공식홈피의 계정삭제에관한 규정

작성자할파스|작성시간12.03.20|조회수64 목록 댓글 2

Delete an Account


We cannot reset or remove accounts from Stronghold Kingdoms. Your village will either be conquered by other players or vanish after a period of inactivity.

We do not collect any personal information from players at the time of sign up, thus there is no personal information to delete. Your e-mail address is stored only as a verification string for the login servers.


What happens with inactive players?

A village will be automatically abandoned when a player hasn't played or is dormant for a specific period of time; this time is dependant upon which rank they have reached. The higher the rank, the longer it takes for the village to become abandoned. If a premium token is in play at the time of going inactive, the player's account (and therefore, their village) will remain active until the premium token runs out.




Days until inactive

Village Idiot 5
Bumpkin 8
Yokel 9
Peasant 10
Serf 11
Villein 12
Bondsman 13
Freeman 14
Commoner 15
Thane 16
Yeoman 17
Alderman 18
Gentleman 19
Page 20
Squire 22
Knight 28
Baron 32
Viscount 36
Earl 40
Marquis 44
Duke 48
Prince 60


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