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TROM3 - ROAD TO KYOTO v0.75 *27 MAI 2011* (Ikko Ikki Update)

작성자PeaceLove|작성시간11.05.20|조회수1,631 목록 댓글 4 





TROM3 - Road to Kyoto is a comprehensive mod for Shogun 2 TW in the tradition of TROM for ETW and TROM2 for NTW. The main idea behind the mod is to make the game more interesting for hardcore strategy players. The mod is build in modular way, so you can tailor it toward your own needs.

Main Features:

Slower Battles!
Harder late game economy!
Improved CAI!
New units, techs and traits!
Many gameplay tweaks for the better (more events, more children, better Realm Divide and more)!


La♔De♔Da♔Brigadier Grahams TROM3 Music Mod

NOTE: The new version should work with old savegames. However, you won't have all features of the new version unless you start a new campaign. Don't install any other gameplay changing mods or you may get conflicts and not working features!

Ikko Ikki DLC Special Update v0.75

Various Fixes

  • Fixed attack by fire having a longer recuitment time then japanese matchlocks.
  • Fixed tech tree for Ikko Ikki DLC.
  • The mountain hermitage has the correct experience bonuses now.

Changes to Warrior Monks

  • Monk warriors are now seperated into two classes: Sohei (120 men elite units) and Yamabushi (160 men standard units). Sohei have cap of 2 (Mori & Ikko Ikki 3). Yamabushi have a cap of 3 (Mori & Ikko Ikki 4).
  • All monk warriors have increased moral and have a cheaper upkeep then similar samurai units.

Other Changes

  • Adjusted Ikko Ikki unit stats.
  • Reduced the extra upkeep for Hattori samurai units to 25 koku (was 50).
  • Added unit caps for ronin samurai.
  • Removed the success penality for player agents (was -5%). Since the last patch the CAI is good enough with it's own agenst to be a serious threat.
  • The normal tax level adds one more point to unhappiness.
  • Reworked bonuses of some of the ancillaries to make them more usefull.

Fixed v0.72

Savegame compatible - Just install over old version!


  • Fixed the not properly working new events.
  • Added missing new faction bonuses.
  • Improved kill rate of archers/matchlocks.
  • Overall the CAI should recruit less archers now.
  • Experimental change: Removed some CAI cheats that are connected to recruitment and army composition. Not shure if my changes work though.

Fixed v0.71


  • Fixed a bug with the samurai retainers.

Battle Changes

Unit Stats

  • Reworked all unit stats to blunt the extreme rock-paper-scissor relationships somewhat while keeping the distinct features of each unit category. This is work in progress.
  • All cavalry traded 1 defense for +1 armor. This helps against projectiles and attacks in the back when disengaging.
  • Ashigaru got slightly higher combat stats but their moral is still low.
  • Light cavalry can now deploy freely on the battlemap (they count as scouts).
  • Naginata samurai and no-dachi samurai are now conceptualized as small elite units (household samurai).
  • Reduced crew size of caravels and the black ship.

Other Battle Related Changes

  • Close range volleys cause more casualities.
  • Increased reload rate and accuracy through experience slightly.
  • Reverted base moral back to 0 (from 1 before). This means that at the beginning of the game low moral units are more prone to rout.
  • Watchtowers shoot a bit slower.
  • Adjusted a number of unit abilities.
  • Reduced damage, accuracy and reload rate of naval canons.
  • Naval fire arrows are now automatically enabled for all factions (makes sea battles more interesting and challenging from the start).
  • FIX: Yari Ashigaru no longer use pikes and katanas but the short yari only.

Campaign Changes

New Textures

  • Added Smirk's Waco & Ninja textures. Many thanks to him!

New Dilemmas & Events

  • Three new dilemmas: Recruit wandering sword, bow and yari saints who will aid your cause.
  • Four new events related to the encampment building line. Build barracks, hunting lodges and jiujutsu dojos and reap global bonuses for your army.

Historical Faction Bonuses

  • Most major factions overhauled to give them more historical starting bonuses.
  • Shimazu: +1 starting xp for all samurai (new), superior sword armed samurai and more loyal generals.
  • Chosokabe: Better archers (both foot and cavalry), happier buddhist population (+1 happiness; new) and higher farm output (+10% gdp)
  • Mori: Better and cheaper ships with higher campaign range (+5%); +1 starting xp for all Samurai (new); cheaper monk units with higher unit cap (new)
  • Hattori (unchanged): Better kisho ninjas, free deployment on the battlefield and higher ninja agent success chance (+4%)
  • Hojo: Lower castle building costs (-10%), lower administration cost (-10%; new), better siege units and +1 starting xp for yari units (new)
  • Oda: Better and cheaper Ashigaru units, +1 moral for all Ashigaru and +10 military research rate (new).
  • Tokugawa: Diplomacy bonus (+10%), greater influence radius of generals (+10%; new), higher global research rate (+5%; new) and better kisho ninjas.
  • Takeda: Better and cheaper cavalry with a moral bonus of +1; increased run speed (5%; new) and +1 charge bonus for all units
  • Uesugi: Better and cheaper monk warriors, +1 starting xp for all yari units (new), improved success chance for monk agents (+4%) and a bonus to trade income (+5%)
  • Date: +1 starting xp for all Samurai (new), superior no-dachi, +2 charge bonus for all units and +1 moral bonus for cavalry (new)

New Faction Specific Historical Units

  • NEW UNIT FOR CHOSOKABE: Chosokabe Bow Cavalry (replaces standard bow cavalry; better stats)
  • NEW MONK UNITS FOR MORI: Mori Naginata Warrior Monk Cavalry; Mori Naginata Warrior Monks; Mori Bow Warrior Monks; Matchlock Warrior Monks (replaces standard monk units; cheaper and higher unit cap)
  • NEW UNIT FOR HOJO: Hojo Ashigaru Sharpshooters (replaces Ashigaru Sharpshooters; better stats)
  • NEW ELITE UNIT FOR TOKUGAWA: Red Devils (Katana Samurai)
  • NEW ELITE UNIT FOR TAKEDA: Takeda Fire Cavalry
  • NEW UNIT FOR ODA: Oda Light Cavalry (better stats)

Building and Recruitment Changes

  • New unit caps for samurai and monks to achive more historical relations between samurai/monks (elite units) and ashigaru (bulk of troops): basic cap is 6 for all regular samurai and 4 for monk units with the following adjustments: +2 for if yari and bow equiped; -2 if naginata/sword/matchlock; +2 to monks if ikko-ikki; -2 if cavalry (samurai only); guard units are capped to one unit
  • Added one turn to the recruitment time of all ships.
  • All advanced ashigaru units need Ashigaru Sergeants as additional tech requirement.
  • Removed iron and wood as requirements for Nagae Ashigaru and Teppo Ashigaru (but pike & shot ashigaru and sharpshooters still need iron).
  • Added one more buildings slot to all a castles with the exception of citadels (since 5 slots is the hardcoded maximum limit). As a side effect all castles on the battlemap are now one tier higher (the lvl 4 castle and the lvl 5 citadel share the same map). This makes for more interesting siege battles early on.
  • Removed all cavalry buildings. Cavalry units are now recruited in the sword, yari and archery dojos. This frees one slot for other buildings.
  • Rearranged building requirements of several units: nagae-yari ashigaru and pike & shot ashigaru (yari dojo line); teppo ashigaru and ashigaru sharpshooters (gunpowder building line); matchlock kobaya and rocket kobaya (gunpowder building line)
  • Reduced repression bonus of castles and citadels and increased their build times somewhat.
  • Reworked a number of technology effects for units for a more consistent unit progression.
  • Adjusted castle garrisons: Lower levels have one unit more, higher level castles some less (since the recruitment buildings all come with their own garrisons).
  • Libraries, holy shrines and ninja special buildings can now recruit their respective agent type and add one to the agent cap.
  • Reduced and standardized the experience gained by buildings: lvl 3 gives +1xp and lvl 4 +2xp.
  • Weaponsmiths and Armorsmiths give the same bonuses to Samurai, Monks and Ashigaru. Also they generate money now but their bonuses were decreased.
  • Reduced bonuses of the barracks building line. Also, armories need iron now.
  • Reduced accuracy bonuses of the artisian building line.
  • High level castles give an additional armor bonus to Ashigaru only (lvl 3: +1; lvl 4/5: +2). This is representing their better equipment in the later part of the war.

Changes to Technologies

  • Tech ammunition bonuses now apply to all ranged units (including artillery).
  • Spear wall is now only enabled with spear expertise.
  • Changed a number of tech descriptions to show the value of bonuses.
  • Rearranged the tech tree: attack by fire and japanese matchlocks changed place to make masses of matchlock units available only later in the game.

Other Changes

  • EXPERIMENTAL DIPLOMACY CHANGE: War will get you a diplomacy hit that is lowered over time until a minimum negative bonus is reached. That way chances for negotiating peace after some time of warfare are higher.
  • Reduced conversion rate of all religious buildings and the nanban ports.
  • Gave the lvl 1 port trading capabilities and increased the number of trade routes from all ports by 1. This will help Chosokabe especially because they can't have any land trade beyond their starting island.
  • Major clans get +100 additional extra income.
  • Reduced income from trade nodes and tariffs.
  • Some buildings are more expensive.
  • Agents are more expensive.
  • CAI got +2 repression and the player -2 on h/vh/legendary
  • Adjusted the CAI to randomize buildings more.
  • Adjusted autocalc: Chance of loosing units in battle is higher now.
  • FIXED CA OVERSIGHT: Mori ships have now a 5% higher campaign range.
  • NEW MERCENARY UNITS: Added a tightly capped number of rather expensive mercenary units to the market building line: Mercenary Teppo Ashigaru (max. 2), Mercenary Fire Bomb Throwers (max. 1), Mercenary Fire Rockets (max.1) and Mercenary Fire Projecting Mangonels (max. 1).
  • NEW GARRISON UNIT: Naginata Warrior Monks Garrison (buddhist monasteries)


NOTE: All new units are fully integrated into the game (with bonuses, events and CAI)

Smirks Waco Textures!

UPDATE HISTORY (since v0.35)

UPDATED to v0.62

Fixed v0.62


  • Fixed the crash problem with the latest patch.

Fixed v0.61


  • Fixed a bug with the naginata cavalry animations.

Battle Mod


  • Increased the reload time of matchlocks from 25 to 30 sec.
  • FIX: Fixed a problem with the Pike & Shot Ashigaru showing both weapons at the same time.

Major Naval Update

  • Reworked speed and turning rate of all ships to make battles more realistic.
  • Reworked all naval projectiles and effects: more realistic ranges, cannons no longer overpowered, damage of matchlocks and fire arrows tuned down.
  • Adjusted crew sizes.
  • Adjusted all naval abilities.
  • All ships with bows can now use fire arrows.
  • Bow kobayas are more accurate (this compensates for the change that fire arrows are no longer their unique ability).
  • Additional graphical effects for firebombs and fire rockets (they spread fire now...).

Campaign Mod

Changes to Campaign Gameplay

  • Increased the town growth rate of the first two roads by 1.
  • Adjusted economical bonuses of techs to balance the economy with the new added techs.
  • Increased the charge speed bonus of the form tech to 5% (instead of 2%) and added a +1 charge bonus.
  • Sons come out of age between 14 and 19 years (was 14 to 22 years before).
  • Increased the chance that ronin samurai appear in the game.
  • The player starts with one point less repression. (new game only)
  • NEW MILITARY TECHNOLOGY TREE: Three new technologies for all Ashigaru units that reflect the historical development of the ashigaru from peasents to a lower samurai caste.
  • NEW CIVIL TECHNOLOGY: "Encouraging" Investments - Reduces building costs for all buildings by 5%.
  • NEW CIVIL TECHNOLOGY: Rakuichi Rakuza - Increases the wealth (gdp) of economic buildings and mines by 20%.

Changes to Unit Recruitment

  • All land units need one more turn for recruitment.
  • Increased recruitment costs and upkeep of all Oda ashigaru units.
  • All Matchlock units (with the exception of imported ones) and the Pike & Shot Ashigaru now need iron as resource.
  • Nagae-Yari Ashigaru need wood to be build.
  • Caravels are capped to two units.
  • Lowered unit cap for tachi cavalry to 4 (but there is additional naginata cavalry now)

New Units

  • NEW UNIT: Naginata Cavalry
  • NEW GARRISON UNIT: Matchlock Ashigaru (Citadel)
  • NEW GARRISON UNIT: Imported Matchlock Ashigaru (Nanban Port and Trade Quarter)
  • NEW GARRISON UNIT: Katana Wako (Pirate Fortress)
  • NEW GARRISON UNIT: Kisho Ninjas (Clan Fortress)
  • NEW SHIP: Yumi Siege Tower Bune.
  • NEW SHIP: Fire Rocket Kobaya.

Other Changes

  • FIX FOR CA BUG: Takeda can now recruit the Great Guard after becoming shogun.
  • Wako soldiers no longer run around half naked.

New Tech Tree!

Fire Rocket Ship in Action

New Firebomb Effects (for both land and naval combat)!

  • Integrated the new units better into the CAI files.
  • Several minor bugfixes.

  • Fixed a problem with Ninjas having too high or too low skills. (may need a campaign restart).
  • Matchlock Ashigaru have correct defense skills.
  • Inceased the base reload time of all matchlocks by 5 sec.

  • Fixed an issue with new units beeing available too early for some factions.
  • Fixed Nagae-Yari Ashigaru animation problems by giving them back the katana animations (may get changed in later versions again).

Battle Mod


  • All units got +4 defense to slow the battles down.
  • Cavalry got +2 extra defense.
  • Reduced bonus vs cavalry of all units by 5 (with the exception of light cavalry with -2). This makes cavalry more viable on the battlefield.
  • Reduced bonus vs cavalry of the yari cavalry by -5 but added +5 to melee to make the unit more usefull.
  • Yari Ashigaru got +2 to their charge stats.
  • Range of ashigaru bows reduced to 125.
  • All bow units have 20% more arrows.
  • All matchlock units now have range of 150, 25 ammo and can fire with all ranks as long as there is a line of sight to a target. Number of ranks was reduced from 4 to 3.
  • Some adjustments to the reload rates gained through experience and abilities
  • Recent casualities have a higher impact on moral.
  • Monk units have a slightly higher movement speed.
  • Reduced weight of horses (a dense formation can now better stop a cavalry charge).


  • Reduced speed of ships in battles by roughly 20%.
  • Naval base moral increased by one.
  • Reduced range of bows in naval combat from 180 to 160 (this should give other ships a better chance to board the bow ships).

Campaign Mod

Yari Ashigaru Revamp (in addition to the battle mod)

  • Standard Yari Ashigaru now use the short spear.
  • NEW UNIT: Nagae-Yari Ashigaru (Pike Ashigaru) - A more defensive unit then the standard Yari Ashigaru with less melee and charge values but higher armor and defense stats and more men (240). They are also better trained, have a higher moral and can form a spear wall. Available with the Way of the Spear technology.
  • NEW UNIT: Ashigaru Pike & Shot Formation - The ultimate late Nagae-Yari Ashigaru unit with matchlocks fireing from the front rank. Can form a hollow square. Only available with the Sojutsu Mastery technology (NOTE: There is a small animation glitch: after a unit has reloaded it shortly switches to the pike before firing again. You have to live with that for now ).

Matchlock Ashigaru Changes (in addition to the battle mod)

  • NEW TECHNOLOGY: Japanese Matchlocks (requirement for Teppo Ashigaru)
  • Imported matchlock ashigaru are capped to 8 units.
  • Japanese matchlock ashigaru are available earlier with the japanese matchlocks tech.
  • Japanese matchlock ashigaru now cost 400 instead of 300
  • Attack by fire tech and teppo mastery each increases matchlock accuracy by 10%.
  • Fire by rank has slightly higher rate of fire and requires teppo mastery.
  • NEW UNIT: Ashigaru Sharpshooters - This 80 men unit with high accuracy and range is usefull in field battles and sieges. The unit has a cap of two and needs a level 3 castle and the Attack-by-Fire tech to be build.

NOTE: All new units are fully integrated into the game (bonuses, events and CAI)

Other Changes

  • Reduced the ammo increase by Heaven & Earth tech from 50% to 20% and added an ammo increase of 20% to the Way of the Bow tech instead (the bow tech line lacked an ammo increase effect).
  • Increased the costs for all agent actions for the player by 10% and for monks by another 10%. (new campaign only)
  • Becoming Shogun provides a higher tax bonus (+4% instead of +2%) and a food bonus (+2).
  • Marriages have a higher permanent diplomatic effect (40 instead of 20).

Pike & Shot Ashigaru in action!


You have two choices:

1. Battle mod only: Install TROM3_Battle_Standalone_Mod.pack and ONE of the movement reduction packs.

2. Full TROM3 Campaign and Battle mod: Install TROM3_Campaign_and_Battle_Mod.pack and ONE of the movement reduction packs. Don't use the standalone battle mod!

We recommend using the TROM3_Movement_Reduction_All30.pack for speed reduction, which works well with the other combat changes. If you like other speeds, you can choose one of the other variant files from the archive. Just make shure you have only one movement reduction pack installed.

All files you want to install need to be copied into ...\Steam\SteamApps\common\total war shogun 2\data . To deinstall the mod, just remove all files starting with TROM3.




v0.7 TEAM

Yarkis - Teamleader & Design & Coding
Obi Wan Asterix - Design & Historical Research
Satori - Design & Coding

Former Team Members
aeoleron9 - CAI Design & Coding
crazyman from russia - Unit Design & Coding



CoconutFred - TROM3 Logo & Banners
Brigadier Graham - TROM3 Music Mod
Smirk - Waco & Ninja Textures
Everybody who helped making mod tools!
And extra thanks to the staff of TWCenter!








TROM3 Banners by CoconutFred - Choose one to support TROM3





Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	pikeandshot01.jpg
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Size:	209.3 KB
ID:	154980 Click image for larger version

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ID:	158734 Click image for larger version

Name:	new_techs.jpg
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ID:	158735 Click image for larger version

Name:	firebombs01.jpg
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Size:	492.1 KB
ID:	158737 Click image for larger version

Name:	smirk_wako.jpg
Views:	4943
Size:	181.2 KB
ID:	163118

Last edited by Yarkis de Bodemloze; Today at 01:55 AM.

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  • 작성자오메가3 | 작성시간 11.05.22 저만그런가요?? aum모드랑 이모드랑 같이쓰면 몇몇유닛들이 깨져서 나오더라구요;; 내가 문젠가?
  • 작성자야옹야옹 | 작성시간 11.05.23 전 실행이 안되는데 실행하신 분 계시면 방법 좀 알려주세요
  • 작성자움직여! | 작성시간 11.05.23 걍데이터 폴더에 넣으면됩니다 압축 풀고 모드 소개하자면 병종추가되고 메이저가문마다 보너스가 더 붙고 철포를 테크를 새로 만들어서 초중반에 철포쓸수 있습니다( 렘름뜨고 철포운용하는거는 좀아님 개인적으로 맘에들죠) 바닐라하면 50%테크업 모드 써도 후반 가야지 쓸수 있어요 그리고 아시가루 테크가 새로 존재합니다
  • 작성자DoubleU | 작성시간 12.02.26 한글인가요?
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