ETW: 자료실

DarthMod 1.6

작성자PeaceLove|작성시간09.04.26|조회수1,298 목록 댓글 13

첨부파일 DarthMod Empire 1,6.rar


Compatible with the latest CA Patch 30/3/2009


"DarthMod Empire" Commander Edition has increased unit sizes which varies per faction and unit type. This edition is for a true Strategist, as the game becomes a real battle simulation with thousands of troops!


DarthMod Empire includes:

-Optimized Land battle system (Musket lethal in short range but not in long range, Extra balance for all units per faction, more difficult AI by indirect methods etc.)
-Optimized Naval battle system (Ships turn and handle realistically, each faction has a special battle character, realistic tactical battle AI from indirect methods etc.)
-Better Campaign AI (More aggressive AI, Better decisioning in land invasions, better Naval AI blockades, better Alliance group wars etc.)

Special New in version 1.6
-Ship speeds lowered and now better.
-Ship damage model more realistic (1-2 mistakes in maneuvering and the ship sustains critical damages from the better position of the opposition).
-Naval moral balanced for new effects.

Special New in version 1.5
-Improved the time intervals between attack/defence animations. You will notice: Better individual self defense per soldier and unit, swifter time intervals between volley fires in fire by rank system, better responses.... a general better efficiency which affects also the AI which becomes more dangerous also this way.
-Lowered the penalties for flank/rear exposure.
-Balanced morale system for the new effects.
-Improved naval morale system for easier surrenders.
-Increased the radius of chain shots. 

Some extra things:
Any mod work I do, I do it firstly for my amusement, then to share it with all of you. Everybody can use part of my modifications or all to his own mod, but has to mention if it is unmodded or he has altered it per his own taste.

Whenever I have used other's work, I always gave credits (See my past DarthMods). I expect the same from everybody else... for the sake of good will.

2nd Notice:
I have been receiving recently many PM about "How do you do this.... how do you mod that.... how do I install.... how do I play .... how do I press a button... ?"
These will be ignored and I hope you can understand the reason. Post here and the massed feedback is more than enough. Better I might say from any kind of lecture I may had the time to offer individually.

Under Patronage of Simetrical
Patron of The Border Reiver and Darth Frigus and Wipeout140 and DaVinci

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Last edited by DARTH VADER; Today at 05:28 AM. Reason: New Version

첨부파일 DarthMod Empire 1,6.rar


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  • 작성자Clausewitz | 작성시간 09.04.28 파일이 2개 나오는데 하나는 Data 폴더고... 하나는 어디인가요??
  • 답댓글 작성자달팽이친구 | 작성시간 09.04.29 모드매니저를 쓰신다면 data 폴더에 넣는 다쓰모드 팩만 넣고 모드매니저 실행하시면 되고 모드매니저를 안쓰신다면 data 폴더에 다쓰모드 팩을 넣고 나머지하나는 텍스트 파일을 보시면 나오는 경로쪽에 넣으시면 됩니다. XP냐 비스타냐 에 따라 위치가 좀다른데 그위치에 스크립터 폴더에 넣어주란말이죠. 머 그지역에 세이브 파일이 저장되니 알아두시면 좋죠. 저는 비스타라서 경로가 여깁니다만 C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\The Creative Assembly\Empire
  • 답댓글 작성자Clausewitz | 작성시간 09.04.30 모드매니저만있으면 되는거였군요;;
  • 작성자오메가3 | 작성시간 09.04.29 이거 캠페인 후반부가면 렉현상 없어지는건가요??
  • 답댓글 작성자달팽이친구 | 작성시간 09.04.30 다쓰모드는 렉현상과는 무관합니다. 유닛능력 변경과 구성 그리고 AI변경이 된거죠 그리고 이번 30일 패치로 1.6이하 버전들은 현재 사용 불가능합니다.
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