
Hwang, Shin, & Lee (2023). Students’ perception on immersive learning...

작성자Dongkwang Shin|작성시간23.05.18|조회수48 목록 댓글 0

Hwang, Y., Shin, D., & Lee, H. (2023). Students’ perception on immersive learning through 2D and 3D metaverse platforms. Educational Technology Research and Development. DOI: 10.1007/s11423-023-10238-9
The main purpose of this paper is to add empirical data to the nascent feld of metaverse learning and teaching by examining factors afecting student participation and their perceived experiences of diferent metaverse platforms. For data collection, 57 Korean undergraduates participated in a self-administered questionnaire and a short refective essay regarding their experiences on three metaverse platforms (ifand, Gather Town, & Frame VR). For data analysis, exploratory factor analysis was frst executed to derive the underlying factors that can explain student participation in metaverse platforms. The social and interactive learning as well as individualized and behavioral learning were identifed as two main contributing factors. While the three platforms had no statistical diference in terms of social presence, students’ sentimentally perceived diferences among them. The sentiment analysis shows that 60.00% of ifand users were positive, followed by 53.66% of Frame VR users and 51.22% of Gather Town users. Furthermore, the additional keyword analysis shows why students expressed the perceived experiences of each platform in a different way. Given that the success of metaverse instruction can be dependent upon whether students regard it as benefcial, such measurements of student perception on the efectiveness of learning on metaverse platforms can ofer meaningful recommendations for techsavvy educators.
Keywords Metaverse · Online education · Ifand · Gather Town · Frame VR

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