밴쿠버 코업&대학교

[대학부설ESL]SFU 대학부설 영어연수과정 part 1

작성자UvanU-지배인|작성시간15.12.25|조회수425 목록 댓글 0

안녕하세요 우벤유 지배인입니다~:)

가끔 학생분들께서 기존 사설 ESL 학원이 아닌 캐나다 정규대학부설 ESL 과정에 대한 문의가 많이있습니다.

사설 ESL과 대학부설 ESL은 비슷한 영어 커리큘럼이 있지만 아무래도 대학부설 같은경우

비교적 조금더 아카데믹하고 딱딱한 분위기로 진행되는것 같습니다.

물론 영어과정이기 때문에 정규과정같은 진지한 분위기는 아니구요 :)

또한 대학부설 같은경우 여름,겨울 단기 과정, Intensive영어과정등 여러과정들이 진행되며

실제 캐나다 대학교 캠퍼스에서 공부하며 대학생들과의 문화교류프로그램들로 친구들을 사귈수있는 장점이 있습니다~

이번에 소개할 프로그램은 Simon Fraser University의 English Language and Culture (ELC) 프로그램입니다.

8주과정의 Full-time 프로그램은 밴쿠버 다운타운 캠퍼스에서 진행이되고 있습니다.

비록 메인켐퍼스인 버나비에서 진행이 안되기에 현지 대학생들이 많지는 않지만

학부과정 수업들과, 석사과정, 그리고 Continuing Studies와 함께 영어과정이 진행중입니다.

대학부설 같은경우 사설 어학원처럼 매주 시작이 가능한게 아니며 8주에 한번씩 시작이 가능합니다.


학비는 8주과정에 $2900불 등록비가 $250불입니다.

등록비는 8주 혹은 16주, 24주 수강시에 한번만 내면됩니다~:)

UvanU는 SFU ELC 공식 에이젼트이며

ELC 과정에 관심있으신 분들은 우벤유로 연락주시길 바랍니다!

Tel: 604-682-7308

카톡: uvanu2014

ELC 수업은 9시부터 3시20분까지 진행이됩니다.


News Media

The News Media course will help you learn how to understand what people say and write. You will actively practise your English listening, reading and speaking skills through electronic and print media and learn strategies for making sense of language, images and attitudes presented in the news. This course will also introduce you to some topical issues that are currently of concern to Canadians.

Reading Skills

The Reading Skills class combines reading comprehension and vocabulary building in a variety of formats. You will analyze how writers use language to stress and change meanings and develop an awareness of current events, Canadian social issues, and popular culture.

By questioning the language, images and attitudes presented in literature, newspapers, magazines, cartoons and advertising, you will develop an understanding of culture and international context.

Oral Skills

his class will focus on oral English enhancement. You will practise ways to improve your speech clarity and fluency through informal conversation and formal speaking tasks. You'll target various aspects of spoken mechanics, including the following:

  • Pronunciation
  • Rhythm
  • Stress
  • Volume
  • Projection
  • Intonation
  • Cadence
  • Linking
  • Body language

By focusing on these skills, you will build fluency and self-confidence in speaking English through several activities:

  • Spontaneous speaking
  • Role-playing
  • Debates
  • Interviewing Canadians
  • Speeches
  • Presentations
  • Canadian Studies

Canadian Studies will help you focus on the cultural context of English by studying topics such as geography, history, government and social institutions, as well as engaging in discussions about current Canadian issues.

You will work both individually and in small groups, and you'll respond to and analyze a variety of authentic texts, including articles, maps, charts, audio-visual presentations, TV, news and documentary clips. You can expect to learn how to watch, interpret, discuss and respond to what Canadians are saying, and to receive the tools to analyze the cultural background of any country.

Listening Practice

Many students struggle to understand popular TV, music, daily conversations and business negotiations. These courses will provide strategies that will help you make sense of slang, idiomatic language and contextual clues. You can expect to learn how to understand not only what people are saying, but also how and why they choose their words and expressions. 


This course is designed to help you improve your English grammar skills and learn how to write to a Canadian audience. You will learn how to organize your thoughts and express ideas so that Canadian readers will be able to understand what you've written. You may also experiment with creative writing genres.

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