diet modification therapy

음식 알레르기 탐구 Nature review immunology 논문

작성자문형철|작성시간24.05.23|조회수40 목록 댓글 0

우리가 매일 먹는 음식이 질병의 시작일 가능성이 매우 높다.


음식 이상반응이라고 하고


1. 글루텐, 유당, 과당은 전형적인 food intolerance 음식과민증 음식이다. 


1-1. 음식 과민증 중 histamine intolerance는 15~20%나 발생하고 

우리가 일상에서 흔히 경험하는 근육통, 섬유근막통, 두통, 생리통, 피부 증상 등의 원인이고

지속되면 글루텐, 유당, 과당의 문제처럼 심각한 질병을 악화시키는 요인이다. 



2. 음식 알레르기는 3~6%, 많게 잡으면 10%정도다.


임상에서 히스타민 과민증과 음식 알레르기를 구분하는 것은 중요해보인다. 

둘다 문제를 일으키는 음식을 피하면 되지만

히스타민 과민증의 치료는 dao 효소, SAME라는 보충제가 있고.....



음식 알레르기에 대해 잘 알아야.. 히스타민 과민증, 글루텐, 유당과민증에 대해 더 깊은 이해가 가능하다...


Nat Rev Immunol. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2017 Jun 1.

Published in final edited form as:

Nat Rev Immunol. 2016 Dec; 16(12): 751–765.

Published online 2016 Oct 31. doi: 10.1038/nri.2016.111

PMCID: PMC5123910


PMID: 27795547


Food allergy: immune mechanisms, diagnosis and immunotherapy


Wong Yu,#1,2,3 Deborah M. Hussey Freeland,#1,2 and Kari C. Nadeau1,2,3

Author information Copyright and License information PMC Disclaimer

The publisher's final edited version of this article is available at Nat Rev Immunol

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Food allergy is a pathological, potentially deadly, immune reaction triggered by normally innocuous food protein antigens. The preval‎ence of food allergies is rising and the standard of care is not optimal, consisting of food-allergen avoidance and treatment of allergen-induced systemic reactions with adrenaline. Thus, accurate diagnosis, prevention and treatment are pressing needs, research into which has been catalysed by technological advances that are enabling a mechanistic understanding of food allergy at the cellular and molecular levels. We discuss the diagnosis and treatment of IgE-mediated food allergy in the context of the immune mechanisms associated with healthy tolerance to common foods, the inflammatory response underlying most food allergies, and immunotherapy-induced desensitization. We highlight promising research advances, therapeutic innovations and the challenges that remain.


식품 알레르기는 

일반적으로 무해한 식품 단백질 항원에 의해 유발되는 

병적이고 잠재적으로 치명적인 면역 반응입니다. 


식품 알레르기의 유병률이 증가하고 있으며, 

식품 알레르겐 회피와 

아드레날린으로 인한 알레르기 유발 전신 반응의 치료로 구성된 

치료 표준이 최적이 아닙니다. 



정확한 진단, 

예방 및 치료가 시급히 요구되며, 

이에 대한 연구는 세포 및 분자 수준에서 

식품 알레르기를 기계적으로 이해할 수 있는 기술 발전으로 촉발되고 있습니다. 


일반적인 식품에 대한 건강한 내성, 

대부분의 식품 알레르기의 기저에 있는 염증 반응, 

면역 요법으로 인한 탈감작과 관련된 

면역 메커니즘의 맥락에서 IgE 매개 식품 알레르기의 진단과 치료에 대해 논의합니다. 


유망한 연구 진전, 치료 혁신 및 남아 있는 과제를 강조합니다.


The atopic diseases tend to occur in a progression termed the atopic march13, in which the initial manifestation of atopic disease in infancy or early childhood is often atopic dermatitis, followed by the staggered development of food allergy, allergic rhinitis and allergic asthma. Food allergy is a pathological reaction of the immune system triggered by the ingestion of a food protein antigen. Exposure to very small amounts of allergenic foods can trigger clinical symptoms such as gastrointestinal disorders, urticaria and airway inflammation, ranging in severity from mild to life-threatening. Food allergy is distinct from food intolerance in that intolerance does not arise from immune system dysregulation; for example, lactose intolerance arises from non-immune factors, such as lactose malabsorption and lactase deficiency.


Food allergy is both common and costly. In a recently published epidemiological study defining a retrospective cross-sectional cohort of 333,200 children in the United States, food allergy preval‎ence was found to be 6.7%4. A global survey of food allergy in children found that only 9 of the 89 countries surveyed had accurate preval‎ence data determined by oral food challenge (OFC), 7 of which reported a preval‎ence ranging from 0.45% to 10% among children less than 5 years old; the remaining 28 countries that had food allergy preval‎ence data relied on methods such as self-reporting, which is known to overestimate food allergy preval‎ence5. Annually, food allergy results in costs to the US healthcare system of approximately $24.8 billion6. In addition, the global preval‎ence of all food allergy seems to be increasing7. Between 1997 and 2007, the self-reported preval‎ence of food allergy in children under 18 years old in the United States increased by 18% to an estimated preval‎ence of 3.9%8, and preval‎ence had reached ~5% by 2011 (REF. 9). Another study of 38,480 children under 18 years of age in the United States yielded an estimated food allergy preval‎ence of 8%, as well as the findings that approximately 40% of patients with food allergy have experienced a life-threatening allergic reaction, and 30% of children with food allergy have multiple food allergies10. Increases in the numbers of food allergy anaphylaxis-related hospital admissions and fatalities may reflect this apparent increase in food allergy preval‎ence, although other factors (such as increased recognition of anaphylaxis, increased severity of food allergy or increased exposure of allergic individuals to food allergens) may also contribute. Between 1998 and 2012, the number of food allergy anaphylaxis-related hospital admissions increased by 137% in children 14 years and younger in England and Wales without an increase in the number of fatalities11. Between 1997 and 2013, the number of food allergy anaphylaxis-related deaths increased by an average of 9.7% per year in Australia12. The apparent increase in food allergy preval‎ence over a short time period suggests that environmental factors have a role in its aetiology. Although the mechanisms by which environmental factors could promote food allergy are not well understood, recent findings indicate that environmental exposures may interfere with the normal ability of the immune system to promote tolerance to food allergens1315.


In light of the preval‎ence and costs of food allergy, effective methods of prevention and treatment would be of substantial clinical value. The current standard of care is food-allergen avoidance and the treatment of food allergen-induced systemic reactions with adrenaline16. Recent advances in food allergy research have led to the development of new therapies, many of which are currently in clinical trials. This Review presents a summary of food allergy classification and mechanisms of disease, diagnostic methods, strategies for prevention and treatment, and future directions in food allergy research.


아토피 질환은 

아토피 행진이라고 불리는 진행성 질환으로,

영유아기에 아토피 피부염이 처음 나타난 후

음식 알레르기,

알레르기 비염,

알레르기 천식이 시차를 두고 발생하는 경우가 많습니다.


음식 알레르기는

식품 단백질 항원 섭취에 의해 유발되는

면역 체계의 병리적 반응입니다.


아주 소량의 알레르기 유발 식품에 노출되면

위장 장애,


기도 염증 등의 임상 증상이 나타날 수 있으며,

그 정도는 경미한 것부터 생명을 위협하는 것까지 다양합니다.


식품 알레르기는

면역 체계 조절 장애로 인해 발생하는 것이 아니라는 점에서

식품 과민증과 구별되며,


예를 들어

유당 과민증은

유당 흡수 장애 및 락타아제 결핍과 같은

비면역적 요인으로 인해 발생합니다.

음식 알레르기는 흔하면서도 비용이 많이 듭니다. 최근 미국에서 333,200명의 어린이를 대상으로 한 후향적 단면 코호트를 정의한 역학 연구에서 식품 알레르기 유병률은 6.7%로 밝혀졌습니다. 어린이 식품 알레르기에 대한 글로벌 조사에 따르면 조사 대상 89개국 중 9개국만이 구강 식품 챌린지(OFC)를 통해 정확한 유병률 데이터를 가지고 있었으며, 그 중 7개국은 5세 미만 어린이의 유병률이 0.45%에서 10%로 보고되었고 식품 알레르기 유병률 데이터가 있는 나머지 28개국은 자가 보고와 같은 방법에 의존하고 있어 식품 알레르기 유병률을 과대평가하는 것으로 알려져 있습니다5.


식품 알레르기는 매년 미국 의료 시스템에 약 248억 달러의 비용을 초래합니다. 또한 전 세계적으로 모든 식품 알레르기의 유병률이 증가하고 있는 것으로 보입니다7. 1997년과 2007년 사이에 미국 18세 미만 어린이의 식품 알레르기 자가 보고 유병률은 18% 증가하여 3.9%로 추정되며8, 2011년에는 유병률이 약 5%에 달했습니다(참고 9).


미국의 18세 미만 어린이 38,480명을 대상으로 한 또 다른 연구에서는

식품 알레르기 유병률이 8%로 추정되었으며,

식품 알레르기 환자의 약 40%가 생명을 위협하는 알레르기 반응을 경험했고,

식품 알레르기 어린이의 30%가

여러 가지 식품 알레르기를 가지고 있다는 결과가 나왔습니다10.


식품 알레르기 아나필락시스 관련 병원 입원 및 사망자 수의 증가는

식품 알레르기 유병률의 명백한 증가를 반영할 수 있지만,

다른 요인

(아나필락시스에 대한 인식 증가,

식품 알레르기의 중증도 증가 또는

식품 알레르기 항원에 대한 알레르기 개인의 노출 증가 등)도 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다.


1998년부터 2012년 사이에 영국과 웨일즈에서

14세 이하 어린이의 식품 알레르기 아나필락시스 관련 병원 입원 건수는

사망자 수 증가 없이 137% 증가했습니다11.


1997년부터 2013년까지 호주에서는

식품 알레르기 아나필락시스 관련 사망자 수가

연평균 9.7%씩 증가했습니다12.



식품 알레르기 유병률이 뚜렷하게 증가한 것은

환경적 요인  environmental factors 이 그 원인에 영향을 미친다는 것을 시사합니다.


환경 요인이

식품 알레르기를 촉진하는 메커니즘은 잘 알려져 있지 않지만,

최근 연구 결과에 따르면

환경 노출 environmental exposures 이 식품 알레르겐에 대한 내성을 촉진하는

면역 체계의 정상적인 능력을 방해할 수 있다고 합니다13-15.

식품 알레르기의 유병률과 비용을 고려할 때 

효과적인 예방 및 치료 방법은 

임상적으로 상당한 가치가 있을 것입니다. 


현재 표준 치료법은 

식품 알레르겐 회피와 


식품 알레르겐 유발 전신 반응의 치료입니다16. 


최근 식품 알레르기 연구의 발전으로 새로운 치료법이 개발되었으며, 그 중 많은 치료법이 현재 임상 시험 중에 있습니다. 이 리뷰에서는 식품 알레르기의 분류와 질병의 기전, 진단 방법, 예방 및 치료 전략, 식품 알레르기 연구의 향후 방향에 대해 요약하여 소개합니다.


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Classification of food allergies

Food allergies are atopic disorders, which can be broadly classified into those that are

IgE mediated, those that are

mediated by both IgE-dependent and IgE-independent pathways (mixed), and those that are

not IgE mediated (TABLE 1).


Food allergies are mechanistically distinct from non-atopic disorders, such as coeliac disease.


식품 알레르기는 

아토피 질환으로, 


IgE 매개 질환,

IgE 의존적 경로와 IgE 독립적 경로( cell-mediated food allergy)모두에 의해 매개되는 질환(혼합형), 

IgE 매개 질환이 아닌 질환으로 분류할 수 있습니다(표 1). 



식품 알레르기는 

코엘리악병과 같은 

비아토피성 질환과 기계적으로 구별됩니다.


Table 1

Classification of food allergies

SubtypePreval‎enceAge groupaffectedCommon allergensUsual symptomsDiagnosisTreatment

IgE-mediated food allergy
No subtype0.4–10%Children > adultsMilk, egg, wheat, soy, peanut, tree nuts, shellfish and fishPruritus, urticaria, angioedema, abdominal pain, vomiting, wheezing and hypotensionsIgE levels, SPT and OFC• Standard: food-allergen avoidance and emergency medication
• Research: OIT, SLIT, EPIT and omalizumab
Mixed IgE- and cell-mediated food allergy
Food-allergy-associated atopic dermatitis27–37% of patients with atopic dermatitis183;
14–27% of patients with self-reported atopic dermatitis184
Children > adultsMilk, egg, wheat, soy, peanut, tree nuts, shellfish and fishExacerbation of dermatitis with allergen ingestion (as an addition to typical IgE-mediated food allergy symptoms)sIgE levels, SPT and OFC• Standard: food-allergen avoidance
• Research: OIT, SLIT, EPIT and omalizumab
EoEUp to ~50 patients per 100,000 (REF. 185)Children and adults (3:1 male to female ratio)185Milk, wheat, egg, beef, soy and chicken186Vomiting, failure to thrive, dysphagia, food impaction and heartburnOesophageal biopsies showing eosinophil infiltrates after a 2–3 month course of protein pump inhibitors to exclude gastro-oesophageal reflux disease as a causeStandard: topical steroids (in the oesophagus) or food-allergen avoidance
Other eosinophilic gastrointestinal disorders (EC, EG or EGE)Rare187• EC: infants
• EG: adults > children
• EGE: adults
• EC: milk and soy
• EG: possibly milk, wheat, soy, egg, nuts, seafood and red meats
• EGE: may not have food allergy aetiology
Manifestations vary with affected gastrointestinal tract region and layer (mucosal, muscular or serosal)Increased numbers of eosinophils seen in gastrointestinal biopsy; eosinophils in ascites if serosal layer affected; other, more common, causes of eosinophilia must be ruled outStandard: steroids for EC and EG; avoidance of specific foods
Non-IgE-mediated food allergy32
FPIESFew data: one study reports 0.34% of infants with FPIES to cow's milk188Infants and childrenMilk, soy, rice, oat and egg• Intermittent allergen exposure: severe vomiting
• Chronic allergen exposure: diarrhoea and failure to thrive
Food-allergen avoidance and food challengeStandard: food-allergen avoidance
FPIPFew data: one study reports 0.16% of infants with potential FPIP to cow's milk189InfantsMilk, soy, wheat and eggRectal bleedingFood-allergen avoidance and food challengeStandard: food-allergen avoidance
FPEFew dataInfants and toddlersMilk, soy, wheat and eggSteatorrhoea from malabsorption, diarrhoea and failure to thriveFood-allergen avoidance and food challenge together with jejunal biopsy showing villous atrophy and crypt hyperplasiaStandard: food-allergen avoidance

Open in a separate window

EC, eosinophilic colitis; EG, eosinophilic gastritis; EGE, eosinophilic gastroenteritis; EoE, eosinophilic oesophagitis; EPIT, epicutaneous immunotherapy;


FPE, food protein enteropathy;

FPIES, food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome;

FPIP, food protein-induced proctocolitis;

OFC, oral food challenge; OIT, oral immunotherapy; sIgE, allergen-specific IgE; SLIT, sublingual immunotherapy; SPT, skin prick test.



IgE-mediated food allergies

This class of food allergy is associated with the risk of severe or fatal reactions; accordingly, it is the most fully characterized type of food allergy and is the main focus of this Review. Whereas IgE-mediated allergies to cow's milk, egg, wheat and soy tend to be outgrown, atopic responses to peanuts, tree nuts and shellfish usually persist into adulthood17. The most common IgE-mediated food allergies vary somewhat by region and with dietary habits; for example, children in Ghana between 5 and 16 years of age are commonly allergic to pineapple, pawpaw, orange and mango, as well as to peanut18, whereas children in North America are commonly allergic to peanut, milk, egg, shellfish and soy4. The most common food allergen in Asia is shellfish; in most Asian countries wheat allergy is uncommon, but in Japan and Korea it is the leading cause of anaphylaxis19. In Singapore, allergy to bird's nest was the leading cause of anaphylaxis in children more than 15 years ago, whereas peanut allergy is currently the most common type of food allergy19.


In food allergen-sensitized individuals — those who have been exposed to the allergen and had an initial immune response — subsequent exposure to the food allergen triggers IgE-mediated degranulation of immune effector cells, such as mast cells and basophils, resulting in the rapid manifestation of symptoms. Food allergen-derived epitopes attach to IgE molecules bound to FcεRI receptors on the surface of these effector cells; epitope-specific crosslinking of IgE-bound receptors then occurs, leading to the release of preformed histamine and other inflammatory mediators of the immediate allergic reaction20. After this immediate phase of the response, the de novo production of leukotrienes, platelet activating factor and cytokines such as interleukin-4 (IL-4), IL-5 and IL-13 maintains allergic inflammation20. Gastrointestinal manifestations can include oral tingling, pruritus and/or swelling, as well as nausea, abdominal pain and/or vomiting. Respiratory effects include wheezing and/or airway inflammation. Skin manifestations include flushing, urticaria, angioedema and/or pruritus. Systemic responses may also occur, such as hypotension due to fluid leakage from the vasculature and/or hypothermia. Anaphylaxis is a serious allergic reaction that involves multiple organ systems and can rapidly become life-threatening21.


Variants of IgE-mediated food allergy include oral allergy syndrome (OAS), in which individuals with allergic rhinitis produce IgE molecules specific for pollen-derived epitopes that are crossreactive with fruit- or vegetable-protein epitopes22. Signs and symptoms of OAS include immediate oral pruritus, mucosal angioedema and/or abdominal pain. As the cross reactive IgE antibodies may be specific for a heat-labile food epitope, uncooked fruits or vegetables should be used in diagnostic testing for OAS. In the context of peanut allergy, testing for IgE antibodies specific for particular components of peanut protein (IgE component testing) can be used to distinguish OAS from standard IgE-mediated allergy: in individuals with birch-pollen allergy, IgE antibodies specific for the pollen antigen Bet v 1 may crossreact with the peanut component Ara h 8 to cause OAS23, but reactivity against Ara h 8 is also associated with a decreased risk of clinically relevant IgE-mediated peanut allergy; by contrast, reactivity against the peanut components Ara h 1 or Ara h 2 is more likely to be associated with clinically relevant IgE-mediated peanut allergy24. IgE- and T cell-mediated crossreactivities have also been observed between Bet v 1 and the hazelnut allergen Cor a 1 (REF. 25).


Another variant of IgE-mediated food allergy occurs in individuals who produce IgE antibodies that are specific for the red meat carbohydrate galactose-α-1,3-galactose, rather than specific for a protein epitope26. As patients with this type of food allergy have usually consumed red meat uneventfully for many years, it has been proposed that sensitivity is initiated through tick bites, via exposure to antigens transmitted in the saliva of ticks that have fed on mammals26. Although these reactions can be severe, they are unlike other IgE-mediated allergic reactions to food in that symptom onset is delayed by 4–6 hours or longer26,27.


IgE 매개 알레르기 :

이 유형의 식품 알레르기는

중증 또는 치명적인 반응의 위험과 관련이 있으므로

가장 완벽하게 특성화된 식품 알레르기 유형이며

이 리뷰의 주요 초점입니다.


우유, 달걀, 밀, 대두에 대한 IgE 매개 알레르기는

대부분 소멸되는 경향이 있는 반면


땅콩, 견과류, 조개류에 대한 아토피 반응은

대개 성인기까지 지속됩니다17.


가장 흔한 IgE 매개 식품 알레르기는

지역과 식습관에 따라 다소 차이가 있는데,

예를 들어


가나의 5~16세 어린이는

땅콩뿐만 아니라 파인애플, 포포, 오렌지, 망고에 알레르기가 있는 반면18,


북미 어린이는

땅콩, 우유, 계란, 조개류 및 콩에 알레르기가 있는 경우가 많습니다4.


아시아에서 가장 흔한 식품 알레르겐은


대부분의 아시아 국가에서는 밀 알레르기가 흔하지 않지만

일본과 한국에서는 아나필락시스의 주요 원인입니다19.



15년 전에는 새 둥지 알레르기가

어린이 아나필락시스의 주요 원인이었으나,

현재는 땅콩 알레르기가 가장 흔한 식품 알레르기 유형입니다19.

식품 알레르겐에 노출되어 

초기 면역 반응을 보인 식품 알레르겐 감작자의 경우, 

이후 식품 알레르겐에 노출되면 

비만 세포 및 호염기구와 같은 

면역 효과 세포의 IgE 매개 탈과립화를 유발하여 

증상이 빠르게 나타납니다



식품 알레르겐 유래 에피토프는 

이러한 효과 세포 표면의 FcεRI 수용체에 결합된 IgE 분자에 부착되고, 

IgE 결합 수용체의 에피토프 특이적 교차 결합이 일어나서 

미리 형성된 히스타민과 즉각적인 알레르기 반응의 다른 염증 매개체를 방출하게 됩니다20. 



이 즉각적인 반응 단계 이후에는 

류코트리엔, 혈소판 활성화 인자 및 인터루킨-4(IL-4), IL-5 및 IL-13과 같은 

이토카인의 신규 생산이 

알레르기 염증을 유지합니다20. 


위장관 증상으로는 

구강 따끔거림, 

가려움증 및/또는 부기, 


복통 및/또는 구토가 나타날 수 있습니다. 


호흡기 증상으로는 

천명음 및/또는 기도 염증이 있습니다. 


피부 증상으로는 

홍조, 두드러기, 혈관 부종 및/또는 

가려움증이 나타날 수 있습니다. 



체액 누출로 인한 저혈압 및/또는 

저체온증과 같은 전신 반응도 나타날 수 있습니다. 



여러 장기 시스템을 수반하는 

심각한 알레르기 반응으로 빠르게 생명을 위협할 수 있습니다21.

IgE 매개 식품 알레르기의 변종으로는 

알레르기 비염 환자가 

과일 또는 채소 단백질 에피토프와 

교차 반응하는 꽃가루 유래 에피토프에 

특이적인 IgE 분자를 생성하는 

구강 알레르기 증후군(OAS)이 있습니다22. 


OAS의 징후와 증상으로는 

즉각적인 구강 소양증, 

점막 혈관 부종 및/또는 

복통이 있습니다. 


교차 반응성 IgE 항체는 

열에 취약한 식품 에피토프에 특이적일 수 있으므로 

익히지 않은 과일이나 채소는

 OAS 진단 검사에 사용해야 합니다. 



땅콩 알레르기의 경우, 

땅콩 단백질의 특정 성분에 특이적인 IgE 항체 검사(IgE 성분 검사)를 통해 

OAS와 표준 IgE 매개 알레르기를 구별할 수 있습니다: 


자작나무 꽃가루 알레르기가 있는 사람의 경우, 

꽃가루 항원 Bet v 1에 특이적인 IgE 항체가 

땅콩 성분 Ara h 8과 교차 반응하여 

OAS를 유발할 수 있지만23, 

Ara h 8에 대한 반응성은 임상적으로 관련된 IgE 매개 땅콩 알레르기 위험 감소와도 관련이 있으며, 




땅콩 성분 Ara h 1 또는 Ara h 2에 대한 반응성은 

임상적으로 관련된 IgE 매개 땅콩 알레르기와의 관련 가능성이 더 높습니다24. 


Bet v 1과 헤이즐넛 알레르겐 Cor a 1 사이에서도 

IgE 및 T 세포 매개 교차 반응성이 관찰되었습니다(참조 25).

단백질 에피토프에 

특이적이지 않고 

붉은 육류 탄수화물 갈락토스-α-1,3-갈락토스에 carbohydrate galactose-α-1,3-galactose

특이적인 IgE 항체를 생성하는 개인에게서는 

또 다른 변종 IgE 매개 식품 알레르기가 발생합니다26. 



이러한 유형의 식품 알레르기가 있는 환자는

 일반적으로 수년 동안 별다른 문제 없이 붉은 고기를 섭취해 왔기 때문에 

포유류를 잡아먹은 진드기의 타액에서 전달되는 항원에 노출되어 

진드기에 물려서 민감성이 시작되는 것으로 추정되고 있습니다26. 


이러한 반응은 심각할 수 있지만, 

증상 시작이 4~6시간 이상 지연된다는 점에서 

음식에 대한 다른 IgE 매개 알레르기 반응과는 다릅니다26,27.


Mixed food allergies

This class of food allergy is characterized by both IgE-dependent and IgE-independent pathways. Atopic manifestations arising from IgE-independent factors include delayed food-allergy-associated atopic dermatitis (6–48 hours post exposure28) caused by the action of T helper 2 (TH2) cells29, and eosinophilic gastrointestinal disorders, such as eosinophilic oesophagitis (EoE), which are often triggered by milk allergens and caused by the eosinophilic infiltration of tissues30,31. Further research is underway to discern the possible role of food allergies in these conditions and to assess the relative contributions of IgE-dependent and -independent pathways in individuals with these disorders.


이 종류의 식품 알레르기는

 IgE 의존적 경로와 

IgE 독립적 경로가 모두 특징입니다. 


IgE 독립적 요인으로 인해 발생하는 아토피 증상으로는 

T 헬퍼 2(TH2) 세포의 작용으로 인한 

지연성 식품 알레르기 관련 아토피 피부염(노출 후 6-48시간28)과 

우유 알레르기 항원에 의해 유발되고 

조직에 호산구가 침윤하여 발생하는 호산구성 식도염(EoE)30,31과 같은 호산구성 위장 장애가 있습니다. 


이러한 질환에서 

식품 알레르기의 가능한 역할을 규명하고 

이러한 질환을 가진 개인에서 IgE 의존적 경로와 

독립적 경로의 상대적 기여도를 평가하기 위한 추가 연구가 진행 중입니다.


Non-IgE-mediated food allergies

Most of the known non-IgE-mediated food allergies primarily affect the gastrointestinal tract, rather than the skin and respiratory tracts. For example, allergen-specific T cells are thought to have roles in the largely unknown aetiologies of food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome (FPIES), food protein-induced proctocolitis (FPIP) and food protein enteropathy (FPE)32. FPIES, FPIP and FPE primarily involve infants and toddlers who are allergic to cow's milk, and they commonly resolve after 1 to 5 years32. Their preval‎ence is uncertain owing to a lack of diagnostic tests, and treatment consists of food-allergen avoidance.


알려진 비-IgE 매개 식품 알레르기의 대부분은 

피부와 호흡기보다는 주로 위장관에 영향을 미칩니다. 


예를 들어, 

알레르겐 특이 T 세포는 

대부분 알려지지 않은 식품 단백질 유발 장염 증후군(FPIES), 

식품 단백질 유발 직장염(FPIP) 및 

식품 단백질 장병증(FPE)32의 원인에서 역할을 하는 것으로 생각됩니다. 



주로 우유에 알레르기가 있는 영유아에게 발생하며, 

일반적으로 1~5년 후에 해결됩니다32. 


진단 검사가 부족하기 때문에 유병률은 불확실하며, 

치료는 식품 알레르겐 회피로 이루어집니다.


Immune mechanisms

For overall health, it is essential that the immune system distinguishes pathogenic antigens from innocuous environmental antigens. Accordingly, a state of unresponsiveness to common food antigens occurs in non-food-allergic (in other words, healthy or immune-tolerant) individuals. In individuals with food allergy, sensitization to food allergens results in inappropriate inflammatory immune responses to common foods. Many clinical trials in food allergy aim to establish functional immune tolerance in place of this sensitization. This is defined by clinical endpoints in a clinical trial after a period of withdrawal from therapy, otherwise known as sustained unresponsiveness. These studies involve food allergen immunotherapy, in which an individual with food allergy is exposed to initially small but gradually increasing amounts of allergenic food proteins over many months, so that the immune system slowly adjusts to the exposure, and the probability of an allergic reaction decreases. Immunotherapy often results in desensitization — a temporary increase in the threshold for allergen reactivity — instead of durable sustained unresponsiveness. The mechanisms of desensitization are not well understood and may differ from those of the healthy state of immune tolerance. Because it is unknown whether a patient with food allergy who has been desensitized through immunotherapy will remain permanently unresponsive to that food allergen, we refer to sustained unresponsiveness as distinct from the healthy, pre-allergic state of immune tolerance.


The deduction of disease mechanisms lies at the fore-front of food allergy research. Technological advances, such as high-throughput instruments for CyTOF (cytometry by time of flight mass spectrometry) and single-cell quantitative PCR, that are capable of quantifying multiple parameters simultaneously have converged with rapid advances in big data analytics to enable unprecedented discoveries in the signalling pathways underlying immune tolerance, sensitization and desensitization to food allergens. This section examines our current understanding of the mechanisms involved in the progression of food allergy from health (tolerance), to disease (sensitization), to treatment (desensitization), focusing mainly on research in humans but drawing from research in mouse models where relevant.


전반적인 건강을 위해서는 

면역 체계가 

병원성 항원과 

무해한 환경 항원을 구별하는 것이 필수적입니다. 



일반적인 식품 항원에 대해 반응하지 않는 상태는 

식품 알레르기가 없는 사람(즉, 건강하거나 면역력이 있는 사람)에게서 발생합니다. 


식품 알레르기가 있는 사람의 경우, 

식품 알레르겐에 감작되면 

일반적인 식품에 대해 부적절한 염증성 면역 반응이 발생합니다. 


식품 알레르기에 대한 많은 임상시험은 

이러한 감작 대신에 기능적 면역 내성을 확립하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 


이는 치료 중단 기간 후 

임상시험의 임상 평가변수에 의해 정의되며, 

지속적 무반응이라고도 합니다. 


이러한 연구에는 

식품 알레르기가 있는 개인이 처음에는 소량이지만 

점차적으로 증가하는 양의 알레르기 

유발 식품 단백질에 수개월에 걸쳐 노출되어 

면역 체계가 노출에 천천히 적응하고 

알레르기 반응의 확률이 감소하도록 하는 식품 알레르겐 면역 요법이 포함됩니다. 


면역 요법은 

종종 지속적이고 

지속적인 무반응 대신 알레르겐 반응의 역치가 일시적으로 증가하는 

탈감작을 초래합니다. 


탈감작의 메커니즘은 

잘 알려져 있지 않으며 

건강한 면역 내성 상태의 메커니즘과 다를 수 있습니다. 


면역 요법을 통해 탈감작된 식품 알레르기 환자가 

해당 식품 알레르겐에 대해 영구적으로 무반응 상태를 유지할지는 알 수 없으므로, 

지속적 무반응 상태는 

건강한 알레르기 전 면역 내성 상태와는 구별되는 개념으로 사용합니다.


질병 메커니즘을 추론하는 것은 

식품 알레르기 연구의 최전선에 놓여 있습니다. 


여러 파라미터를 동시에 정량화할 수 있는 

CyTOF(비행시간 질량 분석법에 의한 세포 분석) 및 

단일 세포 정량 PCR을 위한 고처리량 기기와 같은 기술 발전은 

빅데이터 분석의 급속한 발전과 융합되어 

식품 알레르겐에 대한 면역 관용, 

감작 및 탈감작의 기초가 되는 신호 경로에서 전례 없는 발견을 가능하게 했습니다. 


이 섹션에서는 

건강(내성)에서 질병(감작), 

치료(탈감작)로 이어지는 식품 알레르기의 진행과 관련된 메커니즘에 대한 현재 이해를 살펴보고, 

주로 사람을 대상으로 한 연구에 초점을 맞추되 관련성이 있는 경우 마우스 모델 연구를 참고합니다.



The establishment of immune tolerance to orally administered antigens is a subject of intensive study33 (FIG. 1). The mechanisms have been covered in detail elsewhere34, and only the main points are highlighted here. The healthy immune system is tolerant to foods, characterized by a sustained (that is, memory) unresponsiveness towards potential food allergens even in the absence of regular allergen exposure. Immune tolerance is an active process that begins with the uptake of potential food antigens in the small intestine, which contains much of the gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT)35. Diverse cell types collaborate in the series of events that maintains immune tolerance, involving transmission of antigen from the gut lumen to the lamina propria, transfer of antigen to the lymphoid tissue, antigen presentation and induction of a T cell response in the lymphoid tissue, and subsequent return of immune effector cells to the gut.


경구 투여 항원에 대한 면역 내성의 확립은 

집중적인 연구 대상입니다33(그림 1). 


그 메커니즘은 

다른 곳에서 자세히 다루었으므로34 여기서는 주요 요점만 강조합니다. 


건강한 면역 체계는 

음식에 대한 내성이 있으며, 

정기적으로 알레르겐에 노출되지 않더라도 

잠재적인 음식 알레르겐에 대해 지속적인(즉, 기억) 무반응을 보이는 것이 특징입니다. 


면역 관용은 

장 연관 림프 조직(GALT)이 많이 있는 소장에서 

잠재적인 식품 항원을 흡수하는 것으로 시작되는 

활성 과정입니다35. 


면역 내성을 유지하는 일련의 과정에서 

다양한 세포 유형이 협력하여 

장 내강에서 내벽으로 항원의 전달, 

림프 조직으로의 항원 전달, 

림프 조직에서의 항원 제시 및 T 세포 반응 유도, 

이후 면역 효과 세포의 장으로의 복귀 등 면역 관용을 유지하는 일련의 과정을 수행합니다.


Figure 1

Immune tolerance to oral antigens in the gut

CX3CR1+ cells (most likely to be macrophages) extend dendrites between the intestinal epithelial cells, sample antigens in the gut lumen59,162 and transfer captured antigens via gap junctions to CD103+ dendritic cells (DCs). A subset of these DCs migrates from the lamina propria to the draining lymph nodes where the DCs express transforming growth factor-β (TGFβ) and retinoic acid, thereby inducing naive T cells to differentiate into regulatory T (Treg) cells44,46. Macrophages also seem to secrete interleukin-10 (IL-10), leading to Treg cell proliferation43,59,162; however, this is debated163. Several types of regulatory T cell (resting, effector, and memory164) have been reported to be associated with mucosal tolerance, including induced forkhead box P3 (FOXP3)+ Treg cells, IL-10-secreting Tr1 cells and TGFβ-secreting T helper 3 (TH3) cells165. Retinoic acid also induces Treg cell expression‎ of integrin α4β7, which results in homing to the gut where Treg cells may dampen the immune response49,50,56. CD103+ DCs also sample antigens that pass through the epithelial barrier via M cell-mediated transcytosis or through translocation by mucin-secreting goblet cells; under some circumstances, CD103+ DCs may capture antigens from the lumen directly, via periscoping behaviour (extending a process through a tight junction) or by extending a process through a transcellular pore in an M cell38. B cell clones expressing antibody specific for food allergen may undergo isotype switching in the secondary lymphoid organs with the aid of follicular T helper (TFH) cells. Food tolerance and allergen desensitization are associated with IgA (FIG. 1) and IgG4 (FIG. 3), respectively86,166. By contrast, food allergen-specific IgE (FIG. 2) will be bound by FcεRI on mast cells (which are normally found in tissues forming environmental barriers167) and basophils, thus leading to immediate hypersensitivity reactions to food. High-dose exposure to oral antigens has been reported to lead to the anergy or deletion of antigen-specific T cells, possibly after DC interaction168. TFH cells secreting different cytokine combinations favour B cell switch recombination to produce particular antibody isotypes, whereas follicular Treg cells suppress the germinal centre reaction169,170. The roles of tissue-resident T cells, CD8+ T cells and γδ T cells remain to be determined. The relationship between TFH cells and the conventional TH cell subsets is not clear, and conversion between the two has been reported171,172. CTLA4, cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen 4.


Potential food antigens can be captured from the gut lumen by passing between (paracytosis) or through (transcytosis) epithelial cells3537. Specialized cells, such as the M (microfold) cells that overlie the GALT, can endocytose antigen38, and myeloid cells such as dendritic cells (DCs) and/or macrophages may capture potential food antigens from the gut lumen39,40. For example, CD103+ DCs sample antigens that pass through the epithelial barrier via M cell-mediated transcytosis or through translocation by mucin-secreting goblet cells; under some circumstances, CD103+ DCs may capture antigens directly from the lumen via periscoping behaviour (extending a process through a tight junction) or by extending a process through a transcellular pore in an M cell38. An estimated 2% of proteins pass through the gut epithelium intact and could be transported directly or indirectly to the liver or to secondary lymphoid tissues for antigen presentation by other cell types41,42.

CX3C-chemokine receptor 1 (CX3CR1)+ cells (probably macrophages) extend dendrites between the epithelial cells, sample antigens in the gut lumen and may promote tolerance through IL-10 secretion43. These CX3CR1+ cells also seem to transfer captured antigens via gap junctions to CD103+ DCs, a subset of which migrates from the lamina propria to the draining lymph nodes44. Here, the CD103+ DCs produce transforming growth factor-β (TGFβ) and retinoic acid, thereby inducing naive T cells to differentiate into antigen-specific forkhead box P3 (FOXP3)+ regulatory T (Treg) cells35,4448. CD103+ DCs may also induce the differentiation of naive CD4+ T cells into FOXP3−, IL-10-secreting T cells, possibly type 1 regulatory T cells (Tr1 cells)35,49,50.


The cell-mediated trafficking of antigen to the secondary lymphoid tissue promotes the establishment of tolerance: mice deficient in CCR7, which is required for DC trafficking to secondary lymphoid tissue, have impaired oral tolerance51. The relative importance of the mesenteric lymph nodes, Peyer's patches and other types of secondary lymphoid tissue remains unclear5254, although many reports have suggested that the mesenteric lymph nodes are a major destination of migrating DCs52,53. This hypothesis is supported by a mouse model showing that the absence of mesenteric lymph nodes impairs oral tolerance53. CD103+ DCs are thought to be one of the major DC subsets responsible for the development of mucosal tolerance35. In addition, CCR9+ DCs have been identified in lymphoid tissues and have been shown to induce Treg cell function, thereby suppressing antigen-specific immune responses55.

Retinoic acid, produced by CD103+ DCs, also induces Treg cell expression‎ of integrin α4β7, which results in the homing of Treg cells to the gut where they may dampen the immune response49,50,56. In mouse models, the retinoic acid-induced expression‎ of integrin α4β7 by T cells is required for the development of T cell-mediated oral tolerance57. Peripherally induced regulatory T cells return to the lamina propria, where they maintain their regulatory phenotype in response to IL-10 secretion by CX3CR1+ cells58,59. The presence of a large number of regulatory T cells in the gut (including FOXP3+ Treg cells and Tr1 cells) depends upon the availability of food antigens60.

Further evidence supporting the role of Treg cells in oral tolerance is provided by human clinical studies reporting hypomethylation (and thus increased accessibility for transcription) of the FOXP3 locus of Treg cells in those patients who develop and maintain functional tolerance in response to oral immunotherapy (OIT)61. Also, the IL-4 receptor (IL-4R) has been implicated in food allergy pathogenesis, and IL-4R inhibition may augment Treg cell induction and the enforcement of tolerance, as shown in mouse models62.

Normal immune tolerance is not well understood. A study comparing the responses of CD4+ T cells to the birch pollen allergen Bet v 1 in healthy and allergic individuals found that allergen-specific CD4+ T cells from healthy individuals secrete IFNγ and IL-10, in contrast to those from patients with allergy: tolerance to the allergen was associated with the expansion of these protective T cells63. Although food antigen-specific lymphocytes are very rare in the peripheral blood, a flow cytometry study compared peanut-specific cells among children who are allergic to peanuts, children with no peanut allergy, and those who have naturally outgrown a peanut allergy. Cells from peanut-allergic individuals have a TH2-polarized cytokine production, whereas those from the non-allergic and no-longer allergic groups have a TH1-type cytokine response to peanut antigens64.



DC-mediated tolerance to food antigens can be reprogrammed by inflammatory stimuli to give rise to food-allergic immune responses mediated by TH2 cells, as well as by additional cell types (BOX 1). Because several excellent reviews6567 address the immune mechanisms of sensitization in detail, we touch only upon research concerning a pivotal step in the postulated atopic march from cutaneous sensitization to food allergy. A current model of the induction of a TH2 cell-mediated inflammatory immune response in the gut is given in FIG. 2.

Figure 2

TH2 cell-mediated inflammatory response to oral antigen in the gut

Epithelial damage or inflammation (for example, due to toxin exposure or trauma) in the gut, skin (not shown) or airways (not shown) allows increased antigen entry and promotes the secretion of the epithelium-derived cytokines interleukin-25 (IL-25), IL-33 and thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP)157. These mediators ‘set’ the immune system towards a T helper 2 (TH2) cell response, and it is thought that the initial sensitization to food allergens often takes place at the skin70,120. In particular, TSLP may promote dendritic cell (DC) differentiation into a TH2 cell-promoting phenotype157,173. For example, OX40L may be upregulated in DCs that promote TH2 cell differentiation of naive CD4+ T cells173. IL-25 secretion by epithelial tuft cells also may aid the expansion of type 2 innate lymphoid cell (ILC2) populations174, which together with TH2 cells secrete cytokines that promote the TH2 cell-mediated immune response175, which includes tissue eosinophil accumulation and IgE class-switching by B cells20. TH9 cells also contribute to the allergic immune response by increasing tissue mast cell accumulation176, and IL-4-mediated signalling may convert regulatory T cells into TH2 cells62. The roles of follicular T cells, tissue-resident T cells, CD8+ T cells and γδ T cells remain to be determined. Treg cell, regulatory T cell.


Cutaneous exposure to food allergens may promote sensitization. Inflammatory cytokines released by the skin epithelium, including IL-25, IL-33 and thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP), act on DCs and other cells to deviate the immune response towards TH2 cell-related allergic responses, rather than tolerogenic responses68. For example, the cutaneous sensitization of mice with ovalbumin (OVA) and TSLP, followed by repeated oral challenge with OVA, results in IL-25-dependent diarrhoea and anaphylaxis69. Also, repeated application of peanut protein extract to undamaged skin in mice leads to a TH2 type immune response through IL-33 induction70, and mechanical injury to the skin results in cutaneous TSLP expression‎ and the elicitation of an inflammatory TH2 cell-mediated response71. The mechanisms by which a TH2 cell-mediated response of cutaneous origin can reach the gut are unclear. One possibility is that DCs in the skin may secrete retinoic acid, which induces allergen-specific T cells to express gut-homing markers as they differentiate down the TH2 cell pathway72.



The immune changes that accompany food allergen immunotherapy are thought to occur as a progression of several elements7375 (FIG. 3). The mechanisms by which mast cell and basophil responsiveness to degranulation are decreased early during immunotherapy are under investigation76. Other changes to the immune system observed after immunotherapy include increased numbers of anergic antigen-specific T cells77, apoptotic antigen-specific T cells7881 and FOXP3+ Treg cells80,82, as well as increased levels of TGFβ1 (REFS 77,83). For example, over the course of OIT, antigen-specific CD4+ T cells were found to transition from allergic and regulatory phenotypes to anergic and non-allergic phenotypes, in association with decreased allergic symptoms and the development of sustained unresponsiveness77. Allergen-specific immunotherapy has also been associated with the preferential deletion of allergen-specific TH2 cells, without significant concomitant changes in the frequencies of TH1 and Tr1 cells78.

Figure 3

Desensitization to oral antigens in the gut

Differences between the immune responses associated with desensitization and tolerance are under active investigation. Initially during desensitization, mast cell and basophil activation are decreased through an unclear mechanism, and a shift occurs from the predominance of T helper 2 (TH2) cells177 to that of allergen-specific Treg cells77, which in turn may lead to the observed shift in allergen-specific antibodies from the IgE to the IgG4 isotype86,178. As has been proposed in immunotherapy for venom allergies, IgG4 antibodies may compete with IgE antibodies for food allergens, further dampening the TH2 cell-mediated immune response179,180. The source of these IgG4 antibodies may be regulatory B cells, which also promote immune tolerance through the secretion of IL-10 (REF. 90). The proposed mechanism of dendritic cell (DC) inhibition by regulatory T (Treg) cells is possibly mediated via cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen 4 (CTLA4) and lymphocyte activation gene 3 (LAG3)181. Treg cells inhibit mast cells via contact involving OX40–OX40L interaction182. The roles of follicular T cells, tissue-resident T cells, CD8+ T cells and γδ T cells remain to be determined.


In summary, Treg cells are likely to be a part of, but not unique to, the mechanisms involved in immune tolerance. These observations are consistent with a model involving a shift from allergen-specific TH2 cells to another cell subset as the key event in sustained unresponsiveness. This shift reduces the inflammatory response of tissues that encounter food allergen, thereby mitigating the recruitment and/or activation of innate immune cells such as mast cells and basophils84. Recently published data in mouse models show some similarities and differences among the mechanisms of desensitization induced by OIT, sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) and epicutaneous immunotherapy (EPIT), which seem to induce different subsets of regulatory T cells85.

Other changes observed over the course of OIT include those in allergen-specific IgE levels, which decrease, whereas allergen-specific IgG4 levels increase86. Although levels of all IgG subclasses rise during OIT and may contribute differentially to the suppression of IgE-mediated responses through binding FcγRIIb, the increase in the ratio of IgG4 to IgE is particularly notable, and IgG4 has become an important research focus87. In tests of basophil activation, sera from peanut-sensitive patients drawn at week 52 of OIT were found to suppress the responsiveness to peanut antigens of basophils from normal, non-peanut-allergic donors that had been activated with allergic sera; when IgG was removed from these sera, their suppressive effect was mitigated, and this suppressive effect was restored when the IgG fractions were restored87. In tests of mast cell activation, plasma from peanut-sensitive patients with detectable peanut-specific IgG4 was found to inhibit mast cell activation, which was restored when the plasma was depleted of IgG4 (REF. 88). Other findings suggest that food allergen OIT can stimulate the somatic mutation of allergen-specific IgG4 (REF. 89).


Furthermore, an increase in the number of regulatory B cells (Breg cells) that secrete IL-10 and IgG4 specific for bee venom phospholipase A2 has been observed in individuals undergoing treatment for bee-sting allergy, which indicates that Breg cells may have an important role in immunotherapy90. In addition, immunotherapy-related increases in IgA2 levels have been observed in a study of children with egg allergy, who had lower IgA2 levels than did control individuals at baseline91. Successful OIT has resulted in desensitization over a period of months to a year, and in some cases has succeeded in establishing sustained unresponsiveness to food allergens77.


Diagnostic tests for food allergies

Clinical history and physical examination are the first-line approach to diagnosing a food allergy, which should address specific risk factors such as atopic dermatitis and a family history of atopic disease16. When IgE-mediated food allergy is suspected, measurements of total and allergen-specific serum IgE (sIgE) levels and skin prick tests (SPTs) are recommended to identify the causative food, although they are not in themselves diagnostic16. Increased sIgE levels may suggest food allergy, and sIgE thresholds with a 95% positive predictive value have been determined for some food allergens; for example, in peanut-allergic patients, the threshold sIgE level for peanut antigen is 14 kUA/L (UA = allergen-specific units; 1 unit ≈ 2.4 ng IgE)17,92,93. SPTs provoke allergen-mediated mast cell degranulation in the skin, leading to wheal-and-flare reactions. A lancet coated with allergen extract is used to puncture the epithelial barrier to elicit a skin reaction; if a wheal forms, it is measured after 15 minutes. Wheal size thresholds indicating a high probability of food allergy have been defined for some common foods; for example, a peanut SPT resulting in a wheal of ≥8 mm diameter has a 95% positive predictive value94.

However, sIgE levels and SPTs indicate allergen sensitization only (which is necessary, but not sufficient, for food allergy), rather than clinically significant food allergy, and both tests are associated with a high rate of false positives, due in part to crossreactivity between homologous proteins95. False-positive SPTs may also arise from differences in the manner in which the skin and intestinal epithelia encounter food proteins: the skin epithelium encounters intact protein molecules in a SPT, whereas the intestinal epithelium also encounters digested proteins, which may have altered capacities to elicit immune responses.

The only definitive diagnostic method for food allergy is the OFC, in which increasing doses of a potential food allergen are ingested over fixed time intervals, until either an allergic reaction is observed or a maximum dose is reached17. However, this diagnostic method is infrequently used outside properly equipped and staffed specialist centres because it is resource-intensive and carries the risk of inducing a severe anaphylactic reaction. Ideally, a clinical setting in which food allergy SPT and sIgE measurements are carried out should have a referral system in place for obtaining definitive diagnoses using OFC.

Of substantial clinical value would be simple and reliable in vitro assays for the accurate diagnosis of food allergy, as well as tests capable of predicting the severity of an allergic reaction upon OFC. These assays could draw from our mechanistic understanding of the submolecular specificity of the inflammatory TH2 cell-mediated response, as well as our understanding of the roles and behaviours of the immune cells that are involved.


Towards this end, diagnostic tests that are in development include component-resolved diagnosis (CRD)96 and the basophil activation test (BAT)97. CRD uses purified or recombinant allergens (such as rAra h 2)98 to identify allergen-specific IgE and IgG4 antibodies99, which may distinguish various allergenic, non-allergenic and crossreactive molecules in standardized amounts. BATs are carried out using allergenic proteins as stimulants. Upon stimulation, basophils induce surface expression‎ or upregulate the surface level of proteins such as CD63 and CD203c97. Although the BAT provides highly accurate diagnoses of peanut97 and other food allergies, it is currently used primarily in research settings. With further standardization, these in vitro tests for food allergy may become more widely accepted in clinical settings.



Increasing attention is being devoted to research on risk factors and preventive measures to mitigate the rising preval‎ence of food allergies. Whereas the avoidance of common food allergens during pregnancy and breastfeeding has been previously advocated100, some evidence now suggests that early exposure to potential food allergens may decrease the risk of developing the respective allergy. For example, maternal consumption of common food allergens, such as peanuts, tree nuts, milk and wheat, during pregnancy may reduce the risk of food allergy in infants101. Similarly, the introduction of an increased diversity of foods during infancy may be associated with a reduced risk of allergic disease102. A landmark study and its follow-up indicate that the early initiation of peanut consumption (at 4–11 months) may prevent peanut allergy; increased levels of peanut-specific IgG4 characterized the peanut-consuming group, whereas the avoidance group had increased levels of peanut-specific IgE103,104. On the basis of this Learning Early About Peanut Allergy (LEAP) trial, global consensus guidance has been published recommending the early introduction of peanuts to high-risk infants because of the potential association between delaying peanut introduction and an increased risk of peanut allergy105. Another large, prospective, randomized trial from the Enquiring About Tolerance (EAT) study group, which enrolled more than 1,300 infants, found that the introduction of six commonly allergenic foods (peanut, cow's milk, egg, sesame, whitefish and wheat) to breastfeeding infants at 3 months of age may be feasible without interfering with breastfeeding, although difficulty with compliance precluded further definitive findings regarding the prevention of food allergy in this feasibility study106.


These studies indicate that the early introduction of allergenic foods may be a promising prevention strategy for food allergy. However, many questions regarding the effects of allergen type, dose and frequency require further consideration before recommendations can be made105, and a systematic review has concluded that there is insufficient evidence to support a role for maternal allergen consumption in the risk of food allergy107. Although a definitive, protective value of early exposure to potential food allergens has not been established, current guidelines no longer recommend allergen avoidance; instead, it is recommended that mothers follow a normal diet during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and they avoid delaying the introduction of solid foods — including potentially allergenic foods — beyond 4–6 months of age, even in infants at high risk of developing allergic disease.


The role of the microbiota in the induction of immune tolerance is a very active area of research. Microorganisms that normally colonize the skin and the gut influence immune system development and can promote or restrain the development of immune tolerance to foods108,109. Although causality has not been established, one epidemiological study found an association between the use of antibiotics and an increased risk of cow's milk allergy110. Variations in the composition of the human skin and gut microbiota have been correlated with food allergy, but the observed changes in bacterial groups are inconsistent across several studies111113. Many studies have investigated whether caesarean birth (which is thought to alter the microbiota of the infant compared with the maternal vaginal microbiota acquired during vaginal delivery) is associated with an increased risk of food allergy; a systematic review of 13 studies reports that 6 observed significant associations, although only 2 of those relied on clinical food allergy diagnosis114. Similarly, many studies have examined the ingestion of probiotics during pregnancy or breastfeeding, or by individuals at risk of or suffering from food allergy; however, uncertainty persists as to whether the incidence of food allergy is altered115.


Recent studies suggest that higher serum levels of vitamin D are inversely associated with risk of food allergy. Vitamin D is an immunomodulator, the deficiency of which not only interferes with its general tolerogenic effects but also may increase an individual's susceptibility to gastrointestinal infection, thereby compromising the integrity of the gastrointestinal epithelial barrier and undermining tolerogenic encounters of immune cells with food protein antigens116. The incidence of peanut or egg allergy was 3 times higher in vitamin D-deficient infants, and it was 6 times higher among food-sensitized vitamin D-deficient infants; those infants with lower levels of vitamin D-binding protein, and thus higher levels of biologically available serum vitamin D, experienced some compensation for the unfavourable effects of low serum levels of vitamin D117. The immunological mechanisms underlying these observations are ripe for further investigation.


Other factors associated with increased risk of food allergy include atopic dermatitis and family history of atopic disease118. Predisposition to the development of TH2 cell-mediated diseases, including food allergy, has been associated with mutations in filaggrin, which is a protein important for skin barrier integrity119,120. Additional study of the mechanisms that mediate this association, which may involve an improper or alarming introduction of food proteins to the immune system through a weakened skin barrier, are warranted. Studies of the application of skin emollients to maintain skin barrier integrity have shown beneficial effects in terms of atopic dermatitis, but they have not yet focused on the development of food allergies121,122. Genetic studies have identified seven susceptibility loci that are associated with the atopic march from atopic dermatitis to asthma, but their role in susceptibility to food allergy was not studied123. Further investigation of the extent to which the prevention and treatment of atopic dermatitis may also function in food allergy prevention and treatment may be very valuable.



Currently, there is no definitive treatment for food allergy: the avoidance of food allergens and treatment of food allergen-induced systemic reactions with adrenaline remain the standard of care16. Adrenaline can reverse oedema, urticaria, bronchospasm, hypotension and gastrointestinal symptoms within minutes. Early treatment with adrenaline after allergen exposure (such as within the first 6 minutes after exposure) is more effective than later treatment (such as more than 20 minutes after the onset of reaction), and early response is a crucial factor in preventing death from anaphylaxis124. Between 1% and 20% of people who experience an allergic food reaction may have a biphasic reaction that involves a recurrence of their symptoms within hours after initial adrenaline treatment; a late or insufficient first dose of adrenaline has been postulated to increase the risk of a biphasic reaction125.

Other pharmaceuticals, such as antihistamines, including diphenhydramine, or the more specific H1 receptor blockers such as cetirizine, are used to treat localized food allergy symptoms. Gastrointestinal symptoms can be treated with H2 receptor blockers such as famotidine. However, currently available pharmaceuticals only control the symptoms of food allergy, and they do not address the underlying immune disorder.

Immunotherapy to desensitize individuals to potential food allergens represents tremendous progress in treating food allergy. In this section, we discuss the different types of immunotherapy, ongoing clinical trials (TABLE 2) and other innovative treatments in clinical development.


Table 2

Immunotherapy for food allergy

TreatmentType of drugMechanismTrial examples(Preliminary) results

ANB020IL-33-specific antibodyBlocks IL-33-induced signalling, which normally favours TH2 cell-mediated allergic responsesPhase INA
ReslizumabHumanized mouse monoclonal antibodyBinds free IL-5, preventing IL-5 receptor activationOff label137No clinical effect in EoE, though decrease in eosinophilic infiltration of oesophagus
MepolizumabHumanized mouse monoclonal antibodyBinds free IL-5, preventing IL-5 receptor activationOff label136Decrease in eosinophilic infiltration of oesophagus in EoE
OmalizumabHumanized mouse monoclonal antibodyBinds Fc region of IgE, blocking FceRI bindingPhase I and II (see main text and REFS 131134)Reduces allergen-mediated mast cell degranulation; FceRI signal blockade blunts TH2 cell-mediated response; mitigates allergen side effects and allows rapid escalation of OIT dose
OIT for treatmentAllergen taken orallyPotentially functions via expansion of allergen-specific CD4+FOXP3+ Treg cell populationEgg (CoFAR study)12875% desensitization and 28% sustained unresponsiveness
OIT for preventionAllergen taken orallyPotentially functions via expansion of allergen-specific CD4+FOXP3+ Treg cell populationPeanut (LEAP study)10413.7% of SPT-negative infants developed peanut allergy in the avoidance group versus 1.9% in the consumption group
SLITAllergen administered sublinguallyPotentially functions via expansion of allergen-specific CD4+FOXP3+ Treg cell populationHazelnut126 and peanut12745% of the treatment group reached the highest dose of hazelnut (20 g), versus 9% of the placebo group; modest desensitization to peanut in most test subjects versus placebo
EPITAllergen absorbed through skinPotentially functions via expansion of allergen-specific CD4+FOXP3+ Treg cell populationPhase I (for milk)190Abstracts report promising increases in dose threshold for food allergic symptoms
EMP-123Recombinant Ara h 1, Ara h 2 and Ara h 3Rectal administration to induce mucosal tolerancePhase I (REF. 191)Increased food allergic reactions with drug
Peanut vaccineAra h 1, Ara h 2 and Ara h 3Presentation of peanut protein without inflammation induces tolerancePhase I and preclinicalNA

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CoFAR, Consortium for Food Allergy Research; EoE, eosinophilic oesophagitis; EPIT, epicutaneous immunotherapy; IL, interleukin; LEAP, Learning Early About Peanut Allergy; NA, not applicable; OIT, oral immunotherapy; SLIT, sublingual immunotherapy; SPT, skin prick test; TH2, T helper 2; Treg cell, regulatory T cell.


Antigen desensitization

New immunotherapies for food allergy are being designed based on our increasing mechanistic understanding of how desensitization to food protein antigens occurs. Desensitizing immunotherapy is generally delivered sublingually, orally or through the skin. The first double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of SLIT for food allergy was published in 2005 (REF. 126). SLIT involves administering a liquid extract of the allergen under the tongue, where it is held for several minutes. Daily allergen doses begin in the submilligram range and increase gradually over a period of days or weeks. A large, multicentre, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, crossover study eval‎uated SLIT for peanut allergy in 40 subjects, with a response defined as tolerating a dose of 5 g peanut powder or a ≥10-fold increase in the tolerated dose: after 44 weeks, 70% of the 20 subjects in the treatment group had responded, compared with 15% in the control group; the median tolerated dose of peanut powder in the treatment group rose from an initial 3.5 mg to 496 mg (the equivalent of about two peanuts)127.

OIT is a promising approach that enables the majority of children with a food allergy to become desensitized to substantial amounts of the allergenic food. In OIT, a low dose of allergen (in the milligram range) is ingested daily and the dose is gradually increased (for example, every two weeks) over a period of several months. Because of the larger allergen doses that are used in OIT compared with other forms of immunotherapy that patients may choose, patients can often be desensitized not only to amounts of the allergen sufficient to avoid a life-threatening reaction due to accidental exposure, but also to the extent that they are able to consume gram amounts of allergenic foods.


The question of sustained unresponsiveness to higher doses of allergen, distinct from desensitization requiring continued, regular allergen exposure, was addressed in a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial for egg OIT involving 55 children128. After an initial build-up and maintenance phase, 55% and 75% of the 40 children in the treatment arm passed an OFC at 10 and 22 months, respectively, whereas none in the placebo group did, showing again that OIT can effectively induce allergen desensitization. Those children who passed the OFC at 22 months avoided egg for 2 months and were retested by OFC at 24 months. Only 11 children passed the OFC at 24 months (28% of the 40 participants in the treatment arm), but all who passed were able to pass a subsequent OFC one year later (after 36 months on an ad lib diet). In conclusion, although desensitization does not necessarily lead to tolerance, sustained unresponsiveness is achievable in a subset of patients.

EPIT uses an adhesive containing microgram amounts of allergen to deliver antigen to the skin surface. This route of delivery seems to have fewer and less intense side effects than OIT, and some subjects may prefer wearing a skin patch to orally consuming the same food allergen each day129. A phase II study eval‎uating a milk patch and a phase III study eval‎uating a peanut patch are currently underway.


Monoclonal antibodies

Our mechanistic understanding of the molecular processes involved in sensitization has inspired the development of monoclonal antibodies as therapeutic agents to help block these processes. For example, because allergic reactions are common during OIT and can be severe, the use of monoclonal anti bodies specific for IgE in conjunction with OIT has been explored to increase safety. The monoclonal antibody omalizumab binds to the Fc region of IgE antibodies, blocking IgE binding to FcεRI and thus preventing the Fc receptor-mediated activation and degranulation of mast cells and basophils130. Omalizumab was originally approved for the treatment of allergic asthma, but has now been tested in combination with OIT for the treatment of food allergies in a series of smaller studies131134. Promising results indicate that OIT plus omalizumab may allow the immune system to be desensitized to food allergens more quickly and safely than OIT alone. Patients initially receive injections of omalizumab on a biweekly to monthly basis for at least 8 weeks to deplete free IgE and downregulate surface expression‎ of FcεRI on mast cells135. Then, OIT begins: after an initial overlap period of several weeks in which both omalizumab and food allergen are given, the mono clonal antibody is discontinued134. Additional clinical trials are being carried out to confirm‎ the safety and efficacy of omalizumab, to optimize maintenance doses and to eval‎uate the sustainability of desensitization or the establishment of tolerance.


Additional examples include monoclonal antibodies that target upstream mediators of food allergy. For example, pilot studies have been carried out using IL-5-specific monoclonal antibodies (such as mepolizumab and reslizumab) to treat EoE. In a study of mepolizumab, 59 patients received three, monthly antibody infusions, which resulted in a decrease in oesophageal eosinophil counts (peak count decreased from 122.5 to 40.2 eosinophils per high-powered field; mean decreased from 39.1 to 9.3)136. In a study of reslizumab, 226 patients received four, monthly antibody infusions137, which resulted in an approximately 60% reduction in the median oesophageal eosinophil count, compared with a 24% reduction for the placebo group. However, physician assessment of EoE severity improved in both placebo and treatment groups, with no statistically significant difference between the groups.


Future treatments

Our increasing understanding of the biology of allergic responses gives rise to new targets for the experimental treatment of food allergy138 (TABLE 2). The IL-33-mediated signalling pathway is one such target: knocking out the IL-33 receptor, ST2, in a mouse model of house dust mite and peanut allergy showed that this pathway is necessary for driving the TH2 cell-mediated allergic response139.

Mutations in the α-subunit of the IL-4 receptor (IL-4Rα)140 and in IL-13 (REF. 141) have been found to be associated with an increased risk of food allergy. Accordingly, another strategy for treating food allergy is directly to block signalling by the canonical TH2 cell cytokines, IL-4 and IL-13. Although this approach has yet to be tested in food allergy, there is reason to believe that it may provide an effective treatment. Dupilumab is a fully human monoclonal antibody directed against IL-4Rα, which is a component of type I and type II IL-4 receptors as well as of the IL-13 receptor (which is a heterodimer composed of IL-4Rα and IL-13RA1). This monoclonal antibody has been found to be effective for the treatment of asthma and atopic dermatitis142,143. These findings support the potential clinical benefit in allergic diseases of blockade of the IL-4- and IL-13-induced signalling pathways, and dupilumab is currently being tested in patients with EoE.

In a mouse model of peanut allergy featuring a mutation in IL-4Rα that increases ligand-activated signalling, TH2 cell responses and IgE production are enhanced; the additional IgE then binds FcεRI on mast cells, promoting atopic TH2 cell-mediated responses to food allergens and leading to Treg cell suppression140. To focus specifically on the IgE-mediated activation of mast cells in this model, a mast-cell-specific deletion of spleen tyrosine kinase (Syk), which is essential for FcεRI signalling, was engineered; this deletion restored the induction of tolerance-promoting Treg cells140. Furthermore, the transfer of Treg cells from mice treated with both peanut and Syk inhibitor blocked allergic sensitization to peanut in recipient mice, which is consistent with the hypothesis that Treg cells have an important role in tolerizing the immune system to allergens and could be useful as a means of monitoring patients or as a target of OIT (BOX 2).

As FIG. 3 suggests, the balance between atopy and tolerance can be understood in mechanistic terms as a balance between the predominance of TH2 cells (atopy) and that of allergen-specific Treg cells (desensitization and tolerance). Adjuvants that can deviate the immune response from a TH2 cell-mediated state when administered with food allergen thus may offer a potential treatment for food allergy. Chitin plus chitosan, and outer membrane protein 16 (OMP16), have been found in mouse models to reduce atopic responses to peanut and cow's milk, respectively144,145.

Toll-like receptor (TLR) agonists also have been used to treat atopic conditions other than food allergy by immune deviation, and are therefore of interest as potential therapies for food allergy. R848, a TLR7 agonist, was found to decrease airway inflammation in a mouse model of asthma through its action on natural killer T (NKT) cells146; also in mice, CpG-oligodeoxynucleotides (TLR9 agonists), when combined with protamine to form nanoparticles and then complexed with the peanut protein Ara h 2, were found to blunt the peanut-allergic TH2 cell-mediated response147. In humans, a TLR9 agonist has been shown to be effective in the treatment of allergic rhinitis148, and a modified allergoid preparation including a TLR4 agonist has been effective in treating ragweed pollen allergy149. Taken together, these studies suggest that TLR modulation in humans may be a fruitful approach to food allergy treatment.

CRTH2, a G protein-coupled receptor expressed by TH2 cells, eosinophils and basophils, provides another therapeutic target. Activated mast cells release the CRTH2 ligand, prostaglandin D2, which is thought to attract and activate CRTH2+ cells and thereby to augment the TH2 cell-mediated immune response. CRTH2 antagonists have been tested in humans for the treatment of asthma and allergic rhinitis, with promising results150,151. It would be informative to test the effectiveness of CRTH2 antagonists in food allergy, which also involves many nonrespiratory symptoms.

Another potential approach to tolerizing the immune system uses a DNA vaccine that expresses peanut protein. In 1999, this approach was demonstrated in mice using oral delivery of a DNA plasmid encoding the Ara h 2 protein on a nanoparticle carrier152. Subsequent Ara h 2 expression‎ in the gut epithelium resulted in partial protection from anaphylaxis. A clinical trial is currently underway to test a DNA vaccine for peanut allergy.

As our understanding of the biology of food allergy develops through the immune monitoring of individuals enrolled in both preventive and therapeutic clinical studies, we anticipate that cellular and molecular markers will identify subgroups of patients who differ in their disease behaviour and in their response to targeted therapies. This classification of endotypes and phenotypes of food allergy will enable the design of safer and more effective treatments. In addition, markers may be developed to aid in monitoring the course of food allergy treatment. For example, an in vitro diagnostic test on a blood sample could be used to identify when a patient has been tolerized to an allergen, rather than simply desensitized, so that the need for maintenance ingestion of allergen in immunotherapy can be determined.



Food allergy is a common and potentially fatal condition that affects the daily lives of a growing number of individuals and their families. Although the traditional standard of care has been food-allergen avoidance, there is recent progress in using allergen exposure both in the prevention of food allergies and as a method of desensitization. Although desensitization therapies for food allergy have been shown to be effective, many practical barriers restrict their general use. Diagnostic in vitro tests that can be carried out reliably and inexpensively without the risk of an anaphylactic reaction are required to enable immunotherapy to become the standard of care and prevention for food allergy. The frequent, extended clinical visits that are required for immunotherapy also pose a barrier to its general adoption. Furthermore, desensitization resulting from immunotherapy is often temporary, and recurrence of the food allergy is often observed after regular intake of the maintenance dose of the food allergen is stopped. The goal and the challenge are to achieve sustained unresponsiveness, a possibly permanent state of nonreactivity to a food allergen, without requiring regular, continued exposure to the food allergen. Gaps persist in our understanding of the immune mechanisms of food allergy and of how desensitization and conversion to sustained unresponsiveness take place. New technologies for monitoring and analysing the human immune system in individuals undergoing immunotherapy may help to elucidate these mechanisms and to reveal new cell types that are important in this process. In particular, understanding the markers and mechanisms that differentiate tolerance, desensitization and sustained unresponsiveness will be useful for monitoring immunotherapy and providing the next generation of treatment targets.

Box 1 | Additional cell types involved in food allergy pathogenesis

Tuft cells

These are component cells of the small intestinal epithelium that secrete interleukin-25 (IL-25) to maintain the homeostasis of type 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2s)153. Under certain conditions, tuft cells can induce ILC2s to secrete IL-13, thereby initiating a T helper 2 (TH2) cell-mediated response153.

γδ T cells

Found in the intestinal epithelium and the lamina propria, these cells can modulate and contribute to the breakdown of oral tolerance in mice, and may have a similar role in humans154.

CD8+ T cells

These cells may influence gastrointestinal manifestations of food allergy: increased numbers of CD8+ T cells have been observed in a mouse model of eosinophilic oesophagitis155, and CD8+ T cells are reported to suppress food allergen-triggered diarrhoea in another mouse model156.

Epithelial cells

Cells of the gut and respiratory mucosae and skin that secrete thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP), IL-25 and IL-33; these cytokines tend to elicit a TH2 cell-mediated response through their actions on dendritic cells (DCs) and ILC2s157. Mutations in filaggrin impair epithelial barrier function and can be associated with an increased risk of atopic dermatitis and food allergy119,120,158,159.

Type 2 innate lymphoid cells

ILC2s can be influenced by TSLP, IL-25 or IL-33 to secrete IL-5 and IL-13, which promote TH2 cell-mediated immune responses157,160.

Mast cells

Mast cells provide both immediate and delayed release of inflammatory mediators, and their activation is a hallmark of atopic disease20,66.

CD14+ monocytes

These cells occur at an increased ratio to CD4+ T cells in the cord blood of infants who develop food allergies161. CD14+ monocytes are hyperresponsive to lipopolysaccharide (LPS), secreting increased levels of the inflammatory cytokines IL-1β, IL-6 and tumour necrosis factor in response to LPS stimulation161.

Box 2 | Tolerance versus desensitization versus sustained unresponsiveness

Tolerance is the state of healthy immunological nonresponsiveness to common food antigens. Desensitization is a temporary increase in the threshold for allergen reactivity, the mechanisms of which are not well understood and may differ from those of the permanently allergen-unresponsive state of immune tolerance.

An individual with food allergy who has been desensitized to a food allergen must continue to consume that allergen regularly, or risk losing his or her desensitization. Immunotherapy often results in desensitization rather than a durable state of sustained unresponsiveness. Because it is unknown whether a food-allergic patient who has been desensitized through immunotherapy will remain permanently unresponsive to that food allergen, we refer to sustained unresponsiveness as distinct from the healthy, pre-allergic state of immune tolerance.

The immune changes that are observed in oral desensitization to food allergens include a decrease in the number of allergen-specific T helper 2 (TH2) cells and in IgE levels, as well as an increase in the number of allergen-specific regulatory T cells and in IgG4 levels. Other cells are probably eliminated through depletion, exhaustion or anergic mechanisms. One study found preferential depletion of allergen-specific TH2 cells after repeated stimulation with high-dose antigen78. Another recent study demonstrated that peanut-specific CD4+ T cells from subjects who developed sustained unresponsiveness tended to transition more strongly towards the gene-expression‎ clusters defined as ‘non allergic’ or ‘anergic memory’ (REF. 77).

Although preliminary research has identified certain immunological changes that occur with immunotherapy, further research is necessary to identify appropriate biomarkers of successful immunotherapy. There are no reliable markers to distinguish desensitization from durable, sustained unresponsiveness.

Atopic diseases

Disorders characterized by pathological immune responses to normally innocuous antigens.

Oral food challenge

(OFC). Used for food allergy diagnosis. Under supervision, the patient is asked to consume small but increasing amounts of the suspected food allergen until a predetermined maximum dose is reached or a food allergic reaction is observed.

IgE component testing

Purified allergen extracts or recombinant allergens are used to diagnose food allergies in a more accurate manner than is possible with crude allergen extracts.

Sustained unresponsiveness

The state in which an individual with food allergy no longer requires regular ingestion of an allergen to maintain desensitization to it; phenotypically, it resembles the normal immune tolerance of a healthy individual but may be mechanistically distinct.

Gut-associated lymphoid tissue

(GALT). The immune system of the gastrointestinal tract is collectively called the GALT; examples include the tonsils, Peyer's patches and lymphoid cells in the lamina propria.

Type 1 regulatory T cells

(Tr1 cells). A subset of regulatory T cells that are FOXP3−. Tr1 cells mediate suppressive effects through IL-10 secretion.

Type 2 innate lymphoid cells

(ILC2s). Cells that produce T helper 2 cell cytokines, such as IL-4, IL-5, IL-9 and IL-13, and are implicated in the development of allergic inflammation.

Sublingual immunotherapy

(SLIT). An immunotherapeutic method in which the food allergen (in the form of a tablet or drops) is administered under the tongue.

Regulatory B cells

(Breg cells). These cells support immune tolerance through secretion of the anti-inflammatory cytokines IL-10, IL-35 and TGFβ.

H1 receptor blockers

H1 receptor antagonists that block histamine action, dampening allergic reactions.

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The authors would like to acknowledge the assistance of T. A. Chatila, S. J. Galli, M. T. Graham, V. Sampath and J. M. Spergel.

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Competing interests statement

The authors declare no competing interests.

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