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A Proper Empire v1.3.0 - Graphically Enhanced Edition - 05/09/2009

작성자PeaceLove|작성시간09.05.09|조회수2,341 목록 댓글 14

A realism mod intended to balance combat and present accurate recruitment intended to prepare the campaign (research, unit/building costs, etc.) for the new 3 turns-per-year.

Thanks to major contributions from members all across the community the mod now contains additional unit textures, improved smoke and sounds, historically accurate battalion/naval flags. Also included; over half a dozen new units, with more to come -- there are even compatible additional unit packs provided by members of the community!

Musket fire is more realistic and artillery plays a key role on the battlefield. Technology rates have been reworked; some things are easier to acquire, some take longer. Charging is more effective, useless firing drills have been removed, and all units have been balanced accordingly. Building times for settlement and capital improvements now match the increased number of turns. Check the change-log for more details!


*NEW*@ 05/09/09
Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

A Proper Empire v1.3.0
-- A Whole new install process! Streamlined to one mod pack and two patch packs! The installer copies all files to their proper locations including the new startpos.esf and a custom user.empire_script.txt.

-- Replaced "Fire and Advance" with "Advanced Live Firing Drills." Units get a +2 morale bonus with this tech.

-- Added "Advanced Reloading Drills" to the firing drills military tech line. It grants a -5% to base reload speeds.

-- Updated all unit costs; recruitment has been raised and upkeep has been left alone for the most part.

-- Added Several new units;
- Infanteria de Marina
- Svenska Pikenare
- Decanni Lancers
- Free Company of Catalonia
- Douaniers
- French Mercenaries
- Prussian Mercenaries

-- Decreased the size of general units; most are still capable of contributing to the battle in the clinch.

-- Fix for the Battle AI; it now attempts to engage correctly.

-- Naval unit stats properly loaded and the Hull values are now reporting correctly.

-- Fixed recruitment times for units across the board.

Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

Currently working on;
-- Adding stripped and mastercraft version of several ships. Stripped ships will a take shorter time to build and cost less in exchange for reduced durability and possibly some firepower. Mastercraft ships will be more heavily armed and armored as well as being faster; they will take significantly longer to build and finance.

-- I will be continuing to work on additonal unit sets; there will be more generic mercenaries associated with nationalities.

-- I will also be editing the "Empire: Total War" logo's in game to include APE's name, so you know what mod you are running!

-- Adding new buildings; currently working on a more suitable location to recruit mercenaries. Also working on associating unit types with campaign map buildings; cannons can only be recruited from iron workshops, adding a stables building for cavalry, etc.

In future updates;
-- Updated startpos.esf with unlocked and properly playable emergents.

-- Anxiously awaiting Alpaca's manpower scripting.

-- Possibility of rakes recruiting mercenaries.

-- Possibility of rebelling in a protectorate nation and having the nation change if you support the rebels (seems not to work with at least the Thirteen Colonies.)

Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

A Proper Empire v1.2.2
-- Completely Empire: Total War v1.2.0 patch compatible.

-- Added Horse Cannon Guards to France.

-- Added Horse Grenadier Guards to France, Sweden and Russia -- available with their highest military structure.

-- Thanks to the input from the players; cannon accuracy has been reduced by 10 across the board for all artillery units.

-- Decreased the range of Demi-cannons and Sakers by 100.

-- Several load/installation changes. The installer now installs everything in the correct place again, best used with a fresh install of Empire or if you know what you are doing!

-- Added Pipmod Radar enhancement! Thanks Waronmars!

-- Added Sinuhet's Formation changes! Thanks again!

-- More to come, quick release to correct compatibility issues!

A Proper Empire v1.2.1
-- Added the startpos.esf and scripting.lua to their own pack file. They no longer need to over-write vanilla files. The installer and rar files are updated!

-- Made some changes to AI thresholds and priorities; the AI should be more aggressive on land and less agressive at sea. Until naval transports are fixed, I am trying to get the AI to focus less on combat on the water. NO LONGER NEEDED!

-- Had to remove the minor faction flags due to installer/archive size being too large – they will be in later versions.

-- Added drummers and standard bearers to a lot of professional units that did not have them. Thanks SR-71!

-- Increased building times to match 3 turns per year.

-- Increased the cost of religious buildings, should help the AI make better choices.

-- Added Smoke Mod Lite + Blood Mod 1.2! Thanks to Mech_Donald for letting us use his amazing enhancement!
*NOTE* I have renamed Mech_Donalds' smoke mod to: patch_mechdonald_smoke.pack -- if you already have his smoke mod, simply delete the pack I renamed!
Now with patch_fifesndrums.pack and patch_WeaponFX.pack – the sound patches from Mech_Donald’s Smoke Mod; if you already have his sound mod, simply delete the two file from the APE installer as you would with the pack above!

-- Added Captain Cox Loadscreen II! Thanks to CaptainCox for this fantastic work!

-- Units have been rebalanced - unit statistics now reflect prices; let me know if you see anything off!

-- Technologies have been adjusted in cost; lower military techs are easier to get (including various naval and artillery techs,) higher level philosophy techs are more even balanced, and agricultural techs are more balanced and easier to acquire. "Fire and Advance" is almost free!

-- Custom installer! Comes with all the new unit skins and flags as well as the adjusted startpos.esf and scripting.lua. You will need to copy the user.empire_script.txt to your scripts folder! See below.
Please make backups before using! ** MAKE BACKUPS BEFORE USING! **

-- There is still a RAR version – you will still need to manually adjust your user.empire_script.txt.

-- New units skins provided by Remo! Thanks again!

-- New Flags for naval units, battalions and new government types for minor factions provided by Trasibulos and Aykis16! Thanks again!

-- Increased misfire chances, they were so low before they almost never occurred.

-- Further decreased accuracy and damage at longer ranges for muskets, this should help the AI remember that it CAN bayonet charge.

-- Added a custom startpos.esf; 3 turns per year @ winter, summer, summer.

-- Added a custom scripting.lua from notger; protectorates stay independant nations (unless conquered.)

A Proper Empire v1.1.0
-- Lowered the recruitment cost for units to 200 and dropped the city size vs recruitment limit to 2000. This should allow for the colonies to properly get on their feet.

-- Grappling hooks will be slower and lower ranged, possibly giving units on fort walls a better chance to repel them.

-- Recruitment slots in all buildings upped by 1 to 2 slots.

-- Musket long-range effectiveness will be reduced; beware of this, just because you take small losses from a range does not mean you can charge the line without timing your charge between reloads, otherwise it's into the meat grinder.

-- Cannons have been increased in effectiveness as well as in number of pieces of artillery on the field as well as ranges based on shot size. They now do more than sit around and look pretty - you will be able to use them to pinpoint enemy artillery or generals as well as using the round shot to cut enemy formations into pieces.

-- Mortars have been refined; while still very effective they no longer posses the accuracy they once did. Every percussion shell does not always kill 70+ infantry, but it CAN, (a result of lower accuracy and larger spread.)

-- Added Austrian Dragoons to the mercenary pool.

-- Added Regimiento de Infanteria Inmemorial del Ray; the oldest Spanish guard unit.

-- Dragoons (standard) now have 120 men per unit and carry muskets. Dragoons and light dragoons both gained a reload skill bonus; all dragoons range from 20 – 30 points in reload.

-- Muskets now actually have a small chance to misfire, something vanilla did not do.

A Proper Empire v1.0.0
-- Total land unit overhaul – all stats have been base-lined and applied with adjustments for quality, nation, etc.

-- Campaign map mercenaries – regiments available for hire by generals on the campaign map. Will be expanded continuously with more unique units.

-- Added Swiss Guard mercenaries. Available throughout Europe, but require a Theatre or Pleasure Garden to recruit.

-- More artillery pieces added to cannon units.

-- Decreased rank spacing – units are much closer together.

-- Removed Fire and Advance. (thanks Darth)

-- All firing drills now have the same reload bonus, which was reduced significantly.

-- Morale changes; Units now lose more morale for flank and rear assaults. Militia and mob units have increased morale.

-- Mob units doubled in size and made tougher in accuracy, melee, and defense.

-- Removed all unit caps not associated with unique units.

-- Light infantry and Rank Fire technologies have correct research point requirements.

-- Removed volley_fire from the game entirely.

-- Militia now have access to Rank Fire.

-- Light infantry and grenadiers unit size increased to line infantry levels.

-- Light infantry can now hide again.

-- Recruitment now affected by your population. A cities minumum size is 1000 people, and the minimum population required for recruitment is 2000. Your smaller fringe cities will now need garrison forces brought to them.

-- Recruitment now affects your population. Every unit drains 200 people from your population.

-- Experience will now be much quicker to gain, since units are harder to come by.

-- Added Continental Marines; recruitable by the USA in the Americas.

-- Marines from other factions use a different model, until I can make my own.

-- Added Marines for the British, French, Spanish and Dutch factions. Strong melee troops capable of hurling grenades and charging with swords. Recruitable when you have a Naval Board; available with 1 experience from the Naval College.

-- Added Zienten Hussars, recruitable with the Brandenburg Gate. A heavy hussar unit built like a light hussar unit with 60 horse (80 on ultra!)

-- Potsdam Giants now musket and sabre troops.

-- Added Potsdamer Riesengarde (Potsdam Giants.) Only recruitable in Brandenburg with the Gate. They still need to be re-colored, pants and undercoat.

-- Corrected the mod format of patch_proper_descriptions.pack to a movie pack, it should now properly load. *TEMPORARY*

-- Added proper_special_forces_units.pack to correct Death's Head Hussars not having a carbine and a few other things I found wrong with the special forces units. Also gives unique desriptions to all special forces units when used with patch_proper_descriptions.pack.

-- Dropped the price of light infantry; the upkeep is the same, but much easier to recruit them.

-- Dropped the recruitment time of all militia units to 1 turn.

-- Small AI tweaks; AI should disband as needed to reinforce, should also help allies more aggressively.

-- Increased artillery accuracy slightly.

-- Accuracy update; I have adjusted several units to decrease their accuracy to properly reflect their less-than-professional-but-more-than-milita status on the line. Increased accuracy for some line infantry and descreased it for others.

-- Overhauling all factions' main line and cavalry units (light and heavy of both types) to properly reflect historical data concerning the capabilities of the nations' armies on the field. Any input on this would help, thanks!

-- Reload bonuses now switched for platoon firing and rank firing. Should help the cycle of fire to start again once the end of the line has been reached.

-- All recruitment times have been increased, though when used as intended, with a 3 or even a 4 turn mod, this change actually comes out to less time in years, more time in turns.

-- Charging now more effective; units will break under infantry charge when properly demoralized. Cavalry charges can be devastating.

-- Fire by Rank Now available at third tier.

-- Light infantry equipped with bayonets.

-- Weapon ranges across the board increased. 100 is the standard musket range, all other weapons adjusted in reference to this number. Some other small tweaks to a number of weapon. Made the double musket more effective at short range and near useless at long range.

-- Light infanty now play a bigger role in the ranks of the army, as such, light infantry doctrine is a second tier-technology.

-- Firing tracers are not turned off, just toned down. (Thanks Ketzerfreund!)

I'll be making updates, when a new zip file comes out with a new version number on it, all the pack files listed with the zip for individual download will also be updated.

Any questions, let me know!

A Proper Empire v1.3.0 Installer *NEW*
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Outdated/Older Versions
A Proper Empire v1.2.2 Installer
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A Proper Empire v1.2.2 Archive
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Startpos.esf Archive
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Last edited by l33tl4m3r; Today at 04:11 AM.


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