오늘도 시간은 잡아먹는데 멀티테스킹은 가능한 기묘한 CD 작업을 하고 있습니다. 아직 피시방 알바까지 시간이 꽤 남아서 간만에 미 국무부 브리핑이나 보려합니다. 사실 손을 좀 놓은지라 약간 예전거를 반추해야겠네요.
언제나 그렇듯이 번역에 태클걸어주시면 오히려 대환영입니다!
(사실 태클걸리길 바랄 지경입니다. 그래야 생산적일테니까요)
이번에도 네드 프라이스 대변인이네요.
1. 웬디 셔먼 미 국무부 부장관과 스테파노 사니노 EU 대외관계청 사무총장의 만남.
2:31 p.m. EST
MR PRICE: Hey, good afternoon, everyone. And let me apologize for the delay in getting started today. Let me also apologize that we have a few things to cover at the top before we get to your questions, but I promise we will eventually get to them.
First, for the last two days, Deputy Secretary Wendy Sherman and the EU’s External Action Service Secretary-General Stefano Sannino have been meeting in Washington to further advance the EU-U.S. strategic partnership. They participated in the fourth high-level meeting of the U.S.-EU dialogue on China yesterday and the third meeting of the U.S.-EU high-level consultations on the Indo-Pacific today. They agreed that the United States and EU have never been more aligned on our strategic outlooks. They also underlined the strong joint transatlantic resolve in defending freedom, democracy, and human rights worldwide. They stressed their ongoing commitment to take further coordinated action to address the current global challenges.
In the U.S.-EU China Dialogue, they emphasized the importance of the United States and the EU maintaining continuous and close contact on their approaches to the PRC, including on economic diversification, the PRC’s ongoing economic coercion of international economies, Russia’s unprovoked and unjustified war of aggression against Ukraine, promoting respect for international law and principles of human rights, the importance of maintaining peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, and China’s unilateral actions in the East and South China Seas. They also affirm that everyone around the world has the right to peacefully protest, mindful of the ongoing protests in China.
In today’s consultations on the Indo-Pacific, they confirmed our shared U.S.-EU commitment to upholding the rules-based international order in the region and expressed support for strengthening cooperation with regional partners based on these values and multilateral rules-based frameworks. They discussed efforts to improve regional connectivity, including through the Partnership for Global Health Infrastructure and Investment, and Global Gateway. They discussed maritime security issues and affirmed the importance of ongoing engagement with partners in the region.
This was an opportunity for the United States and the EU to affirm our shared strategic outlook, to underline strong transatlantic resolve in upholding freedom, democracy, and human rights worldwide, and to stress our ongoing commitment to take further coordinated action to address the current global challenges.
Deputy Secretary Sherman and Secretary-General Sannino agreed to continue their close consultations, and they will hold the next high-level meeting under the U.S.-EU Dialogue on China and consultations on the Indo-Pacific in Brussels in the first half of next year, 2023.
I would encourage you to take a look at the detailed joint statement we released for further details. The deputy secretary and secretary-general are also participating in a joint public event this afternoon at American University on the U.S.-EU partnership in the Indo-Pacific.
---> EU가 당장 들이닥친 유럽전역(theater)의 문제들(사실 러시아가 재래식 전력을 너무 많이 소진해버려서 두시름은 놓았지만)뿐만 아니라 인도-태평양 전역에까지 어느정도까지 관여할 수 있으지는 미지수입니다. 왜냐하면 요즘 독일이 보여주듯이 수완문제가 있으니까요. 하지만 수완과 별개로 EU는 미국과 마찬가지로 인도-태평양에 관여할 의지를 가지고 있음을 이 문단을 통해 엿볼 수 있습니다.
2. 러시아측의 일방적 취소로 중단된 미-러 New START 협상
* New START 협정 : 미-러간의 핵무기 감축 협정
MR PRICE: Hey, Matt.
QUESTION(Matt): Secondly, do you have yet any explanation from the Russians themselves about why they canceled the New START talks?
(* 3개의 질문과 대답에서 New START 부분만 가져옴)
MR PRICE: When it comes to your question on New START, obviously there have been reports emanating from Russia regarding their calculus and their decision to unilaterally cancel this. What we can say is that on November 25th Russia abruptly, and as I mentioned before, unilaterally postponed the upcoming session of the New START Treaty’s Bilateral Consultative Commission, or the BCC. It was scheduled to begin in Cairo this week on November 29th.
We are disappointed by Russia’s unilateral decision. Over the last several months, we have approached the resumption of New START inspections and the convening of the BCC in a constructive manner guided by the principles of exercising our treaty rights and upholding our treaty obligations.
All the topics that Russia had put forward were on the agenda for the meeting. We have repeatedly emphasized that we are prepared to work constructively on their agenda items and expected them to similarly work constructively on ours. All signs indicated that both sides were prepared to meet. We’ve seen some suggestions to the contrary. That is entirely false.
We do remain ready to meet with Russia in the New START Treaty implementation body to discuss all U.S. and Russian New START implementation concerns, to conduct inspections and ensure the viability of New START as a critical tool for maintaining stability between our nations with the two largest nuclear arsenals in the world.
Look, the fundamental purpose of nuclear arms control is to increase predictability and stability, and with that of course comes security. That redounds on both parties regardless of the circumstances. We are committed to New START in word, in deed, and we urge – we urge Russia to evidence the same.
---> 사실 제가 푸틴이어도 New START 협상장에 나오지 않았을 겁니다. 이번 우크라이나 전역에서 러시아측의 재래전력은 너무나도 많이 소진되어버렸습니다. 그렇다면 남은것은 핵전력이지요. 이미 우크라이나에서 저 멀리 떨어진 백해의 Borei-A급 SSBN 함교탑에 그려진 하얀색 'Z'가 보여주었듯이요.
---> MSG를 한 트럭으로 가져다 부어서 표현하자면 이제 러시아는 덩치만 무지막지하게 클 뿐 북한과 똑같은 처지에 처해졌다... 똑같이 핵이 곧 "국체"가 되어버린 처지랄까요.
---> 그렇다면 미국의 선택은 하나입니다. 바로 러시아를 어쩔 수 없이 핵 협상장으로 나오게 몰아넣는 겁니다. 핵이 쓸모없어 진다면 러시아는 협상할 수 밖에 없겠지요. 저는 이 지점에서 "진전된 비핵능력"이라는 표현이 나와야하고, 이 "진전된 비핵능력"은 우주전(+ 불가분의 관계인 사이버전)에서 비롯된다고 생각하는 바입니다.
3. 중국과 러시아에 대해 UN안보리 상임이사국으로써의 역할을 주문하는 프라이스 대변인.
Let’s go to Janne Pak. Janne, you there?
QUESTION: Hi, Ned. Can you hear me?
MR PRICE: Barely.
QUESTION: Hi, can you hear me?
MR PRICE: Yes, we can hear you now.
QUESTION: Yes, thank you. Thanks for taking my question. I have a quick question, first, on North Korea. As you know, North Korea has already completed its sixth nuclear test, and North Korea is known to possess multiple nuclear weapons. What does the North Korea’s seventh nuclear test mean for the United States, and what actions do you think the U.S. and international community should take after this seventh nuclear test?
Second question. North Korea is illegally developing missiles and WMD, such as (inaudible), cryptocurrency, and cyber hacking. However, China and Russia are not implementing – implement UN security sanctions. Do you think the U.S. need additional (inaudible) sanctions because China and Russia have not been (inaudible)? Thank you very much.
MR PRICE: Thanks, Janne. And I’ll confess it was very difficult to hear; the volume was very low as you were asking the question. So I will do my best to answer the questions I think were asked. I think your first question was on a potential seventh nuclear test. We’ve spoken to this in recent months in some detail. We’ve said for some weeks now that we’ve seen indications that the DPRK has completed preparations for a possible seventh nuclear test.
If that were to go forward – and of course that is still an “if” at this point – a seventh nuclear test would constitute a grave escalatory action. It would seriously threaten regional and international stability and security, not to mention undermine the global nonproliferation regime. It would be dangerous; it would be deeply destabilizing to the region. It would blatantly violate international law as set out in multiple UN Security Council resolutions. We’ve urged the DPRK to refrain from further destabilizing activity. We’ve called on the DPRK to engage in serious and sustained diplomacy. Of course the DPRK has not heeded those – heeded that urging to date. And so even as we do so, we’re coordinating closely with our allies, our treaty allies in the Indo‑Pacific and partners and allies across the globe.
---> 적수가 되지 못한다해도, 위협을 해온다면 당연히 동맹과 파트너들을 결집시킬 이유로 작용할 수 있습니다.
The potential for a seventh nuclear test has been the topic of discussion at various levels. The President of course met with his Japanese and Republic of Korea counterparts when the President was in the Indo-Pacific last month. Secretary Blinken has had a number of conversations with his Japanese and ROK counterparts. Deputy Secretary Sherman, our Special Envoy Sung Kim, and many others have as well, and we’ll continue to coordinate closely with them to prepare for all contingencies, including the possibility of a second nuclear – seventh nuclear test, excuse me. And we’re also coordinating very closely with our allies and partners in New York, where the Security Council has in the past worked collaboratively to hold the DPRK to account for its provocations.
---> 북한의 핵실험 정도면 당연히 UN안보리 감입니다. 그리고 여태까지 안보리에 오른 북한의제에 대해서 중국과 러시아는 비토해왔습니다. 기자분의 두번째 질문처럼요.
This segs to your second question regarding, as I believe I heard it, the PRC’s enforcement of UN Security Council resolutions that have been passed of course unanimously by the UN Security Council, of which the PRC itself is a permanent member.(* 중국은 UN안보리 5개 상임이사국중 하나. 그만큼 큰 책임도 존재). We think it is incumbent of all members of the UN system, especially members of the UN Security Council, especially permanent members of the UN Security Council, to fully implement the Security Council resolutions that it itself has passed. It is important not only in the case of holding the DPRK to account for its brazen provocations for its illegal nuclear weapons and WMD programs, which, by the way, potentially pose a threat to not only the United States and our interests, not only to our treaty allies, but to the entire region.
It’s also important that members of the Security Council, especially the permanent members of Security Council, implement the measures that they themselves have passed, because failing to do so would chip away at the international system that has been at the center of our security, of our stability, of our prosperity over the course of some eight decades since the end of the Second World War. This is the system that the permanent members of the Security Council have built, that they have invested in, and that they have turned to time and again to resolve differences and to hold to account countries that are infringing upon international law.
---> UN안보리 체제와 상임이사국들의 중요성과 역할에 대해 역설하는 부분.
Of course, we have failed to see that rigorous enforcement on the part of two members of the Security Council. These are – we have routinely urged all members of Security Council, including these two members, to uphold the commitments, the binding commitments that they have made.
---> 그러나 상임이사국 2개국에 의해 위에서 역설한 역할이 제대로 수행되지 못하고 있다고 말함. 물론 그 2개국은 중국과 러시아.