
Shin (2023b). 유도(guided) 쓰기 활동에서 ChatGPT의 활용 방안

작성자Dongkwang Shin|작성시간23.05.31|조회수81 목록 댓글 0

Shin, Dongkwang (2023). Utilizing ChatGPT in guided writing activities.  Journal of the Korea English Education Society, 22(2), 197-217.


This study investigates the potential of ChatGPT as a tool for guided writing instruction with 21 pre-service teachers. The study examines the effects of using ChatGPT during the planning and revising stages of writing. The results of the study indicate that the ideas and outlines provided by ChatGPT are highly beneficial in the writing process. The majority of the participants (71.4%) responded that ChatGPT’s ideas and outlines were very helpful, and the remaining 28.6% stated that they were somewhat helpful. This indicates that ChatGPT can assist writers in generating ideas and organizing their thoughts before they begin writing. Moreover, ChatGPT’s feedback was found to be useful in the reviewing and revising process. 76.2% of the participants eval‎uated ChatGPT’s feedback as very helpful, and the remaining 23.8% responded that it was somewhat helpful. However, some participants pointed out that excessive reliance on ChatGPT could have a counterproductive effect on learning. Therefore, the study recommends that teachers provide meticulous guidance to learners in utilizing ChatGPT. In conclusion, some limitations and suggestions for further research are also provided.

[AIED/ChatGPT/editGPT/guided writing/Chat Wrtn/교육에서의 인공지능/챗GPT/에디트GPT/유도 쓰기/챗 뤼튼]


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