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DarthMod 1.4

작성자PeaceLove|작성시간09.04.21|조회수842 목록 댓글 7
첨부파일 DarthMod Empire 1,4.rar

Compatible with the latest CA Patch 30/3/2009


"DarthMod Empire" Commander Edition has increased unit sizes which varies per faction and unit type. This edition is for a true Strategist, as the game becomes a real battle simulation with thousands of troops!

Installation Instructions
  1. Unzip the file using a program such as WinRar, which can be downloaded from here.
  2. Open DarthMod Empire Commander Edition file.
  3. Copy darthmod.pack to C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\empire total war\data
  4. Copy user.empire_script.txt to :
VISTA C:\Users\(Your User Name Here)\AppData\Roaming\The Creative Assembly\Empire\scripts

XP C:\Documents and Settings\(Your User Name Here)\Application Data\The Creative Assembly\Empire\scripts

Warning! If you do not see these, enable Windows to show hidden folders
  • The easiest way to understand that you have DarthMod installed watch a line infantry to have 110 range (And that the unit size is larger than Vanilla).
  • If your PC cannot handle the thousands of troops of DarthMod Empire Commander Edition lower your settings (Normal = approximately Ultra of Vanilla version)


Lee Cowen "Creative Assembly Senior Games Programmer" for giving me valuable tips.
LtChampers and all who have helped him to create his masterpiece tool.
Argent Usher general artist of DarthMod
NogaOsibisa for giving me the idea to create the Commander Edition of DarthMod.
I-R-Cannonfodder & JCR for the research they have offered me about wind speed and sail degrees (then I implemented to the mod).
billydilly, JFC for the forum screen splash screens (Yes I know... it was unavoidable).
akvilonn, diadok for the nice screens of the Commander Edition (And of course all the others who keep feeding with nice screenshots).
Midknight for helping me to optimize the reload rates of the mod.
Bythesword and Naimad for helping me balance the Musket Lethality.
scivian for his realistic trail mod used for the cannon fire in DarthMod. (I removed it for the time being, sorry)
You ...the fans who give me all the feedback I need.

DarthMod Empire includes:

-Optimized Land battle system (Musket lethal in short range but not in long range, Extra balance for all units per faction, more difficult AI by indirect methods etc.)
-Optimized Naval battle system (Ships turn and handle realistically, each faction has a special battle character, realistic tactical battle AI from indirect methods etc.)
-Better Campaign AI (More aggressive AI, Better decisioning in land invasions, better Naval AI blockades, better Alliance group wars etc.)

Special New in version 1.4
-New Musket Balance based on Feedback of Bythesword and Naimad (Accuracy system became more fragile but the lethality is increased to creat the proper devastation from close range).
-Moral system changed to balance the new effects.
-Also Naval cannons will do more damage from afar.
-Trying my best to show some Naval Invasion to the game by triggering priorities (I do not guarantee anything but I will need your feedback).
-English Line Infantry got better melee and less defence from the base balance given in previous versions.
-Ammo has been reduced so that it is more important during a long battle

Special New in version 1.3

-Chainshot range decreased.
-Experience will level up slower from level 3 and up.
-Moral system updated (General Unit will inspire more, Flank and rear exposure will not be tolerated and also it helps Ai to cover itself better, Musket volleys will have devastating effects).
-CAI updated (Allied packs will fight together, You will watch AI to help each other and also the Human player, AI will not tolerate enemy in its lands and will respond aggressively by attacking or placing armies to strategic points of the map)... The CAI seems very good now... ready for the Naval Invasion plugin of CA!

Special New in version 1.2
-Carronade frigates more powerful (64lb cannons).
-Lowered the probability of explosion of some ships (hopefully).
-Campaign AI improvements. (AI will use better region siege tactics, raids and attacks far better, AI Military technology favoured etc.).
-Corrected 2-3 unit size imbalances.
-Fatigue system updated.
-Melee system greatly enhanced (More lively 1vs1 combat and formation penetration effects)

Special New in version 1.1

-Improved the melee mechanics (You will see a lot of cinematic animations as you have correctly asked and an improved and challenging overall battle system)
-I changed the darthcom.pack to darthmod2.pack due to being renamed by antivirus checkers.

Special New in version 1.0

-Corrected the bug of fatigue in my mod. The file unit_stats_land_experience_bonuses is bugged if you import it directly to a mod. You have to put 3 zeros to the table, or else it destroys the game, affecting fatigue(!!!) and other parameters. All modders should be alerted and correct accordingly. This is a proof that you cannot use too many mods without knowing what you add to your game. As of now.... I have no responsibility if you use other mods with my mod. Strange things can happen (like this) and no one takes notice. As I progress I will add other mods, only when I have fully tested them to trust them.
-Created dynamic fatigue system (Units get tired more easily but rest faster).
-New dynamic experience system (Units that gain experience are having a significant advantage from rookies. Experience can be gained realistically after every battle in DarthMod and not after .... ages as in Vanilla).
-Increased costs per cannon type to balance their firepower value.
-New musket lethality which improves the previous version, making the game far better.
-New general balance unit tweaks (A battle will show what I mean... sorry end of talking... time for you to play!).

Special New in version 0,95

-Grenadiers have more upkeep cost. Some more cost of recruitment.
-Rocket ships have much more cost to make them less desirable.
-Made AI to volley from closer range (Test) and revamped the whole battle system through various techniques of morale and other attributes settings. That goes for naval battles too.
-Close range Musket lethality is increased and now everything seems set (Try it).
-Turkish units have even less upkeep to help them grow Huge armies.
-Fatigue files are removed from mod... something is wrong with these files (They seem bugged from vanilla and I removed them for now).
-Grenadiers have Square Formation ability.
-Russian Line Infantry costs even less, so that the Russians can wage even more armies. Some other units too.
-Cavalry balance reworked a lot (Hussars became a defensive skirmish cavalry, Lancers real chargers, Uhlans something in the middle, Cuirassiers a good all around cavalry and also other).

Special New in version 0,9

-Grenadiers will not be able to throw grenades (Until there is a fix to be able to change their ammunition)
-More devastating close range musket fire (The way it was requested)
-Cannon trails will be those of the great mod of scivian

Special New in version 0,85

-Removed Population cost for armies (Only 200 instead of 2000 which was set in previous version)
-Made the rank distance in units a little higher
-Re-inserted the cannon trails (Laser muskets are out permanently)
-Ferguson and green jackets will have variance (propose)
-Infantry morale has greater shock penalty against extended missile fire
-New fatigue alterations
-Campaign AI work out (Should be better, needs testing)
-Land experience will be gained differently in accuracy and reload rates
-Modified the charge distance (A new parameter I have found) to create a true battle experience and better AI

Special New in version 0,8

-Improved the Campaign AI (Hopefully).
-New Musket Balance = Devastating close range fire. Harder Battles.
-Removed the laser bullet-ion cannon trails of vanilla (I needed them for calibration... off they go now).
-New Land Unit Balance (Melee Units are very dangerous when they are close, Line Infantry get new special character=very large Defence, low Melee= The battle mechanics makes them to keep formation like the Last of the Mohican movie)
-Balanced Cannons= Special shells have lower range and higher reload penalty, adjusted their universal accuracy)
-Naval Cannons have special reload rates each. (Each Ship is now even more important due to the special realistic balance there is already)

Special New in version 0,75

-I removed the "fire and advance" ability. AI gets lethal without it.
-Increased the ammo.
-Optimized the accuracy and the aiming system of the muskets to feel realistic.
-Made Absolute Monarchy to have better bonus in recruiting troops.
-Many minor adjustments that were requested.


Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
This is a list of what is mainly included, according to the feedback I had from the community and my own experience:

Because I have no energetic forum (yet) for Empire Total War, I would like everybody who know my work to come also here and report any inconsistencies they trace. Gameplay inconsistencies, AI mishappens, balance issues ... no bugs and graphics issues. These will be used later to target specific areas of the open code and then hopefully destroy them.

I report here mine and I will add later yours:
I make as BOLD these of Top Priority.
Those in RED means that are fixed according to my claim.
Those in RED BOLD mean that are fixed according to the Community.

First wave of fixes are done comparing to Vanilla:

  1. Indians (Native Americans) misbalanced (melee weak+missile strong) (DARTH VADER) Bows and throwing axes + Damage balanced realistically, Melee Increased a little, Speed is better than any other foot unit. Still cannot win easily because the general musket range is increased and they lose too many men by the new Darth efficiency of the musket. In DarthMod Empire 0,2 they are even more historically correct. They try to use hit and run tactics using the woods. I have changed the missile covering parameters and the AI responded. This applies to all units of course. New better balance in DarthMod Empire 0,4.
  2. Square formation bugged (Troops do not fire properly) (DARTH VADER) Seems it has been positively affected by the better cohesion of the units. In DarthMod Empire 0,2 and above I altered the bonus so that cavalry wil not charge at them blindly as before and stop. New responses in DarthMod Empire 0,5 make them even better.
  3. Naval Units endure too much (Some lose completely their wood and do not sink!) (DARTH VADER) Hull strength of ships balanced better. Now critical hits play large role and smaller ships can take bigger part in the battle, by exploiting their advantages of speed and manoeuvrability. In DarthMod Empire 0,2 The Naval Battles are excellent. Try them. There is a penaly for large ranges and a bonus in close ranges so that smaller ships can become real hunters, which can hit the right moment and sink bigger vessels. Of course the bigger ships are powerful as they should but they have their weaknesses. In DarthMod Empire 0,3 the ships have normalised speeds. In DarthMod Empire 0,4 everything feels perfect try it! I have not only normalised the turning rates but also the variance between identical units so that there is a character. Enhanced a little more with DarthMod Empire 0,5. In DarthMod Empire 0,6 you will witness the best naval battles you have seen so far in the game. Using the new number values I discovered I created realism and character for all ships according to their type and the country too. The russians will have less morale, slow and unmanouverable ships but powerful, with strong hull and more crew. The british will have better reload, morale and sailing abilities but lighter hull. The Spanish will have overally strong ships which handle well at low winds but not very quick. The French will achieve easier maximum speed. The Americans will have slightly better accuracy but lighter ships with less maneuverability. A lot to tell here... Play and see!
  4. Indian units (And generally all the irregulars) act too coherently (DARTH VADER) They are not so coherent now, to their advantage.
  5. Nations are kind of passive in normal difficulty and do not attack often (except with navy) (DARTH VADER) This has greatly changed. AI uses too many new priority addons of mine. It will support allied assaults, try to retake a lost province at all costs, fortify to towns and forts, guard the borders, wage wars, raid, blockade.... everything is more lively in the normal difficulty and I would like someone to test to harder ones.
  6. The AI does not use naval landings (Aradiel) I have not tested it yet too much but my target was to improve this. In DarthMod Empire 0,2 and now in DarthMod Empire 0,4, the AI will use its navy much more aggressively but I cannot do anymore... it seems hard coded. You have to test with many turns. Maybe you see some in DarthMod Empire 0,6...
  7. AI refuses to take reasonable offers while beeing in no position to challenge the player (Aradiel, kuruption) It should have changed indirectly because of bigger priorities in military strength weight and so a powerful nation can threaten others more easily.
  8. Some minor states especially Kurland always attack the player (Aradiel) As you see this is a bug from vanilla. The Minor states seem more aggressive.
  9. Protectorates declare war by themselves (Aradiel)
  10. AI is hording armys in cities, does not respond properly to invasions (Aradiel) This is changed a lot as mentioned above. AI will still guard capitals but will sally out in an opportunity, defend or if it calculates it cannot win it will stay to use the bonus of militia. Only then. In DarthMod Empire 0,2, the AI will use all the means of war to destroy the human player, but without cheating. In DarthMod Empire 0,5 the AI will defend better their capitals (OK). In DarthMod Empire 0,6 the AI will be aggressive as much as it is rational (needs testing).
  11. AI Does not properly invade itself, Austria-Poland deadlock (Aradiel) Everything is altered. Total War is spreading with alliance packs. In DarthMod Empire 0,4 and above I made the AI slighly less aggressive.In DarthMod Empire 0,6 allies should be better in helping (needs testing).
  12. Allies hardly ever send assistance (Aradiel) This should have changed. Testing needed. I tried to alter it again in DarthMod Empire 0,4 check it.
  13. AI does not respond to piracy (Aradiel) AI will try to guard trade routes at all costs and energetically try to attack those of the human player. More enhanced in DarthMod Empire 0,2 and above.
  14. Artillery is completely ineffective/inaccurate unless you alter the unitsize to 240+ (Aradiel, Nantok) Artillery range is increased and balanced realistically. Static artillery will still be able to fire across the critical points of a map. Mortars can be shot down. Fort artillery has 100 better range than most artillery so that they can counterfire enemy artillery attack, Only mortars can outshoot them by 50 meters. The game of siege is a far more difficult process now. Remember the siege scene of the "Last of the Mohicans with Daniel Day lewis"... artillery will play the biggest part of it.) Artillery is very effective now and balanced.
  15. Technology trade is almost impossible, unless you trade land (Aradiel)
  16. AI is repeating to offer the same deal over and over, or AI is offering to trade 2 or even 3! provinces for 1 (Aradiel) Seems it has been affected by new AI priorities.
  17. Fleets are unbalanced (Aradiel)
  18. Cavalry stopping just before hitting a target (Errabundi)
  19. When turning formations or jumping walls units sometimes go into ultra-run mode (merka) All infantry speeds have been normalised to realistic levels and according to unit. New normalisations of speed in DarthMod Empire 0,2 and DarthMod Empire 0,4....perfect. I need one certain AI file in my hands to optimise it completely, but it is locked.
  20. The "surrender" button when sieging a town is useless. No matter how many units you have and no matter how few they have, they never give up! (helmersen)
  21. Pathfinding problematic in general, especially on bridges and other narrow passages (Argent Usher)
  22. Friendly Line of Fire not working (Argent Usher)
  23. AI priority of attack seems not to work in some occasions (Against artillery for example) (Argent Usher) Everything seems better in DarthMod Empire 0,2 and above due to many balance techniques.
  24. Sometimes AI formations maneuver until they reach 1-2 mtrs ahead of Human Formation and then charge (Normal Difficulty, 1.5 multiplier unit size). (DARTH VADER) Use 1,5 multiplier at your own risk... it messes the AI
  25. Unmounted Dragoons which have lost men, cannot remount and get stuck or behave strangely (DARTH VADER, Lord Willy)
  26. When a special character dies in campaign map (Spy, Gentleman, Priest), he dies endlessly with an annoying sound until you click on the character. Then the message of his death pops up and the tormenting sound stops. (Seems hard coded but I noticed) (DARTH VADER)
  27. Rakes and Gentlemen rarely increase in skill after successfull duels or missions (Nantok)
  28. Hostile armies in your territory will get stuck there when you declare peace, untill you declare war again (Nantok)
  29. AI prioritises your general too highly in battles. Their army will stop what they were doing and run around in circles after him completly oblivious of your army killing them (Nantok) I have not seen this in the end.
  30. Muskets range is very short (DARTH VADER, Nantok) This has changed significantly and realistically. 50%-60% increase of range of all guns is what was needed. Accuracy is affected by distance and it did not need alteration. Units with experience, better accuracy and good reload rate, can now outshoot much bigger armies as they should do. The age of musket is brought back to the game. Witness it. In DarthMod Empire 0,2 I changed completely the battle system. Accuracy is lowered and I added some reload bonuses and penalties. In mix... everything looks realistic. If you liked DarthMod Empire 0,1 then you will be amazed with DarthMod Empire 0,2 and above.
  31. Attacking with a wide formation seem to cause only the men in the middle to fight, while the men on the flanks stand idly (Nantok)
  32. General needs own abilities, like rally troops (Nantok)
  33. Certain factions refuse to trade or ally with you, regardless of how much they like you (Nantok)
  34. Conquering Provinces should be more difficult, not only by taking the capital. (RaduAlexandru) Religion and unrest takes a much bigger part in a province pacification. In my test I finally took France (I played with Britain). How? I sieged it for 4 turns. They attacked with all the militia inside. I won but they still had new militia regenerated! New siege and new battle to win with a lot of casualties. The city is ruined with many damages. My income is depleted and I face bankruptcy. I do not have money to recruit new units and repair my losses. A relieveing french army enters the border. A rebel force is generated at the outskirts of the city. I decide to take an empty star fort outside of the town and abandon the city. Paris is easily taken and the remnant of my forces are sieged by a big and united french army to destroy me completely.... you want more? New enhancements in DarthMod Empire 0,4. New Campaign AI in DarthMod Empire 0,5.
  35. Pirates gone forever if conquered (RaduAlexandru) Not true... Proven False
  36. Troop Units move too fast (DARTH VADER, LordWedggie) As I said above, Speed of units is normalised to realistic levels. This creates not only a better feel but a new challenge for a battle. Optimised in DarthMod Empire 0,2. In DarthMod Empire 0,4 cavalry speed is also normalised.
  37. Ships turning rate too high (DARTH VADER, LordWedggie) In DarthMod Empire 0,4 everything normalised. It was hidden in stats with a very complex way. Try a Naval battle in DarthMod and you will understand....
  38. AI seems to get bonuses in hard difficulties resulting to big endurance and premature charges (DARTH VADER, LordWedggie)
  39. Laser bullet, arrow, cannonball trays are annoying and must be eradicated (DARTH VADER) I leave them for now because they help me to observe the trajectories of the bullets and mod the guns better.
  40. Religion should play more vital role (kuruption)
  41. Leaders are immune to assasination attempts (kuruption)
  42. Cavalry pathfinding is problematic (kuruption)
  43. There should be better variance of reload times between troop types (Remo) I have done this for many troop types and will do more later. For example native americans cannot reload too fast. In DarthMod Empire 0,4 this has been addressed and optimised.
  44. Ammunition should be lowered to get more critical. (Nantok) Not a chance...DarthMod Empire is based on musket fire and ammo is very crucial as it is now.
  45. Troops delay to fire too much (Angel) It has changed due to better cohesion of Line infantry. The concentration of firepower is easily calculated and is devastating as it was historically. In DarthMod Empire 0,5 I altered the delays of troops. I am not sure 100% if this is done but everything seems right... check it!
  46. Crimean tatars use cossack infantry instead of mass of tatar cavalry (InfUA)
  47. Fleet formation gets disorganised for no apparent reason (Alone Elf) This should have beein fixed a lot in DarthMod Empire 0,4 due to new speeds and turning rates of ships.
  48. Ships get stuck at edge of map (rebirthofman) I have not seen this... too rare
  49. Rain not affecting guns (Marine Hoplite, LEGIO_Desaix)
  50. Peace offers not given by AI (Otherside) It should have changed. Needs testing.
  51. Artillery not protected in battle by AI (aus-rotten) This has changed a lot in DarthMod Empire 0,3 and above by side effects.
  52. There is need of a limit of general unit raise number (Xtiaan72) There is already.
  53. AI uses almost every time solid shots and seldom or never boards ships (njk) In DarthMod Empire 0,4 you will notice energetic naval AI boarding.
  54. Artillery crew seems to leave their guns after melee and have to be manually placed there again (Marine Hoplite)
  55. Early artillery unit are wrongly static (
  56. AI sees human hidden units (Marine Hoplite)
  57. Artillery stats almost the same (Ziem) Artillery has different range according to ammo in DarthMod Empire 0,4. Howitzer and Mortar ranges altered as well (thanks to feedback of the mega thread).
  58. Some units are too weak (DARTH VADER) East, Ottoman, Russian Indian units are now bigger and have lower cost. They can raise large armies who compensate the lack of efficiency with big numbers.
  59. Flanking not clearly a better battle option (DARTH VADER) Now any kind of rear or flank attack will have a devastating effect, to a realistic level. A good general from a bad one can finally be distinguished. In DarthMod Empire 0,4 it is slightly more enhanced.
  60. Units should gain experience a little bit faster. At the moment it is nearly impossible to get +6 level units. (herb0815) This has been addressed indirectly. In DarthMod Empire 0,5 I made it easier to gain experience. I think it was too high in demand after 3 chevrons.
  61. Units have some imbalance (DARTH VADER) In DarthMod Empire 0,3 I have started to work in this in some sectors. In DarthMod Empire 0,4 all line infantry are special according to faction. Not too much but enough to give a character. Many other balance stat modifications have occured. In DarthMod Empire 0,45 I made a slight balance change to 3-4 units (Hessian Infantry, American Infantry and some dragoons).
  62. Galleys are ruidiculously powerful (MrMeris) I will correct it in next version as per Lowlander's suggestion... thanks! Corrected in DarthMod Empire 0,4.
  63. Auto calculation of map battles needs to be balanced better (I lost him in this gigantic thread...sorry I just remembered)
  64. Campaign difficulty handicaps cause unrest to the TW community (DARTH VADER) In DarthMod Empire 0,4 all handicaps are eliminated. Still the difficulty seems to vary.
  65. Reload is too high in late technology (Zowrath) Fixed in DarthMod Empire 0,5.
  66. Ships must not be able to sail against the wind (Thomas_Kenobi&Tanyrhiew) Fixed in DarthMod Empire 0,6. I understood how to change this according to degrees. (this and the the ship turning rates numbers must be reported to LtChampers to fix the rows in the unpacker... I have no time but I will inform him later)
  67. Chain and Grape Shots must become more effective (Anbar) Fixed in DarthMod Empire 0,6
  68. BAI often interesects its units in the center (Various) improved in DarthMod Empire 0,6 (Needs testing)
  69. Fluyt hull strength must be decreased to be lower than an average frigate (JaM) Fixed in DarthMod Empire 0,6
  70. Morale penalties for each shot (Naval battles) should last longer (Thomas_Kenobi)
Also a lot of other minor adjustments are included. I will continue... Δάρτης/Darth

Some extra things:
Any mod work I do, I do it firstly for my amusement, then to share it with all of you. Everybody can use part of my modifications or all to his own mod, but has to mention if it is unmodded or he has altered it per his own taste.
Whenever I have used other's work, I always gave credits (See my past DarthMods). I expect the same from everybody else... for the sake of good will.

2nd Notice:
I have been receiving recently many PM about "How do you do this.... how do you mod that.... how do I install.... how do I play .... how do I press a button... ?"
These will be ignored and I hope you can understand the reason. Post here and the massed feedback is more than enough. Better I might say from any kind of lecture I may had the time to offer individually.
Under Patronage of Simetrical
Patron of The Border Reiver and Darth Frigus and Wipeout140 and DaVinci

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Last edited by DARTH VADER; Today at 02:30 AM. Reason: New Version

첨부파일 DarthMod Empire 1,4.rar


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  • 작성자키티아이 | 작성시간 09.04.21 추가로 적 전투 AI는 향상된점이 보였습니다. 전투 시작후 전투대열 흐트러뜨리며 돌진하던 이전과 달리 대형유지 잘하면서 접근하고, 전투중에도 흐트러짐이 덜하더군요. 이동식 대포도 위치변경을 꾸준히 하면서 쏘구요. 이때문에 동맹군과 2:1 전투가 벌어질때 동맹군의 역할이 더 커질것으로 예상됩니다.
  • 작성자전차병의추억 | 작성시간 09.04.21 이 모드 이전거 안받고 바로 최신버젼 받으면 적용되나요???
  • 작성자ProXimO | 작성시간 09.04.22 인디언들은 좀 처럼 공격을 안하네요 머스킷 보병들 사정거리 바깥에서만 맴돌기만 할뿐.... 사정거리가 길어지면서 그 만큼 감소한 명중률때문에 지루한 정도....
  • 답댓글 작성자달팽이친구 | 작성시간 09.04.22 다쓰 모드에 적응된저로썬 오리지널의 70사거리와 명중 40이 더 재미 없던데요 ㅎ 그리고 사거리가 길고 명중이 낮은건 어떻게 기동하고 어떻게 쓰느냐에 따라 전투 강도가달라집니다
  • 작성자장창우 | 작성시간 09.05.05 다쓰모드는 어디다가 깔죠?
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