ETW: 자료실

ai mod

작성자막쉬무스|작성시간09.08.29|조회수1,537 목록 댓글 8

So for that last few weeks I've been refining and tweaking an AI Mod with a buddy of mine, and we believe we have a pretty good start for an AI Mod.

The mod is best enjoyed with no fog of war (allowing you to see how the AI is reacting in situations), but mainly these are the things to watch out for, test, and write back about:

AI Is combining Stacks better
AI is honoring Alliances
AI Is accepting Peace Treaties without Ultimatums more than often (does happen, though the typical one is still money)
AI Helps its Allies defeat your armies
AI Protects its Protectorates better
AI Navies are Up-kept and Globaly deployed and used for Raiding, Blockading, War, and Trade
AI Invasions are now more about how much they like you, and how close you are to them (no more strange wars from India unless already engaged) <-- Still in testing write back!
AI Armies attack Settlements much more often than Raiding towns, and ports.
AI constructs and maintains more forts, and builds its economy, improving its regions
AI Attempts to recapture Regions more often than just abandoning them
AI Constructs more Infantry than any other units, and more cavalry than Artillery
Naval Invasions <--- Keep on the lookout for these, currently I've seen some across the English channel but none at greater distance, Lots of AI defense of Ports however.
AI Sieges insteads of assaults
AI may surrender sometimes if requested
Campaign AI takes over the Campaign Map, as oppose to the Battle AI being preferred over it.

These are just a few of the things to look out for. I need feedback to let me know what else can be improved, or what is still not working properly. I again suggest playing it with no fog of war. Try it out, keep me informed!

To install the mod simply place the mods package file inside Program Files/Steam/SteamApps/Empire Total War/Data, and enjoy!

Also, for more accomplished mod users out there, me and my buddy have taken the last Road To Independence Campaign and turned it into a Grand Campaign you can play with all available countries on the map. I don't suggest it for those players who are not used to switching files back and forth, and keeping backups. But even still, if you use this campaign, it is very important that you keep a backup of the vanilla Grand Campaign, until eventually we finish a Campaign Switcher that will allow you to flip back and forth at the running of a program, or batch.

RTI Grand Campaign includes:

12 Turns Per Year
All Factions on Campaign Map selectable, including the United States

Again, highly suggested to be played with no fog of war, done by editing the scripting.lua in data/campaigns/main_2.


AI Mod -



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