[EternalGreatHolyCrusade]연재 던오브워2 예전 엘리트 버전->2.1버전'카오스,임가,그레이나이트 변경점'

작성자블템포컴빌리|작성시간13.08.14|조회수191 목록 댓글 0

Fix for Chaos Lord's daemon sword unlock (60)
New head for Chaos Raptor Aspiring Champion
New model for Chaos Terminator storm bolters
New rank unlock for Chaos Heretic AC: epic chainsword (45)
New rank unlock for Chaos Havocs: rare heavy bolter (33)
New rank unlock for Noise Marines: epic armor (40)
New rank unlock for Chaos Raptors: epic chainsword (45)
Chaos Lord Blood Maul special attack damage (both types) increased from 50 to 60
Chaos Lord Armor of the Inferno cost decreased from 175/35 to 150/30
Chaos Lord "Let the Galaxy Burn!" after-effect (3 flame damage each second in radius 10) duration decreased from 15 to 12 seconds
Plague Champion Fetid Armor cost decreased from 125/25 to 100/20
Chaos Sorcerer "Warpfire" duration decreased from 4 to 1 second(s) (maybe this will help with freezing after ability)
Chaos Sorcerer Chains of Torment cost decreased from 150/35 to 140/30
Chaos Sorcerer Daemon Armor cost decreased from 150/30 to 140/30
Chaos Sorcerer "Warp Rift" cooldown decreased from 100 to 75 seconds
Chaos Havocs Mark of Khorne cost decreased from 75/20 to 65/15
Chaos Raptors (except for AC) upkeep decreased from 12.75 to 10.2
Chaos Raptor Meltaguns upgrade now grants the "Melta Bomb" ability
Chaos Dreadnought rotation rate increased from 225 to 275
Chaos Dreadnought missile launcher moving accuracy decreased from 100% to 50%
Plague Marines upkeep decreased from 12.75 to 10.2
Plague Marines missile snare effect decreased from 10 to 8 seconds
Chaos Predator rotation rate increased from 100 to 150
Chaos Terminator Lightning Claws now increase health by 20%
Land Raider Phobos cost increased from 700/180 to 800/180
Land Raider Phobos lascannon damage increased from 130 to 150
Land Raider Phobos lascannon splash radius decreased from 3 to 1
Land Raider Phobos "Dirge Caster" radius increased from 25 to 40

Imperial Guard
Lord General Sniper Rifle cost adjusted from 75/35 to 90/30
Inquisitor "Crippling Volley" radius decreased from 10 to 8
Inquisitor Interrogator's Armor cost decreased from 125/30 to 110/25
Inquisitor Purgatus health bonus increased from 100 to 200
Guardsman Infantry Squad Flamer cost decreased from 80/20 to 65/15
Guardsman Infantry Squad Flamer range increased from 20 to 24
Guardsman Infantry Squad Flamer courage damage increased from 0 to 2
Heavy Weapon Squad Autocannon cost decreased from 75/20 to 65/15
Heavy Weapon Squad Sergeant reworked into Refractor Field
Refractor Field grants the same benefits as the Sergeant but adds no squad leader
Refractor Field cost decreased from 65/25 to 65/20
Catachan Devil shotguns now have sound effects after reaching the epic shotgun rank unlock (6)
Chimera rotation rate increased from 75 to 125
Manticore rotation rate increased from 75 to 125
Bane Wolf rotation rate increased from 75 to 125
Leman Russ rotation rate increased from 75 to 125
Baneblade rotation rate increased from 25 to 75
Baneblade left & right heavy bolter damage increased from 30 to 40
Cadian Kasrkin Squad health regeneration increased from 0.5 to 1
Cadian Kasrkin Squad courage increased from 100 to 150
Cadian Kasrkin Squad hellgun damage decreased from 45 to 40
Medi Bunker upgrade cost decreased from 125/30 to 100/25
Repair Bunker upgrade cost decreased from 125/30 to 100/25
Repair Bunker repair rate decreased from 20 to 15 per second

Grey Knights
Fx replacement: incinerator flame fx
Changed a bunch of hotkeys
Removed attack ground from all storm bolters
New head for Purifier Justicar
"Land Raider Thunderhawk Drop" delay increased by 10 seconds
Brother-Captain Nemesis Halberd cost increased from 150/35 to 150/50
Brother-Captain "Ward" can now only be cast on infantry
Brother-Captain "Canticle of Absolution" energy regeneration bonus decreased from 0.5 to 0.25
Inquisitorial Storm Troopers lasgun damage decreased from 18 to 16
Inquisitorial Storm Troopers "Grenade Barrage" projectile speed increased from 20/10 to 22.5/15
Strike Squad "Energy Burst" no longer causes damage
Strike Squad "Energy Burst" now slows the target by 50% for 4 seconds
Strike Squad Nemesis Focus now properly grants the 15% health bonus
Strike Squad Incinerator damage increased from 5 to 15
Purgation Squad rotation rate decreased from 1000 to 300
Psycannon splash damage adjusted to standard autocannon pattern (damage decreases with distance, instead of full damage in the entire radius)
Interceptor Squad decorators improved when purchasing Grenades and Nemesis Focus
Interceptor Squad Incinerator cost decreased from 65/15 to 50/15
Interceptor Squad Incinerator damage increased from 5 to 15
Interceptor Squad Incinerator can no longer be purchased after upgrading the squad with Nemesis Focus
Interceptor Squad "Psyk-out Grenade" energy cost removed
Interceptor Squad can now purchase the Nemesis Focus upgrade, which grants 10% more health and 15% more melee damage
Rhino rotation rate increased from 125 to 175
Rhino now has the "Smoke Launcher" ability (same as Razorback)
Purifiers courage increased from 100 to 200
Purifier Justicar health increased from 500 to 550
Purifier Justicar hammer changed from power melee to heavy melee
Grey Knight Dreadnought rotation rate increased from 225 to 275
Grey Knight Librarian renamed to Terminator Librarian
Terminator Librarian population cost decreased from 10 to 5
Terminator Librarian now has a melee charge
Terminator Librarian now starts with "Purge" debuff ability (increases damage taken by 30% for 10 seconds)
Terminator Librarian Codicum Aeternum now increases maximum energy by 50
Terminator Librarian Liber Daemonica now increases health regeneration by 0.25
Grey Knight Terminators have two new upgrades: Incinerator and Psycannon
Paladins have two new upgrades: Incinerator and Psycannon

Land Raider Crusader "Frag Assault" removed

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