
Kwon & Shin (2022). Investigating factors...the item difficulty of...CSAT..

작성자Dongkwang Shin|작성시간22.06.01|조회수86 목록 댓글 0

권서경, 신동광. (2022). 대학수학능력시험 영어영역 읽기 문항 난이도 요인 탐색: EBS 연계정책 변화를 중심으로. 영어교과교육, 21(2), 49-71.


Kwon, Suh Keong & Shin, Dongkwang (2022). Investigating factors affecting the item difficulty of the reading section in the CSAT English: Focusing on recent EBS-CSAT linkage policy changes. Journal of the Korea English Education Society, 21(2), 49-71.


This study investigates factors that affect the difficulty levels of CSAT English reading items. For this, 56 English reading items from two recent CSAT tests, those administered in 2021 and 2022, were carefully examined to identify what elements of the reading stimuli had significant effects on the item difficulty. For data analysis, correct answer rates for each item were used to examine the extent to which different item-related variables, both quantitative and qualitative, might be associated with the difficulty of the items. The findings show that the reading items from the 2022 test were significantly more difficult than those from the 2021 test. When specific elements of the reading items of both tests were examined, it was found that the reduced number of EBS-linkage items was one of the main causes of the drop in the correct answer rates on the 2022 test. Furthermore, multiple regression models show that higher Gunning-Fog-Index readability level and logical connectives use ratio in the reading stimuli are predicted to increase the item difficulty. The present paper concludes by presenting a model that predicts the difficulty levels of CSAT reading items, which consist of a number of different variables.


[CSAT/reading/item difficulty/CSAT-EBS books linkage/criterion-referenced test/수능/읽기/문항 난이도/수능-EBS 교재 연계/절대평가]


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