
Jung, Lee, & Shin (2022). 인공지능 생성 지문에 대한 예비 교사 인식 조사 연구

작성자Dongkwang Shin|작성시간22.12.31|조회수57 목록 댓글 0

인공지능 생성 지문에 대한 예비 교사 인식 조사 연구

정 혜 경⋅이 용 상⋅신 동 광

Jung, Hyekyung Lee, Yongsang Shin, Dongkwang. 2022. 12. 31.

A survey study on pre-service teachers’ perceptions of AI generated texts. Bilingual Research 90, 193-217.


This study aims to introduce AI text generation using HyperCLOVA, a Korean-based super-large language model, and to examine whether AI text generation is applicable to the educational field. In detail, an example of text generation using HyperCLOVA was presented. Then survey data were collected from university students of education to examine the face validity of AI-generated texts compared with human texts. We also investigated opinions on the feasibility of AI text generation in teaching and learning environments. The survey results show that there was no statistically significant difference in AI-generated texts compared to the original text. Also the response rate was not high in the item that additional corrections were needed to use the AI-generated texts in educational practice, whereas the response rate was high for the opinion that the AI text generation would help reduce the burden on Korean language teachers.



(Korea University of Technology and Education, Inha University, Gwangju University of Education)
【Key words】AI text generation(인공지능 지문생성), language model(언어 모델), HyperCLOVA(하이퍼 클로버), face validity(안면 타당도)


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