최지은님이 여전히 몸이 많이 아픕니다. 마음도 많이 힘들어 보이네요.
아래는 제게 보낸 편지인데, 지은님을 아는 회원님들이 많아 여기 인용합니다.
그 아래 내용은 개인적인 사연이라 생략했습니다.
Dear 여운 선생님,
I'm at home from yesterday. It was really too painful and I was too tired to prepare myself to go to the office. The only thing I did during the weekend was to go to the hairdresser and laundery.
I rested the rest of the time, really rested = lying on my bed even if not sleeping but to rest my body. This live is too hard for me. I can't do anything "normal" now. I'm living like an aged woman.
I feel just waiting my time to leave this world. My general dr asked me to see a psychiatrist to get
his opinion about staying a little while or more in his institute. I don't feel I belong to people going to psychiatry but as I want to die maybe I should go and find the way to want to live again.
I don't know...because now I have a temporary job, i would like to make it because I need money
to pay my appartment and médecines.