밴쿠버 코업&대학교

[밴쿠버 코업][Blanche Macdonald] International 메이크업 스튜디오 코업과정

작성자UvanU-지배인|작성시간16.02.27|조회수371 목록 댓글 2

안녕하세요 우벤유 지배인입니다~ ^^

오늘 소개해드릴 과정은 많은 여성분들 그리고 간혹가다 남성분들도 관심있어하시는 메이크업 코업과정입니다!

학교는 패션, 메이크업, 헤어 뷰티 관련 유명학교인 Blanche Macdonal Centre (BMC)에서

국제학생들을 위한 실습, 즉 코업프로그램을 운영하고 있습니다.

1960년운영해온 BMC는 처음에 작은 규모로 시작을 했지만  부터 최근 몇년간 빠른 속도로 규모가 커지고

다운타운 2곳, City Square에 총 3군데에 캠퍼스를 운영중이며 Curlique라는 헤어, 메이크업 스튜디오를 자체적으로 운영하고 있습니다.

아무래도 뷰티스쿨이다 보니 시설이 굉장히 좋은 편이네요 ^^

BMC의 International Makeup studio 과정은 아래와 같습니다:

International Make-up Studio

3개월 accelerated 과정 (월~금요일, 주 5일 수업)

6개월 과정 (월요일~수요일 혹은 수요일~금요일 주 3일 수업)

6개월 과정 + 6개월 Coop (실습) 총 1년 과정

수강 과목- 총 8개의 레벨을 모두 마쳐야 졸업이 가능합니다

Make-up Fundamentals:

This foundation level offers a comprehensive introduction to makeup art and design principles.  Students will learn colour theory with specific reference to makeup:  it’s function, how it interacts with texture and light, and how these affect your work.  Analysis of shape, line and form are combined with techniques for blending, contouring, shading and highlighting.  Understanding how to choose and employ professional tools and product formulations is covered.  You will build a strong skill foundation while working with the fundamentals of natural, glamour, bridal and dramatic styles.

Bridal Makeup:

This level focuses on makeup design and application in a bridal context.  Students will learn how to conduct a bridal makeup consultation that identifies the scope of the project as well as the financial and time parameters.  You will create and apply traditional, contemporary, ethnic and avant-garde bridal makeup styles.  Learn to work with a hairdresser and photographer as you experience a professional bridal photo shoot and begin compiling your portfolio images.

Hairstyling Seminars

This course covers hair styling in relation to makeup and provides the opportunity to push your creative potential and create the total look. Incorporate basic styling techniques as you learn to sculpt the hair.  Braiding, scrunching, teasing and foundation “updos” are all introduced.  You will learn how to integrate hairstyling trends and current fashion looks into your new designs as you develop your skills as a professional makeup artist for the fashion industry. 

Bridal Hair

This level focuses on creating hairstyles for a bridal context. Roller sets, blow drying, backcombing and finishing, as well as “updos” including the French Twist, French roll, and knot tying, are all introduced. Learn how to position bridal hair accessories such as fresh flowers, ribbons, tiaras and veils. Enhance your styling expertise by using products that add texture, shine and control to your creations. Take the opportunity to market yourself as a professional makeup artist for the lucrative wedding industry.

Fashion in Makeup & Photographic Makeup

This level is dedicated entirely to fashion.  Students will explore historical, contemporary and futuristic fashion perspectives and integrate these influences into their makeup designs.  Fashion show production with reference to makeup is introduced while makeup skills are expanded with a focus on fashion photography.  You will create a makeup croquis as part of your design board, and then create the look.  Learn how to collaborate with a hairstylist, fashion stylist and photographer to realize an artistic vision.  Explore the contrasts between black and white; street and alternative; real and camouflage applications as you expand your canvas and professional palette.


This level introduces another artistic medium:  liquid makeup combined with pressurized air.  Beginning with a comprehensive overview of safety and mechanical considerations, students progress to efficiently cleaning, assembling and loading an airbrush unit.  Working on paper as a primary canvas, you will move to face and body as you experiment with patterns and textures.  Explore the realm of fantasy as you create mythical and mystical creatures.  The creation and application of airbrush tattoos is another addition to your professional menu. 

Fashions in Makeup/High Fashion & Editorial Makeup

Expand your passion for fashion in this highly creative level.  Building on your solid fashion foundation, this level introduces you to the world of high fashion makeup.  Students will explore a variety of influences in cutting edge makeup integrated with high fashion trends and techniques.  You will design and create avant garde and extreme runway looks and experience a professional photoshoot.  Follow your creative instincts as you hone your makeup skills for magazine editorial work and music videos. 

대부분 뷰티 메이크업으로 수업이 되어있으며 만약 1년과정인 Global Makeup Diploma 과정은 뷰티 뿐만아니라 특수 분장까지 배울수가 있습니다

입하조건은 Intermediate레벨로 입학이 가능하며

메이크업에 관심있고 현지 유명 메이크업과련 종사자의 강연이나

많은 모델과 포토그레퍼들과의 작업으로 영어적인 부분도 보강을 할수 있는 장점이 있습니다.


Application & Deposit: $800

Tuition: $9700

코업 (optional): $1800  


Total 코업과정 학비: $12300

(분할 납부시 학비가 인상이 됩니다) 

2016년도 다음 시작일:

4월 27일, 6월 22일 수요일~금요일 수업

전문 메이크업 과정과, 캐나다에서 관련분야에서 일해볼 수 있는 좋은기회이니

관심있으신분들은 BMC 메이크업 과정도 참고하시길 바랍니다 ^^

학교투어나 해당프로그램에대한 문의사항은 우벤유로 연락주시길 바랍니다~

UvanU 밴쿠버 사무실

Tel: 604-682-7308

카톡: uvanu2014

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  • 답댓글 작성자UvanU-지배인 작성자 본인 여부 작성자 | 작성시간 16.10.19 안녕하세요~ 네 카톡이나 저희 사무실로 연락주시길 바랍니다 ^^ 카톡: jisj6808 전화: 604-682-7308
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