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[모드,스킨]최고의 현실성을 가진 NER 모드의 새버전, 5.0 변경점

작성자Highsis|작성시간17.12.06|조회수655 목록 댓글 2

이번주에 나오는 NER모드 5.0의 변경점입니다.

굉장히 많이 바뀌네요... 이전보다도 더 현실적으로 되겠군요.

version 5

Campaigns Changes:

- Government "taxation" buildings will get the repression bonus slightly reduced. While these represent local government and justice system, at the same time they are responsible for collecting taxes which counterbalance it a bit.

- Military barracks will get the repression bonus. Overall it felt like they have no purpose once you have your recruitment centers handled, so this way, player will always get something back from their presence (not just tax reductions)

- Replenishment bonus given to all military buildings (replenishment is linked with recruitment by default, so this will increase the effect a bit)

- Effect of major victory on population happiness will be a bit higher, while unhappiness from losing a major battle will be increased as well.

- Supply post only kept the global replenishment bonus (2/3/4), but gave it tax penalty cut (-1/-2/-3%) for local region. At the same time, Supply post now costs a lot more to build, so player wont be able to just build these everywhere he can.

- Fixed building cost. for some reason cost of buildings in game is half of what i intended, so all costs were increased to compensate.

- Enhancements to AI behavior in Egyptian campaign, giving Mamelukes separate personality so their armies are a bit more cavalry centric.

- Mamelukes units limits changed, Mamelukes cavalry made more numerous (30 instead of 8), while infantry militia and irregular units availability reduced (20 instead of 30).

- Reduced amount of experience French units have in Peninsular campaign

- Added some extra experience to British units in Peninsular campaign

- Fix some issues with Peninsular Campaign, where Portuguese rebels didn't had any unit assigned

- Adjusted the units for Spanish rebels, to be composed mostly from Guerilla units.

- Spanish Guerilla adjusted, more units allowed, price increased but recruitment time reduced to 1. Guerilla units are now available from lowest tier buildings, both military and administration.

- Recruitment experience removed from Guerilla, instead, experience for guerilla can be gained by two technology researches instead of one.

- Reduced the percentage unit gets wiped out when losing a battle to 60%

- Re-enabled vanilla technology tree for all campaigns

- Abolishment of Inquisition will now have negative happiness impact on lower Spanish population in Peninsular campaign.

- Musket factories and stables now reduce infantry cost globally by increased margin (2%/3%/4%)

- Factories now reduce cost of artillery and cost of buildings

- Iron Plating technology changed into "Heavy Ship of the Line" technology research, which will enable 120 gun Three-Deckers. This technology will also decrease cost of ships, and will be research-able faster.

- Locomotives technology bonuses changed to be more about prestige, as this technology didn't had any economical impact during Napoleonic wars

- Mass production of Muskets and Mass produced Rifles technology researches moved to tier 3, and swapped position. Musket research unit cost removed, as it was doubled by enabling the musket manufacture which has also global bonus.

- Difficulty bonuses and penalties reworked,creating more challenge for player when hardest difficulty level is selected

- Multiple unit size fixes in all campaigns

Combat changes:


- French Charleville musket made most accurate, have lowest dispersion, but slower reload rate. 

- Austrian muskets made more reliable and faster to reload, but less accurate than French muskets 

- Prussian musket has same reload rate and accuracy as Austrian musket, but is less reliable

- British musket is average in all parameters (but at the same time doesn't have any weaknesses)

- Russian muskets have worst accuracy, reliability, and average reload rate (Russians had issues with gunpowder quality)

- Russian Guard Infantry got better muskets as historically they used Brown Bess muskets delivered from Britain

- Elite units of small European nations use French Charleville muskets

- French Revolutionary infantry got new entity, unit will move faster (same speed as light infantry), charge at longer distances, but will be less maneuverable (40 vs 45) than standard Line infantry

- French Line Infantry maneuverability increased to 60 (French Infantry was well known for being able to deploy into formations faster than others)

- French infantry moves on the battlefield slightly faster than others (walk). Double pace speed (run) unchanged. French were well known to adopt formations under fire faster, keep cohesion better and move forward in better fashion than other nations.

- British infantry was extensively trained in live fire, therefore they got +5 accuracy by default vs other units.

- small arm fire-lock reliability rating now used to simulate formation fire drills (flintlock has 33% failing rate, therefore 66% of men fires in fist salvo (2ranks) and 33% in second salvo (third rank moving muskets forward). Matchlock has 75% failing rate, simulating sporadic nature of aimed fire, matchlock mechanism assigned to skirmishers to make their salvos less synchronized.

- Rifles got +5% to fouling rate (25%) as they required more extensive cleaning due to rifled barrel.

- Prussians got Skirmisher Fusilier unit

- French got (Corsican) "Tirailleurs Corses" - Elite Skirmisher unit which will replace Anti-Guerilla unit. I will set them to have 2 Battalions, to also cover "Tirailleurs du Po" Battalion they were typically brigaded together.

- infantry battle entity were adjusted to bigger size (0.275)

- charge behavior changed for western infantry, they will no longer run into charge(unit stays better organized). Eastern units and irregulars will charge running.


- Lifeguard Cossacks got higher defense and changed into heavy lancers as they were composed of the strongest cavalrymen. They kept 2 rank formation and close order.

- Irregular cavalry (Cossacks, Mamelukes, Guerrillas) use more open and deeper formation now (3 ranks)

- removed Dragoons, Cuirassiers and higher quality units from Tier 1 cantonment barracks

- added missing Vistula Lancers to tier 4 and 5 military buildings in European Campaign (were only present for the 3rd tier)

- Prussian Heavy cavalry got some experience and stats boost, as they were the most feared Prussian arm during 1805-1812 period. Prussian Cuirassiers are now superior to French, but they don't have plate armor (only received it in 1814)

- Cavalry stats redesign, with more stats behind defense (armor type, horse quality and size, swordsmanship skill).

- cavalry "defense" stat now covers mount quality. It further differentiate certain cavalry types and makes light cavalry not as effective when facing heavy cavalry (exception are Hussars which ride high quality horses usually, and of course Polish Lancers for the same reason)

- British cavalry morale reduced, yet melee stats kept as before (British cavalry was well known to be less reliable and easy to get carried away)


- French artillery crew moves a bit faster than others (its now possible to withdrawn them from melee effectively)

- New 6-horse carriages assigned to medium (8/9lber - faster) and heavy (12lber - slower) artillery units.

- Artillery crew charge distance set to 0 to reduce chances of them charging infantry

- long range and extreme range damage penalty removed, artillery should now deal damage at max range properly

- Shells fired by howitzers got more shell splinters, but lethality of splinters reduced. Size of explosion reduced to half, splinter speed and range greatly reduced

- British and Prussian Horse artillery now uses 12-lber guns as both countries used them instead of 6pdr guns

- Austrian and French artillery got better experience than others, 12pdr foot artillery got +5 extra base reload stat (due to more ammo carried)

- French and Austrian artillery carriages set to be slightly faster than others.

- French artillery units renamed to Artilerie a Pied, or Artilerie a Cheval‎.

- French guard horse artillery units renamed to Artilerie de La Garde, and changed into 12-lber battery with full complement of gunners. Units received adjusted entity to be faster than other similar artillery units, availability reduced to 2 units.

Global Combat changes:

- Attack direction bonuses decreased for flank and rear attacks (unnecessary with new cavalry redesign)

- Rally ability will now have just single use in battle, but its effect was greatly increased (bonus 10-100 to morale, based on general skill/stars). This way, player will be able to stop the rout, unless reason behind unit routing is too severe (army destruction)

- Inspire ability will have longer effective time (60 sec) and will increase units morale for 10 points. marksmanship and melee bonus stays the same (10 MRK 4 Melee). This will give player option to support important attacks with his general, and inspire men to follow through, or hold steady in defense.

- Reduced morale penalty effects on total casualties taken for 20 and 40% losses. Compensated it by increasing penalties for being under musket and artillery fire.

- Experience system adjusted, accuracy now increases only slightly, and only at higher levels (+5 at chevron 4, +10 at chevron 7). Reload has linear progression, same as attack and defense.

- Unit stats improved, Line infantry accuracy reduced, now differentiate mostly in reload and melee/morale.

- Long grass visibility range increased for all units. Cavalry can spot units up to range 200, while skirmishers 150 and Line Infantry 100. Units can now effectively hide only in scrub or forest. (longer visibility also helps AI to make better decisions in battle)

- Guerilla units now don't carry military backpacks (they are local folks, therefore should not have military standard issue bag on them)

Naval changes:

- Solid shot fired by naval guns now causes splintering effect on enemy ship, which might wound or even kill enemy crew. larger guns have stronger effect

- Ship hull strength reduced for all ship proportionally

- 38-gun Frigate made slightly more stable on sea to be superior gun platform to 32-gun Frigate

- Marines now provide accurate musket fire at close ranges

- Lower sails a lot more vulnerable to gunfire, ship sails are slightly easier to disable.

- Ship targeting area angle reduced to 40 degrees to increase role of ship tactical maneuvering (ship can now get out of enemy range sooner with maneuver) 

- Number of Admirals now linked with number of military ports (2nd and 3rd tier) instead of military barracks.


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