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팩파일 매니져 1.5.7 (4월 23일 업데이트)

작성자에바1호기|작성시간10.04.10|조회수2,636 목록 댓글 0
[Since I'm doing most of the updating regarding the application changes, The Vicar and I decided that it made more sense if I had control of the OP.]

I've updated the PFM. The big news is that I've added the ability to edit .atlas and .unit_variant files. That means we can now create custom units much more easily, whether or not CA ever releases its editor.

Here's the list of current features and fixes in 1.5.7:

  • 대부분의 데이터베이스 파일을 편집.
  • tga, dds, txt, lua, h, fx, fx_fragment, battle_script 파일 미리보기.
  • unit_variant, atlas 파일을 직접 편집할 수 있어서 모더들이 모델과 유닛을 쉽게 제작할 수 있게함.
  • 이제 오른쪽 클릭으로 복사와 붙여넣기가 가능.
  • [1.5.4] 추출된 atlas 파일은 dds 텍스쳐를 위한 격자 오버레이를 생성하기 위해 이용할 수 있음. 오버레이는 투명도를 가진 PNG 파일에 저장되어 새로운 레이어로 이미지 에디터에 쉽게 임포트할 수 있음.
  • [1.5.5] 현재 선택된 팩파일은 하단에 있는 상태바에 나타남.
  • [1.5.5] atlas 파일과 unit_variant 에디터안에 있는 열 길이를 일치하기 위해 창이 자동 확대됨.
  • [1.5.6] 사용자는 이제 atlas과 unit variant을 TSV 파일로 내보내기 가능.
  • [1.5.7] XML 파일 미리보기.

  • Bug that prevented some tables from being read has been fixed.
  • Miscalculation on .atlas file editor has been fixed.
  • Memory overflow exception when editing the .atlas file has been fixed. (I hope)
  • [1.5.3] Fixed save problem in .atlas and .unit_variant files.
  • [] Fixed save problem in .unit_variant reference.
  • [1.5.4] .atlas file editor control now requires double click to edit cells. This makes it consistent with the .unit_variant editor.
  • [1.5.4] Warning added when "CA packs are read only" is unchecked.
  • [1.5.5] Columns autoexpansion in .atlas and .unit_variant editors seems to have solved the Out of Memory exception some users experienced with those controls.
  • [] Fixed mesh/texture reference save problem in .unit_variant files.
  • [1.5.6] More work on the memory leak.
  • [1.5.6] Users may only rename one node before saving.
  • [1.5.6] Fixed error that prevented some tables from being read.
  • [1.5.7] Fixed problem with row headers not refreshing properly.
  • First and foremost, Matt Chambers (aka "LtChambers") is the primary author of this software. If anyone deserves credit, it is he.
  • just, who stepped in with some much needed help.
  • Zaitochisan and maxsim666, whose research into the .atlas and .unit_variant files has been so helpful.
  • SwissHalberdier. Lord Mongsworth, and all the others who have helped along the way.
  • The TWC community for attracting a bunch of really smart, creative gentlemen.

업데이트 팀:
The Vicar

Please include the full text of any error messages you receive. Thanks!


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