ETW: 자료실

DarthMod 2.4

작성자PeaceLove|작성시간09.07.16|조회수1,187 목록 댓글 4

첨부파일 DarthMod Empire 2,

Compatible with the latest CA Patch 1.3+
& save game compatible with Vanilla

If you have problems with the installation procedure, try the unofficial but fully working installer created by hip63. Watch the version number if it is updated as well.


"DarthMod Empire" Commander Edition has increased unit sizes which varies per faction and unit type. This edition is for a true Strategist, as the game becomes a real battle simulation with thousands of troops!

Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 


Installation Instructions




-Unzip the file using a program such as WinRar, which can be downloaded from here.

-Open DarthMod Empire Commander Edition file

-Copy darthmod.pack to C:\...\Steam\SteamApps\common\empire total war\data

user.empire_script.txt to :

VISTA C:\Users\(Your User Name Here)\AppData\Roaming\The Creative Assembly\Empire\scripts

XP C:\Documents and Settings\(Your User Name Here)\Application Data\The Creative Assembly\Empire\scripts


Warning! If you do not see these, enable Windows to show hidden folders
  • The easiest way to understand that you have DarthMod installed watch a line infantry to have 110 range (And that the unit size is larger than Vanilla).
  • If your PC cannot handle the thousands of troops of DarthMod Empire Commander Edition lower your settings (Normal = approximately Ultra of Vanilla version)



Lee Cowen "Creative Assembly Senior Games Programmer" for giving me valuable tips.
LtChampers, Alpaca and all who have helped him to create his masterpiece tool.
Argent Usher general artist of DarthMod.
Tharoth for maintaining the sub mod section of DarthMod Empire.
Naimad for general advices.
Zowrath, Don of Atheos, for helping me to moderate my forum (Anbar, Rammstein are idle at the moment but thanks).
yelowdogg23 for creating DarthMod signatures.
NogaOsibisa for giving me the idea to create the Commander Edition of DarthMod.
I-R-Cannonfodder & JCR for the research they have offered me about wind speed and sail degrees (then I implemented to the mod).
billydilly, JFC for the forum screen splash screens (Yes I know... it was unavoidable).
akvilonn, diadok for the nice screens of the Commander Edition (And of course all the others who keep feeding with nice screenshots).
Midknight for helping me to optimize the reload rates of the mod.
Bythesword and Naimad for helping me balance the Musket Lethality.
scivian for his realistic trail mod used for the cannon fire in DarthMod. (I removed it for the time being, sorry)
You ...the fans who give me all the feedback I need.


DarthMod Empire includes:

-Optimized Land battle system (Musket lethal in short range but not in long range, Extra balance for all units per faction, more difficult AI by indirect methods etc.)
-Optimized Naval battle system (Ships turn and handle realistically, each faction has a special battle character, realistic tactical battle AI from indirect methods etc.)
-Better Campaign AI

Special New in version 2.4
-Updated the fatigue system (Exhaustion will not occur so soon and also other).
-Movement speeds + acceleration of units updated and improved.
-Hitpoints of Elephants increased.
-Hitpoints of artillery pieces reduced (The patch has made them immune, thanks zowrath for reporting this problem).

Special New in version 2.35
-Urgent hotfixes requested in some unit balance sectors (minor morale issues in some units + Line infantry balance of Turks and Sweden changes)
-I have updated the speed of units (They now rout more effectively + not too slow)


Some extra things:
Any mod work I do, I do it firstly for my amusement, then to share it with all of you. Everybody can use part of my modifications or all to his own mod, but has to mention if it is unmodded or he has altered it per his own taste.

Whenever I have used other's work, I always gave credits (See my past DarthMods). I expect the same from everybody else... for the sake of good will.

2nd Notice:
I have been receiving recently many PM about "How do you do this.... how do you mod that.... how do I install.... how do I play .... how do I press a button... ?"
These will be ignored and I hope you can understand the reason. Post here and the massed feedback is more than enough. Better I might say from any kind of lecture I may had the time to offer individually.

Last edited by DARTH VADER; Yesterday at 05:27 AM. Reason: New Version



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  • 작성자재정해원아빠 | 작성시간 09.07.16 아.. 빠르다.. 나오는 것 마다 따라서 까는것도 정신이 없구낭..
  • 작성자BeTheReds | 작성시간 09.07.16 부대 숫자를 줄이려면 어떻게 해야하나요?.. 사양의 압박떔시렁..ㅠ.,ㅠ 나와도 적용을 못시키니..흑..
  • 작성자최재혁 | 작성시간 09.07.20 다쓰모드랑 오리지널이랑 몬 차이가 있나요??/ 모 유닛 새로나온거라도 있나요?
  • 작성자막쉬무스 | 작성시간 09.07.20 팩파일매니져로 바까주시면되요 방법은 검색하시면 나올것이에요 unit size 이부분이잇는데 이걸 고치시면됩니다
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