
the Battle of Stamford Bridge (CA에서 배포한 역사적인 전투 )

작성자적닌자|작성시간03.07.30|조회수2,851 목록 댓글 0

잉글랜드의 마지막 색슨계열의 왕인 Harold Godwinson,는 짧고 어렵게 치세를 갖었다.
우선, 그의 합법성이 이슈였는데, 노르망디의 리차드2세 공작의 여동생인 에마가 앵글로 색슨의 왕 Ethelred II와 결혼을 했다.그러자 덴마크의 왕 Sweyn Forkbeard가 1013년에 영국을 침공하고 노르망디로 도망친 Ethelred를 폐위시켰다.이후 덴마크와 잉글랜드의 Canute 왕인 Forkbeard의 아들이 또한 에마와 다시 결혼하고 에마는 두 결혼을 통해서 왕들의 자식들을 생산하는 데, 이것이 미래에 찾아올 권력 투쟁의 시작이였다.
Ethelred 2세의 아들인 에드워드가 잉글랜드의 왕이 되었고 이후 1042년엔 덴마크의 왕이 된다.노르망디를 기반으로 프랑스와 협력으로 대륙간 기밀한 유대를 유지하지만,1066년 그는 후사 없이 죽자,많은 영주들이 그 왕좌를 요구하게 되는데, 노르망디의 William공작, Wessex과 켄트의 Godwin 백작등이 자신이 상속자로 주장하게 된다.
많은 귀족들은 Harold의 출신을 의심하고, 그의 왕위 상속 지명 지원을 거절한다. Harold는 웨일즈의 마지막 왕의 누이인 Aldyth와 결혼으로 그의 위상을 찾는데 도움을 받게 되고, Mercia와 Northumberland로 부터 지원을 얻게 된다.
Harold의 형인 Tostig는 그의 권위에 도전하게 되지만,Northumberland의 백작이 였던 Tostig는 추출되고 그의 땅을 잃게 된다.Flanders로 추방된 후, Tostig는 그의 영토을 되찾기 위해서 Northumberland와 Mercia 침공을 착수하게 되지만 실패하고, 스코틀랜드의 왕 말콤3세는 그에게 은신처를 제공한다.

( 대강 배경은 이렇습니다.. )

The Battle

Tostig was still determined to regain his lost lands. To this end, he sought out the Norwegian King, Harald Hardrada ("The Ruthless"). King Harald also put forth a claim on the English throne, and with Tostig's aid, launched an invasion of York, the capital of Northumberland. The defending army fielded by the Earls of Northumberland and Mercia this time could not hold their territory, and York fell. Harald demanded that 100 hostages be turned over to ensure the cooperation of the populace, with the exchange scheduled for September 25 at Stamford Bridge.

King Harold, meanwhile, had been building an army in the south in anticipation of William's invasion. The seizure of York necessitated an immediate response. Harold marched north, bringing his army 180 miles in just 5 days and surprising the Norse as they rested along the banks of the River Derwent. As the Saxons arrived, the bridge itself was defended by a single, lone Viking who, as legend had it, held the Saxons back until stabbed from beneath the bridge by a spear. King Harold's men set upon the disorganized Vikings, killing many as they scrambled to don their arms and armor. King Harald attempted to rally his troops by leading them in a furious charge, but was fatally struck by an arrow to his throat. Tostig assumed command of the Viking army, and refused an offer of parlay sent by his brother, Harold, insisting he would rather die than succumb to the English. After both sides reorganized, Tostig got his wish as hostilities resumed.

The Viking's last gasp came in the form of reinforcements led by Eystein Orri. Orri took up the banner, known as "Land-Ravager" from the fallen Tostig and led one final charge, known as "Orri's Storm." The Viking reinforcements were exhausted from their march to the battlefield, however, and were easily routed by the Saxon army. The Vikings fled to their invasion beachhead at Riccall, where they boarded their ships and returned to Norway. The invasion fleet contained 300 ships and 9,000 men; only 24 ships were needed to carry the survivors back to Norway.

The Aftermath

King Harold won the battle but was about to lose the war. While he was away, Duke William of Normandy spent the time preparing his invasion and subverting English nobles by promising them additional lands in return for their support. William also secured the blessings of the Pope, and the expedition was turned into a crusade. While William's army trained, Harold's grew restless awaiting the invasion, and eventually, Harold had to disband a number of conscripted regiments.

William took advantage of the Norse distraction, launching his invasion while Harold was away. With the same speed shown in his travels to Yorkshire, Harold appeared unexpectedly at a good defensive position at Caldbec Hill. The Battle of Hastings occurred on October 14, and began with the Saxons holding the line in good order. Fatigue from the Battle of Stamford Bridge exacerbated by the second forced march within a three week time span all took its toll, as the Norman strategy focused on a long, sustained attack designed to wear down an already fatigued enemy. When King Harold was killed by an arrow to his eye, Saxon resistance crumbled. William "The Conqueror" assumed control of England as King William I; ushering in a short Norman period that would rule the country until 1154, when King Henry II began the Plantagenet dynasty.

"Historical Battles:에 설치하는 방법은 아래와 같다.

(1)압축 파일을 다음 디렉토리에서 푸세요.: Program Files/Total War/Medieval – Total War/Battle/Batinit/Historical Battles
(2)"stamfordbridge2.inf” and “stamfordbridge2.jjm”이 두 파일을 다음 디렉토리고 복사후 삭제하세요.: Program Files/Total War/Medieval – Total War/Battle/Maps.

(3) 그리고 줄기세요...The Historical Battle entitled “Stamford Bridge” will now be available to play alongside the other Historical Battles through the front end of the game.

The player controls the Saxon army. The opposing force is divided into three groups: King Harald Hardada's Norse, Tostig's Army, and Eystein Orri's reinforcements. All three enemy armies must be routed from the battlefield in a short period of time or the Saxons lose the game.

None of the Norse armies are in position to contest the Saxon crossing of the bridge; however, the lone Viking sentry is present and will consume some precious time as the army attempts to cross. The Saxons have no cavalry to quickly chase down Norse units; but they should still focus on routing the three armies in turn as quickly as possible. Killing Harald, Tostig, and Orri will fulfill the scenario victory conditions; as each death is announced, units should be concentrated on the next army. Leaderless Norse tend to flee, but there is no time to pursue them to the ends of the map. Be sure not to risk King Harold, his death means an immediate loss for the player.

The Saxon player should lead with the men-at-arms, with the archers on their heels as support. Other combat units should secure the flanks and prevent the archers from being engaged in close combat, where they will route immediately. Peasant formations are too weak to be of use in combat, and their defeat can spark panic among more seasoned combat troops. They should be left out of the battle and committed only in desperation.

The Saxon troops are elite and should have little problem pounding on the Viking troops. Time is not your friend, however; move quickly or the battle may be lost despite huge casualty figures in your favor.
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