내일 월요일에 브로드웨이 교회에서 유학생모임합니다. - 110호로 오세요! (무료 영어공부, 성경공부, 맛있는 저녁식사제공)

작성자pardonme|작성시간13.02.18|조회수131 목록 댓글 0

브로드웨이 교회에서 매주 월요일 마다 ESL 및 성경공부 모임이 무료로 진행됩니다.

1. 일시: 매주 월요일 오후 5시 45분~8시 30분까지

2. 프로그램: 저녁 식사 제공 (정말 정말 맛있어요!! 단돈 $2!! )

영어 컨버세이션 클럽, 게임, singing, 성경공부 (프로그램 끝나고 원하는 사람들은 농구나, 배드민턴 등의 스포츠도 가능)

진행하는 사람들 모두 브로드웨이 교회에서 봉사하시는 캐네디언분들이구요.

각 테이블마다 캐네디언 리더분들이 있고 소그룹으로 진행하기때문에 말할기회가 많아요~ 그리고 교회분들 모두 정말 정말 친절하고 좋으세요~

3. 오시는 방법: 커머셜 & 브로드웨이 역에서 9번 boundary방향 버스 타고 slocan street 에서 하차. 교회 정문 말고, slocan street 에 있는 side door 로 들어오셔서 fellowship hall 으로 오시면 됨. (내일은 110호로 오세요! )

4. 브로드웨이 교회 주소:

2700 East Broadway Street. Vancouver B.C

(구글맵을 사용하시면 상기 주소를 목적지에 넣어주세요~)

길을 잃으시거나 궁금하신 점이 있으시면 으로 이메일 주시거나 604-879-1124(영어) 로 연락주세요!

Dear lovely ISC students!

Happy Valentine’s week!  I hope you all feel loved by someone special in your life.  If not, we can assure you that God loves you very much!  Even when you don’t feel loved.


And speaking of you know what your love language is?  Have you ever wondered what someone else’s love language is that you’re close to or maybe even interested in?  It’s very important to know because your love language will determine how you show love to others and how you feel most loved.  This coming Monday at ISC during Conversation Club, we’re going to help you figure out your Love Language(s) by giving you a little fun survey to take.  Based on the best-selling book by Dr. Gary Chapman – The 5 Love Languages – you will be amazed why some of you want to come over to my house to wash dishes or tell me what a super guy I am,  or why you want to keep buying me nice gifts!  It’s all because of your Love Language.  Don’t miss this opportunity to find out what and why! J


Gwen will also be leading the discussion section on the Love Chapter – a very beautiful chapter in the bible that tells us what true LOVE really is.  The Love Chapter can change your entire life if you learn to live by it!


The French are supposedly romantic people and Paris is the city of love!  I’ve been there twice on my own to find out.  So, Kevin, our romantic chef, is going to cook up some romantic French cuisine for dinner...  


Or maybe he won’t! 

Maybe he’ll just buy some Chinese take- out food from Chong’s Market for dinner.  (We know that’s what you students really want...besides instant noodle soup!).  So, for this Monday, an expensive French cuisine or cheap Chinese food?  What will it be? Bring your $2 and come Monday to find out!  For this week only, we’re meeting in Room 110 instead of the lower auditorium room due to a big funeral tea service.  Same floor. Same time.  Next door to the Girls bathroom. 


Bring your friends for our Valentine’s special LOVE event!  Because the Beatles said...”All you need is Love!”...and some instant noodles!!  See you all on Monday!

현재 게시글 추가 기능 열기


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