 취득, 총기 소지 또는 미국 이민 능력에 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다.

a more serious offense that can result in jail time, a fine, or other penalties.

Misdemeanors can also impact your criminal record, which may have consequences beyond driving.

For example, a misdemeanor conviction could affect your ability to get a professional license, own a firearm, or immigrate to the United States.

-Reckless driving, 난폭운전,

-음주, 또는 마약 운전, Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs (DUI),

-hit and run. 뺑소니, (사람을 치고 도망)

-Driving with expired driver's license, unlicensed, driving with invalid driver's license,

( 무면허 운전 ). $250 - $1,000 또는 감옥,

Driving with an expired driver's license in California is illegal and can have serious consequences, including :

;Fines;  You can receive a traffic ticket with a fine ranging from $250 to $1,000, depending on the situation and how long your license has been expired.

;Jail time;  You could face up to six months in jail if charged with a misdemeanor. However, jail time is uncommon for first-time offenses.


-Excessive speeding.

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