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영어자료를 공유해 드립니다.(22회)

작성자삼촌7979|작성시간08.05.10|조회수179 목록 댓글 0

####journey vs travel###


British adventurers James Hooper, left, and Rob Gauntlett are welcomed to country by the aboriginal boat Tribal Warrior in Sydney, Australia, Friday, May 9, 2008, one year, one month and one day after they left on their 22,000 mile human powered travel from the North Pole to the South Pole. The two set out on March 7, 2007 on a totally man powered travel of riding, skiing and sailing covering three continents through a range of climates from 50 degree Celsius below zero to 50 degrees Celsius above zero.(x)

British adventurers James Hooper, left, and Rob Gauntlett are welcomed to country by the aboriginal boat Tribal Warrior in Sydney, Australia, Friday, May 9, 2008, one year, one month and one day after they left on their 22,000 mile human powered journey from the North Pole to the South Pole. The two set out on March 7, 2007 on a totally man powered journey of riding, skiing and sailing covering three continents through a range of climates from 50 degree Celsius below zero to 50 degrees Celsius above zero.(0)


왜 그렇습니까?

journey는 명사이고 보통 꽤 긴, 때로는 힘이 드는 여행으로서 반드시 돌아오는 것을 뜻하지는 않는다. travel은 동사로서 한 곳에서 다른 곳으로 움직이는 방법, 즉 여행을 뜻한다. travel이 명사일 때는 일반적인 뜻으로서의 여행을 의미함

Ex) I love travel./복수형인 경우 I have written a book about my travels.


adventurer에는 vent라는 어근이 있는데 come의 의미임

advent:도래/invent: 오게하느까 발명임/prevent: 미리 막아서 못하게 하다

venue: 사람이 오는 곳 즉 개최임/adventure: 갑자기 오는 것이므로 모험이 됨


###refuse vs deny###


An Islamic militant group has refused it beheaded a U.S. marine who has been missing in Iraq(x)

An Islamic militant group has denied it beheaded a U.S. marine who has been missing in Iraq(o)

The girl denied to take the money(x)

The girl refused to take the money(0)

Mr. Kim refused that he had done it(x)

Mr. Kim denied that he had done it(0)


왜 그렇습니까?

Refuse는 제안이나 요구를 거절하다는 뜻이고 deny는 부정하거나 사실이 아니라고 말하는 것임



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