ETW: 자료실

ADDITIONAL UNITS MOD (AUM) 1.8 for DM + APE + IS + vanilla 업데이트

작성자PeaceLove|작성시간09.04.26|조회수1,329 목록 댓글 5
(now for DarthMod, A Proper Empire and Imperial Splendor)

(I keep this first post always up to date)

This is my first mod and I made it for my personal fun. I decided to release and share it with you.

BACKUP your campaign save games before you try out any mods.
Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
"AUM" is fully save game compatible internally to all past and future releases of my mod.

I suggest that you should BACKUP your "campaign save games" before you try out any mods.

The location for the save games is:
XP C:\Documents and Settings\(Your User Name Here)\Application Data\The Creative Assembly\Empire\save_games

VISTA C:\Users\USER NAME\AppData\Roaming\The Creative Assembly\Empire\save_games

My mod adds 20 new custom units to ETW. I know that not all are 100% historical. There are other 22 units from "vanilla" which can now be recruited by other factions too. These units are like "mercenaries" who can be recruited like normal units.

These are the units in English / German and size of the units for the normal standalone version or the large Darthmod Commander version:

  • Line Infantry Elite - (Elite Linieninfanterie) > 160 men / 300 men
These Line Infantry soldiers are hardly trained and their experience is very useful for your army. They are accurate and have a fast reloading rate.
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  • Grenadiers Elite - (Elite Grenadiere) > 160 men / 250 men both without grenades
Grenadiers are large, strong men, armed with muskets and many enemies fear them. They are among the strongest melee infantry in game.
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  • Marines - (Marineinfanterie) > 160 men / 250 men
Marines fight on board of ships and are experienced melee fighters. They use a sword instead of a bajonet.
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  • Swiss Guards Elite - (Schweizer Elite Garde) > 160 men / 250 men
The reputation of these Swiss Guards and the example they set provides encouragement to comrades nearby.
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  • Swiss Mountain Jaegers - (Schweizer Gebirgsjäger) > 100 men / 140 men
These Swiss Mountain Jaegers are skirmishers/scouts and carry almost-silent airguns. They are well suited to stealthy sniping and tactical ambushes. But they have low melee capabilities.
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  • Swiss Pikemen - (Schweizer Pikeniere) > 200 men / 500 men
The famous Swiss Pikemen carry long spears of a type that would have been familiar to the soldiers of Alexander the Great.
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  • Horse Grenadier Guards Elite - (Berittene Elite Grenadiere) > 60 horses / 120 horses both without grenades
These strong Grenadiers reach the battlefield on horses. They can dismount and shoot from horseback.
(Don't give them grenades as it would come to CTD if they throw grenades mounted.)
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  • Lancers Elite - (Elite Lanzenkavallerie) > 60 horses / 120 horses
These Lancers are armed with a long lance that makes them particularly deadly when charging.
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  • Fusiliers - (Füsiliere) > 160 men / 300 men
Fusiliers are Line Infantry who have a good shooting and reloading experience. But they aren't good melee fighters and can't hold the stand against normal Line Infantry or Grenadiers.
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  • Pioneers - (Pioniere) > 120 men / 200 men
Pionieers are strong men who can build all battle fortifications, know how to fight in melee and can guard the flanks. But they are poor shooters.
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  • Mameluks Guards Elite - (Mameluken Elite Garde) > 60 horses / 120 horses
The Mameluks Guards are the most fearless light horsemen of the Ottoman empire, deadly when deployed against a broken or unsupported enemy.
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  • Janissaries Guards Elite - (Janitscharen Elite Garde) > 160 men / 300 men
The Janissaries Guards are the most professional soldiers of the Ottoman empire, hardened by arduous training and given the best equipment in the army.
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  • Royal Indian Guards Elite - (Königliche Indische Elite Garde) > 160 men / 300 men
The Indian Guards are the most professional soldiers of the Indian empire, hardened by arduous training and given the best equipment in the army.
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  • Don Cossacks Elite Cavalry - (Don Kosaken Elite Kavallerie) > 60 horses / 120 horses
Don Cossacks are free warrior people, fine horsemen and terrible foes, from the steppes of Russia and Asia. They can dismount and shoot from horseback
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  • Tsar Guards Elite - (Zaren Elite Garde) > 160 men / 250 men (new texture by HELLFELL)
The Tsar Elite Guards are professional and experienced troops of the Russian empire who defend the Tsar and his family.
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  • West European Infantry Mercenaries - (West-Europäische Söldner Infanterie) > 200 men / 350 men
West European Infantry Mercenaries are Soldiers who fight for money and can be recruited in Europe for the Western European factions.
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  • East European Infantry Mercenaries - (Ost-Europäische Söldner Infanterie) > 200 men / 350 men
East European Infantry Mercenaries are Soldiers who fight for money and can be recruited in Europe for the Eastern European factions.
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  • Indian Infantry Mercenaries - (Indische Söldner Infanterie) > 200 men / 350 men
The Indian Infantry Mercenaries are Soldiers who fight for money and can be recruited in India for the Indian factions.
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  • Royal Indian Cavalry Guards Elite - (Königliche Indische Gardekavallerie) > 120 horses / 80 horses
The Royal Indian Cavalry Guards are the best lancers of the Indian Empire, hardened by arduous training and given the best equipment and horses in the army.
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  • Prussian Giants Grenadiers Elite - (Preussische Potsdamer Riesengarde Elite Grenadiere) > 160 men / 250 men both without grenades
The Prussian Giants or "lange Kerls" Grenadiers are the largest, strongest and most experienced prussian grenadiers. They are armed with muskets and swords and many enemies fear them. They are among the strongest melee infantry in game.

The "Giants" are disabled in the "A Proper Empire" version because this unit is already included by L33tl4m3r.
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Highland Clansmen > available for all major European factions and only recruitable in Scotland (That means if France captures Scotland, then they can build the "Highland Clansmen") (custom battle = early)

Highland Infantry > available for all major European factions and only recruitable in Scotland (custom battle = not available)

American Long Rifles > available for all major European factions and only recruitable in America. (custom battle = early + late)

Irish Brigade > available for France (custom battle = early)

Euro Carabiniers > available for all major European factions in Europe. (custom battle = late)

Euro Cuirassiers > available for all major European factions globally. (custom battle = late)

Euro Hussars > available for all major European factions in Europe. (custom battle = late)

Euro Dragoons > available for all major European factions in Europe. (custom battle = both)

Euro Heavy Cavalry
> available for all major European factions in Europe. (custom battle = late / recruitable at the three latest barracks)

Euro Colonial Light Cavalry > available for all major European factions in their colonies. (custom battle = not available)

East Colonial Sipaphi Cavalry > available for all major European factions in India. (custom battle = not available / recruitable at the three latest barracks)

18lbs Horse Guard Artillery > available for all major European factions in Europe. (custom battle = late)

24lbs Guard Artillery > available for all major European factions in Europe. (custom battle = late)
(only France had access to these two artillery units. This units are buildable in the three latest artillery buildings = gunnery_school, ordonance_board, engineer_school)

Norwegian Ski Troops > available for all major European factions in Norway. (custom battle = not available)

East Pikemen Zamindari > available for Maratha/Mughal factions in India. (custom battle = early)

East Missile Cavalry Zamindari > available for Maratha/Mughal factions in India. (custom battle = early)

African Liberated Slaver Musketeers > available for all major factions in the "West Indies" colonies. (Bahamas, Hispaniola, Trinidad/Tobago, 2 x Islands of the wind) / (custom battle = not available)

The five american natives are now available in campaign mode to all major factions and recruitable only in America. To build them you have to reach certain "native" building levels or the buildings described in the next chapter below. (custom battle = not available)

Screenshots of the campaign map and custom battle screen
This are screenshots of my late campaign with Great Britain and all available buildings have been built. (these are all from AUM 1.7 - new screenshots of 1.8 will follow)
Here is the original thread "UNIT LIMIT IN THE UI RECRUITMENT QUEUE"
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London recruitment queue

10 cavalry / 17 infantry / 8 artillery = 35 units
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Edinburgh recruitment queue

10 cavalry / 20 infantry / 8 artillery = 38 units
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General on the campaign map recruitment queue (the recruitment depends where your general stays)

13 cavalry / 26 infantry / 11 artillery = 50 units
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Custom battle recruitment queue (Great Britain)
13 cavalry / 21 infantry / 8 artillery = 42 units

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Information about the mod and the units

- All models, textures, campaign card icons and info card pictures are „vanilla“ if not other mentioned below. HELLFELL and REMO did re-textures of various units.

"patch_aum_graphics_1_0.pack" which includes seven new re-textures. Just put this file in your ETW data directory and it loads automatically.

> HELLFELL made a new texture for my custom "Tsars Guards Elite" of Russia
> REMO made six new "Line Infantry" textures for Britain, France, Russia, Spain, United Provinces and the United States. The musician and the drummer of Russia are new too. Huge rep to this fine men!

- All custom units are only available in the late period of the custom battle screen, except the “Swiss Pikemen” and the three "Mercenaries" who are playable in both periods.

- Not every faction has access to all units in all regions so far. In the campaign mode you have to reach a certain building level and/or acquire a certain technology to recruit a unit.
Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

> 1. Example: „Swiss Pikemen + Jaegers + Guards“ aren’t available in America or India. You can build them only in Europe and not every faction has access to them. They are available at the start of a new campaign.

> 2. Example: “Marines” are only available for factions near the ocean and who where historically a naval power. The Marines aren't available for Austria and Prussia. Britain, France, Spain or the United Provinces can build them. They are available at the start of a new campaign.

> 3. Example: „Line Infantry Elite“ are globally enabled and all major European factions can recruit them. They need the late technology "military_army_machined_rifling" to be recruitable.

> 4. Example: „Mameluks Guards Elite" are only recruitable in Europe and the Middle East. They are only available for the Ottomans.They need the early technology "military_army_wedge_formation" to be recruitable.

- All custom units are recruitable in the following buildings: (if not noticed other)
drill_school, military_academy
, army_board, army_staff_college,

- These three buildings are the ultimate military barracks for France, Prussia and Poland.
prest_france_arc_de_triomphe, prest_prussia_brandenburg_gate, prest_poland_akademia

- These three buildings are the latest barracks for the two artillery units.
gunnery_school, ordonance_board, engineer_school

This are the required technologies for my 20 custom units in the campaign:
Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
from start available: (if you have the required building)
swiss_pikemen >>> no technology required
euro_marines_elite >>> no technology required
west_european_mercs_infantry >>> no technology required
east_european_mercs_infantry >>> no technology required
indian_mercs_infantry >>> no technology required

euro_lancers_elite >>> military_army_wedge_formation
mameluks_guards_elite >>> military_army_wedge_formation
east_indian_cavalry_guards_elite >>> military_army_wedge_formation
don_cossack_cavalry_elite >>> military_army_carbines
horse_grenadier_guards_elite >>> military_army_carbines
euro_pioneers >>> military_army_square_formation

euro_fusiliers >>>military_army_fire_by_rank
swiss_guards_elite >>> military_army_fire_by_rank
janissaries_guards_elite >>> military_army_fire_by_rank
east_indian_guards_elite >>> military_army_fire_by_rank
russian_tsar_guards_elite >>> military_army_fire_by_rank
prussian_giants_grenadiers_elite >>> military_army_fire_by_rank

swiss_jaegers >>> military_army_light_infantry_doctrine
euro_line_infantry_elite >>> military_army_machined_rifling
euro_grenadiers_elite >>> military_army_machined_rifling

How to see in game which building is needed for a unit:
- click on the tech research button
- go for military and click the military buildings with a right click.
- there you will see which units will be accessible with which buildings

- All units are limited because of the balance in the campaign mode. You can recruit much more elite units than in vanilla, where most of them are limited to one by faction. But they all cost a huge amount of money.

- All grenades are removed from the Grenadiers. If it’s possible to mod the amount of grenades, then I'll add it back.

- I did remove the „fire_and_advance“ and platoon_fire_grouped-ability from the units.
(the later ability "improved_platoon_fire_grouped" is still available)

The new patch didn't improve this two firing drills and the AI behavior is without much better (thanks to Darth Vader for his information).

Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

- You can play my mod with several other mods available.

- aum_mod_1_8.pack is the "standalone" version for playing "vanilla" or with all other mods than the three below.

- aum_mod_1_8_dm.pack is fully compatible with “DarthMod 1.9"

- aum_mod_1_8_is.pack is fully compatible with “Imperial Splendor 1.073"

- aum_mod_1_8_proper.pack is fully compatible with “A Proper Empire 1.22"

- patch_aum_graphics_1_0.pack is the graphic pack for ALL versions which includes seven new re-textures by HELLFELL and REMO. Just put this file in your ETW data directory and it loads automatically like your language file.

- The stats for each version are based on the corresponding "major mod". The "standalone" version is based on the "vanilla" stats. (unit size, stats, recruitment and upkeep costs)

1. Download your prefered version of AUM 1.8 (aum_mod_1_8***.pack) below in the post.

The other three files are containing the “localisation.loc” which is available in two language versions. In this files are the unit names and descriptions included.

2. Download the “” for an English version.

Download the “” for a German version.

Download the “” for an English version of "A Proper Empire" (this language file is required to enable all new units from AUM and APE.The "Giants" are disabled in the "A Proper Empire" version because this unit is already included by L33tl4m3r.

At the moment there isn't a German version of the "proper" language file available.

It is important that you only use one of the three language files at the same time. For example: If you download a newer version of the three language files, then you have to delete the older one.

If you want to try other mods you can rename one of the downloaded language files to "patch_aum_en_loc****.pack_disabled" in your ETW "data" directory and then they aren't loaded automatically.

3. Unzip the the two files using a program such as WinRar or WinZIP

4. Copy the „aum_mod_1_8***.pack“ + “patch_aum_**_loc_1_8***.pack” + "patch_aum_graphics_1_0.pack"to your ETW „data“ directory.

The graphics pack is fully optional.

You could also directly unzip the file into the ETW “data” directory.

5. Use the "Mod Manager" from „LtChambers“ to activate the "aum_mod_1_8***"

or you can add one line below to the end of your "user.empire_script.txt"
mod aum_mod_1_8.pack; for "standalone" version

mod aum_mod_1_8_dm.pack; for "Darthmod" version

mod aum_mod_1_8_is.pack; for "Imperial Splendor" version

mod aum_mod_1_8_proper.pack; for "A Proper Empire" version

The location for the script is:
XP C:\Documents and Settings\(Your User Name Here)\Application Data\The Creative Assembly\Empire\scripts

VISTA C:\Users\USER NAME\AppData\Roaming\The Creative Assembly\Empire\scripts

The language and the graphics files don't need to be activated with the “Mod Manager” or added to the script. They are in a “patch” format which is loaded automatically.

For people having problems with the mod manager:
Make sure if you're using multiple mods, that the ones that aren't checked are moved to the bottom of the queue. Otherwise the manager attempts to load them and any mod placed after them doesn't get loaded. (Thanks to the Regalia team for making this known)

>>> now you can start Empire and play

- The file “aum_mod_1_8***.packdoes not change, replace or delete any „vanilla“ or other „mod“-files.

- All tables are just added with the prefix „aum_“ and no records are overwritten.

- The file “patch_aum_**_loc_1_8.pack“ does replace the “localisation.loc” to display the new unit names and descriptions.

Deinstallation of AUM and the language file
- If you activate my "AUM" with the "Mod Manager" then you only have to delete my three files and then it's done.

- If you edited your "script" file to load mods, then you have to delete the "AUM" entry too in this file.

Read this if you have problems to see the unit names and descriptions in game

If you have another mod which replaces the “localisation.loc”, then you have several options: (but before... BACKUP now every file you want to edit)

1. Disable the other mod and use only my two files:
The new units are available and you can see the unit names and descriptions in the game.

2. Don't us my “patch_aum_**_loc_1_8.pack“:
The new units are available, but the names aren't visible. The other mod works fine and adds his own unit names to the game.

3. Export, import and merge both files. This is by far the most complicated way to do, because until now it isn't possible to simply add new lines into the language file without importing the whole file.

- open the “patch_aum_**_loc_1_8.pack
- open the “text” directory
- click on “localisation.loc” and on the right side does appear the content in a table with three columns
- click on “Export TSV” to create an exported “TSV” file and save it to a new folder.
You can call it: “aum_loc.tsv

- open your other mod file
- open the “text” directory
- click on “localisation.loc
- click on “Export TSV” to create an exported “TSV” file and save it to the same folder as above. You can call it: “name_ of_ mod_loc.tsv

- open the “aum_loc.tsv” and go to the end of the file. Then copy the last fifty-five lines.
- open the “name_of_mod_loc.tsv” and paste it under the existing rows. Don't overwrite the other entries and don't change the spacings in this file.
- save the “name_of_mod_loc.tsv

- now copy your downloaded patch_aum_**_loc_1_8.pack" and rename it for example to "patch_aum_**_loc_1_8_NEW.pack" (you can call this file how you want, but it is important that you use the prefix "patch_****")

- open the new created patch_aum_**_loc_1_8_NEW.pack mod file
- open the “text” directory
- click on “localisation.loc
- click on “Import TSV” and add “name_of_mod_loc.tsv” to the pack file. Then save and copy the new created pack file to your ETW “data” directory.

After this whole process you can see the unit names from both mods.

Because a lot of people asking me how they can "add/change/delete" something in my mod I've created here a little FAQ for you all.
Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

How to add "grenades" back to grenadiers:
Open the downloaded "pack" file with the "Pack File Manager" from LtChambers.
> open the "db" directory and then go to the table "unit_stats_land_tables/aum_units_stats_land". Scroll to the right until you see a column called "Can throw grenades". There you can change "false" to "true". After that save the pack-file.

How to change the limit of units:
Open the downloaded "pack" file with the "PFM"
> open the "db" directory and then go to the table "units_tables/aum_units". Scroll to the right until you see a column called "Unit Limit" (16th). There you can change the "1" or "2" to "10". If you change this to "0", then you have unlimited units. After that save the pack-file.

How to remove the required technology for an unit:
Open the downloaded "pack" file with the "PFM"
> open the "db" directory and then go to the table "unit_required_technology_junctions_tables/aum_unit_required_technology_junction". There you can delete each entry you don't want. After that save the pack-file.

How to add an unit to a group of factions:
Open the downloaded "pack" file with the "PFM"
> open the "db" directory and then go to the table
Then add a new row with the button. Edit the two new columns like this:
1. column = euro_marines_elite / 2. column = prussia_group
After that save the pack-file and the Prussians can recruit marines too.

How to change the region of an unit:
Open the downloaded "pack" file with the "PFM"
> open the "db" directory and then go to the table "units_tables/aum_units". Scroll to the right until you see a column called "RegionID". There you can change the region to "global, europe, middle_east...". After that save the pack-file.

How to add "rank_fire" to an unit:
Open the downloaded "pack" file with the "PFM"
> open the "db" directory and then go to the table

There you can see which unit can do "what": Some of the units can already fire by rank.
add a new row with the button. Edit the two new columns like this:
1. column = UNIT_ID / 2. column = rank_fire

If an unit can use "platoon_fire_grouped" and "improved_platoon_fire_grouped" too, then the unit will use this two fire drills instead of rank fire because they are later researched. If you want to be sure that your unit only uses "rank_fire" you have to delete all rows where the firing drill is "platoon...." and "improved_platoon...".

After that save the pack-file.

Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

16. April 2009 - ADDITIONAL UNITS MOD (AUM) 1.0 has been released
17. April 2009 - ADDITIONAL UNITS MOD (AUM) 1.2 has been released
Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
- all unit stats are updated to "DarthMod 1.2" (stats, size, costs)
- increased "build turns" for every unit except the "Swiss Pikemen" from 1 to 2 turns per unit because they are elite troops.
- unit limit has been decreased for all units because of the balance
- "Marines" can be built without researching a technology
- fixed the "recruitment/technology" problem for the "Swiss Jaegers"

18. April 2009 - ADDITIONAL UNITS MOD (AUM) 1.3 has been released
Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
- lowered the experience you get from several buildings if you build a custom unit there.
- lowered the unit size for the "Horse Grenadier Guards" from 140 to 120 in the large version, because all other "carabine" troops have 120 men per unit.
- added the "Swiss Pikemen" to Spain. Now they also have an "improved" Pikemen.
- added a restriction for the "Swiss Guards". They now can't "re-inforce" their unit if you have a "republic" government installed. That is made because all other "Guards" are either "destroyed, converted or not re-inforcable" in game if you have a "republic".
- added the following already included units to several factions:
Highland Clansmen > available for Great Britain and recruitable only in Scotland. (custom battle = early)
Irish Brigade > available for France (custom battle = early)
American Long Rifles > available for England, France, Spain and the United Provinces, but only recruitable in America. (custom battle = early + late)
Euro Carabiniers > available for all major European factions in Europe.
Euro Cuirassiers > available for all major European factions globally.

18. April 2009 - ADDITIONAL UNITS MOD (AUM) 1.3a has been released
Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
- all unit stats are updated to "DarthMod 1.3" (stats, size, costs)
- lowered the "unit limits" for all custom units

21. April 2009 - ADDITIONAL UNITS MOD (AUM) 1.4 has been released
Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
- introduced four AUM versions:

1. aum_mod_1_4.pack standalone version with small unit sizes and can be used with other mods than written below.
2. aum_mod_1_4_dm.pack unit size, costs and stats are updated
to "DarthMod 1.4"
3. aum_mod_1_4_is.pack unit size, costs and stats are updated
to "Imperial Splendor 1.067"
4. aum_mod_1_4_proper.pack unit size, costs and stats are updated
to "A Proper Empire 1.21"

- updated all language files to "patch_aum_en_loc_1_4.pack" and "patch_aum_ge_loc_1_4.pack"
- uploaded a special language file for "A Proper Empire" = "patch_aum_en_loc_1_4_proper.pack"
- added two new custom units "Pioneers" and "Fusiliers"
- changed officer and flag bearer of the "Swiss Pikemen"
- changed officer of the "Elite Line Infantry" and "Marines"
- changed model of the "Elite Grenadiers" (until I get some new textures for them)
- changed the "technology requirements" for several units (see above in the spoiler)
- added the following already included units to several factions:
The five american natives are now available in campaign mode to all major factions and recruitable only in America. To build them you have to reach certain "native" building levels. (custom battle = not available)

24. April 2009 - ADDITIONAL UNITS MOD (AUM) 1.5 has been released
Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
- all unit stats are updated to the corresponding major Mod (DarthMod 1.5 / Imperial Splendor 1.068 / A Proper Empire 1.21 / standalone = vanilla small unit size)
- all five natives can now be recruited in the four "standard-AUM" buildings too. But they don't get initial experience if recruited there.
- added the following already included units to several factions:
Euro Hussars > available for all major European factions in Europe. (custom battle = late)

Highland Infantry > available for Great Britain, France, Spain, United Provinces, Sweden/Denmark and only recruitable in Scotland (That means if France captures Scotland, then they can build the "Highland Infantry"). (custom battle = not available)
- added new "battle personalities" (flag bearer and drummer) for several custom units. They look now like the normal soldiers in the regiment.
- added two new custom units "Mameluks Guards Elite" and "Janissaries Guards Elite" (custom battle = late / only recruitable for the Ottomans in the Middle-East / "non-reinforcable" in a republic)

27. April 2009 - ADDITIONAL UNITS MOD (AUM) 1.6 has been released
Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
- all unit stats are updated to the corresponding major Mod (DarthMod 1.6 / Imperial Splendor 1.068 / A Proper Empire 1.21 / standalone = vanilla small unit size)
- Fixed a recruitment problem with the three ultimate barracks for France, Prussia and Poland.
- added one new custom unit "Royal Indian Elite Guards" for the Maratha/Mughal empires.(custom battle = late / only recruitable for the Maratha and Mughal empire in India / "non-reinforcable" in a republic)
- changed the melee weapon of the "Fusiliers" from bayonet to sword.
- changed the required technology of the "Swiss Mountain Jaegers" to "military_army_light_infantry_doctrine" because they have advanced rifles.
- Highland Clansmen, Highland Infantry and American Long Rifles > are now available for all major European factions. (That means if France captures Scotland, then they can build the two "Highland" units above. If they conquer a region in America then they can recruit the "American Long Rifles" there)
- updated all language files to "patch_aum_en_loc_1_6.pack" and "patch_aum_ge_loc_1_6.pack"
- uploaded a special language file for "A Proper Empire" = "patch_aum_en_loc_1_6_proper.pack"

- The next update will come probably a few days after the next official CA patch. I have to test it properly and after that comes AUM 1.7.

1. Mai 2009 - ADDITIONAL UNITS MOD (AUM) 1.7 has been released
Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
- compatible with the new official 1.2 patch (30.4.09) from CA.
- all unit stats are updated to the corresponding major Mod (DarthMod 1.7 / Imperial Splendor 1.071 / A Proper Empire 1.22 / standalone = vanilla small unit size)

- lowered the unit size for the "Janissaries Guards Elite" and "Royal Indian Guards Elite" from 350 to 300 in the large version.

- changed the experience you get from several buildings if you build a custom unit there.

- updated all language files to "patch_aum_en_loc_1_7.pack" and "patch_aum_ge_loc_1_7.pack"

- uploaded a special language file for "A Proper Empire" = "patch_aum_en_loc_1_7_proper.pack"

- added two custom units "Don Cossacks Cavalry Elite" and "Tsar Guards Elite" to Russia. (both are available in custom battle = late / only recruitable for the Russians in their home-regions / both are "non-reinforcable" in a republic)

- added two custom mercenary units "West European Infantry Mercenaries" and "East European Infantry Mercenaries" to several faction groups:
West = Austria, Great Britain, France, Prussia, Sweden/Denmark, Spain, United Provinces, Venice)
East = Russia, Poland (both units are available in custom battle = early/late)

-added the following already included two artillery units to several factions:
18lbs Horse Guard Artillery > available for all major European factions in Europe. (custom battle = late)

24lbs Guard Artillery > available for all major European factions in Europe. (custom battle = late)
(only France had access to these two artillery units. This units are buildable in the three latest artillery buildings = gunnery_school, ordonance_board, engineer_school)

5. Mai 2009 - ADDITIONAL UNITS MOD (AUM) 1.8 has been released
Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

- fully compatible with the new official 1.2 patch (30.4.) >>> thanks to "Alpaca" for the modification of the Pack File Manager
- "ADDITIONAL UNITS MOD (AUM) 1.8" it is fully compatible with “DarthMod 1.9 / A Proper Empire 1.22 / Imperial Splendor 1.073 / vanilla 1.2 patch"
- all unit stats are balanced to the corresponding major Mod or vanilla version
- updated all three language files to "patch_aum_en_loc_1_8.pack" (English), "patch_aum_ge_loc_1_8.pack"(German) and "patch_aum_en_loc_1_8_proper.pack" (English "A Proper Empire"pack)

- new introduced "patch_aum_graphics_1_0.pack" which includes seven new re-textures. Just put this file in your ETW data directory and it loads automatically.

> HELLFELL made a new texture for my custom "Tsars Guards Elite" of Russia
> REMO made six new "Line Infantry" textures for Britain, France, Russia, Spain, United Provinces and the United States. The musician and the drummer of Russia are new too. Huge rep to this fine men!

- removed "platoon_fire_grouped" because the latest patch didn't improve this firing drill / "improved_platoon_fire_grouped" is still available
- increased the limit of all mercenary troops to 12
- the "Pioneers" use now axes as melee weapons instead of bayonets
- added the ability "grappling hooks" for climbing up walls to all custom infantry units except the "Swiss Mountain Jaegers" and "Swiss Pikemen" because they are light infantry troops and pikemen.
- changed the model of the "West European Infantry Mercenaries"

- added one new custom unit "Prussian Giants Elite Grenadiers"- They are the elite grenadiers of Prussia and use swords as melee weapons.
custom battle = late / only available for Prussia in their home-regions / recruitable at the three latest barracks and the ultimate army building of Prussia / required technology "military_army_fire_by_rank"

The "Giants" are disabled in the "A Proper Empire" version because this unit is already included by L33tl4m3r

- added two new custom units to India:
> "Royal Indian Cavalry Guards Elite" - They are elite lancers of Maratha/Mughal and armored with chain mail.
custom battle = late / only available for Maratha/Mughal in India / recruitable at the three latest barracks and the ultimate army building of India / non re-inforcable in republic / required technology "military_army_wedge_formation"

> "Indian Mercenaries Infantry"
custom battle = early+late / only available for Maratha/Mughal in India / recruitable at the four latest barracks and the ultimate army building of India / no technology required

- added the following already included eight units to several factions:
> Norwegian Ski Troops > available for all major European factions in Norway. (custom battle = not available)
> Euro Dragoons > available for all major European factions in Europe. (custom battle = both)
> Euro Heavy Cavalry > available for all major European factions in Europe. (custom battle = late / recruitable at the three latest barracks)
> Euro Colonial Light Cavalry > available for all major European factions in their colonies. (custom battle = not available)
> East Colonial Sipaphi Cavalry > available for all major European factions in India. (custom battle = not available / recruitable at the three latest barracks)
> East Pikemen Zamindari > available for Maratha/Mughal factions in India. (custom battle = early)
> East Missile Cavalry Zamindari > available for Maratha/Mughal factions in India. (custom battle = early)
> African Liberated Slaver Musketeers > available for all major factions in the "West Indies" colonies. (Bahamas, Hispaniola, Trinidad/Tobago, 2 x Islands of the wind) / (custom battle = not available)

As always I updated the first post with all new information, FAQ list, updated credits, screenshots of the custom battle screen and the campaign battle maps which are showing the recruitment queue of AUM.

Progress and what's coming next
Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

  • update to the next version of “DarthMod” + "Imperial Splendor" + "A Proper Empire"
  • adding more units which are already in the game for several factions
  • adding more custom units to the game (delayed because of the "UNIT LIMIT UI")
  • including new textures
  • including new full descriptions (delayed because of adapting and balancing to the new patch)
  • optimizing the balance with the help of your feedback

Everybody can use my mod for her/his personal or released mod. Please send me a PM with the link of your mod to ask for permission. All you have to do is to give me credits in your mod thread.

If you are a skinner/modeler who wants to give me his textures, then I will include it into my mod. If you are the creator of a major mod who wants that I make a special unit balanced version for his mod, then please send me a PM.

The creators of the three hosted mods:
Darth Vader for his awesome „
DarthMod“ from which my units stats are based on and I'm playing since the first release. He inspired me to release my mod and it's really great that he returned to optimize ETW with his improvements!

L33tl4m3r (A Proper Empire) and Quixote (Imperial Splendor) for their wonderful major mods which inspired me a lot and I'm having much fun to play them. Thank you both that you allowed me to do a special "AUM" version for your mods!

New textures by:
HELLFELL made a new texture for my custom "Tsars Guards Elite" of Russia
REMO made six new "Line Infantry" textures for Britain, France, Russia, Spain, United Provinces and the United States. The musician and the drummer of Russia are new too.
Thank you very much that you both allowed me to include your wonderful new textures!

LtChambers and Alpaca for their two masterpiece tools. (Pack File Manager and Mod Manager)

The Phenom, MrThib and Power Wizard for their great tutorials and guides.

Takeda Shingen for answering questions here while I was away.

The whole "Total War Center Team and Administrators" for hosting the best site about „Total War Games“ and allowing us to share our passion with others.

The outstanding "Total War Community" for all the infos, discussions, resources and awesome mods available.

Comments, suggestions, problems and balancing issues

If you have any comments, suggestions or problems you can give me feedback here in this thread.

Please write which version of my mod and language file do you use.

I introduced three new versions for major mods which all have different stats. It is important for me to know if they are balanced with the new patch.

The last thing I have to note: English isn’t my mother language and I’m still learning. ;-)

I hope that you're having fun playing my mod and thank you for downloading it! If you like it you could +rep me

Latest releases available:
1. = standalone version with small unit sizes and can be used with other mods than DM, IS and APE. (unit stats from vanilla)

2. = unit size, costs and stats are updated to "DarthMod 1.9"

3. = unit size, costs and stats are updated to "Imperial Splendor 1.073"

4. = unit size, costs and stats are updated to "A Proper Empire 1.22"

These files below are important to display the unit names and descriptions in game:

> = the English "localisation.loc"
> = the German "localisation.loc"
> = the special English "localisation.loc" which enables all new units of "A Proper Empire" and my "Additional Units Mod".At the moment there isn't a German version of the "proper" language file available.

> new introduced "patch_aum_graphics_1_0.pack" which includes seven new re-textures. Just put this file in your ETW data directory and it loads automatically.
Attached Files
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Rome + Barbarian Invasion > Europa Barbarorum 1.2 / DarthMod 8.1
Medieval 2 + Kingdoms > Deus lo Vult 6.1 / Broken Crescent 1.1 / DarthMod 1.4d / Third Age 1.0
Empire Special Forces Edition > DarthMod 1.9 / Imperial Splendor 1.073
A proper Empire 1.22 / Smoke&Blood&Weapons 3.1 / Better Firing Arc

My "Additional Units Mod 1.8"
for Empire (DarthMod + APE + IS)

Last edited by Swiss Halberdier; Today at 07:56 PM.
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  • 작성자지후선배 | 작성시간 09.04.26 뭐를받아야되나요// 왜이렇게다운받는게많지;;?
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