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[오..누네띠네]2023.01.12. 미 국무부 언론 브리핑 中

작성자cjs5x5|작성시간23.02.16|조회수105 목록 댓글 0

미일 2+2회담과 미일 정상회담을 보았으니 이번에는 미 국무부 언론 브리핑을 보면 될 거 같습니다.


1월 9일자도 있는데 저의 관심을 끌만한 소식은 없는듯 하여 그건 넘어갔습니다.


언제나 그렇듯이 번역에 태클걸어주시면 오히려 대환영입니다!

(사실 태클걸리길 바랄 지경입니다. 그래야 생산적일테니까요.)




1. 대만은 안전한가? 위험한가?



Yes, Cindy.


QUESTION: Hi. Can I turn to U.S.-Japan-China?




QUESTION: Would you agree with what Defense Secretary – excuse me – Austin said, that he doubts that a Chinese invasion of Taiwan is imminent? We had a rear admiral naval intelligence official today saying that the stakes have gone up and the danger level is something we need to take very seriously.

---> 상황을 정리해보자면 오스틴 국방장관은 중국의 대만 침공이 임박했다는 질문에 "But whether or not that means that an invasion is imminent, you know, I seriously doubt that,"이라고 의문을 표한 적이 있으나, 미 해군 정보국 당국자로 언급된 Michael Studeman 준장은 대만 침공 가능성에 대하여 “higher likelihood than ever before”라 발언한 적이 있습니다. 그래서 기자는 누구말이 맞냐고 프라이스 대변인에게 물어본 겁니다.



MR PRICE: I think both things can certainly be true, and this was the point Secretary Austin was making yesterday. Of course, we don’t have any formal assessments to share, but both Secretary Blinken and Secretary Austin spoke to the challenge that we’ve seen not over the course of recent months, but over the course of recent years: assertiveness on the part of the PRC, assertiveness that, in our estimation, is an attempt to undermine the longstanding cross-strait status quo – the very status quo that has maintained peace, security, stability across the Taiwan Strait for decades.

---> 일단 프리이스 대변인은 이렇다 저렇다할 평가는 제공해주지 않았습니다. 하지만 중공이 수년간 대만해협의 현상을 저해하려 시도하고 있음은 지적하고 있습니다.



Just as the PRC is attempting to chip away at the status quo with these aggressive maneuvers, with these provocations, with these implicit threats against Taiwan, we, on the other hand – working hand-in-glove with our Japanese allies, with other allies in the Indo-Pacific – seek only to bolster the status quo, to maintain, to preserve the status quo and the peace and stability that it has brought to the Taiwan Strait over the course of decades now.

---> 이러한 중공의 움직임에 대해서 일본을 포함한 인도-태평양의 동맹들은 대만해협의 현상유지(status quo)를 추구하고 있다고 합니다.


We oppose unilateral change in the status quo by either side. We will continue just as we have with calm, resolute steps to uphold peace and security, to – resolute steps to uphold peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait. Part and parcel of that is the U.S.-Japan alliance. It is the cornerstone of peace, of security, of prosperity in the Indo-Pacific. And of course, that includes in the region we’re talking about now.

---> 그리고 미국은 그 어느편에 의한 일방적인 현상변화에 대해 반대한다는 입장을 표명하였습니다. 이러한 현상유지속에서 미일동맹은 인도-태평양 지역의 주춧돌(cornerstone)으로써 기능할 것이라고 하네요. 여전히 주춧돌이라는 표현이 바뀌지 않은 점이 눈에 띕니다.  



The very steps that Secretary Blinken, Secretary Austin referred to yesterday – the steps that will enhance our alliance, that will make it more effective, that will seek to adapt it to the challenges and the opportunities, for that matter, that we face now – those are crucial elements to our efforts to advance our vision for a free and open Indo-Pacific, and as part of that to maintain peace and stability and to maintain the status quo across the Taiwan Strait.

---> 그리고 이 언론 브리핑 하루전에 있었던 미일 외교.국방장관 2+2회담에 대하여 동맹을 강화하고, 자유롭고 열린 인도-태평양이라는 비전에 있어서 중대한 요소라 평하였습니다. 그리고 또한 대만 해협의 현상을 유지하는데 있서도 중대한 요소라는 평도 첨언하였습니다.




2. 미일 외교.국방장관 2+2회담에서 북한에 관련된 내용은?



QUESTION: Could you also talk a little bit about how the closer cooperation directly affects the threat from North Korea?



MR PRICE: Well, of course the DPRK poses a threat to Americans on the peninsula, to our allies in the region – of course, to our treaty allies, Japan and the ROK – and potentially beyond. So it is a threat that we and our Japanese allies take seriously; it is a threat that we and our South Korean allies take seriously. It is a threat that trilaterally, as partners, the United States, Japan, and South Korea take extraordinarily seriously.

---> 일단 프라이스 대변인은 북한은 한, 미, 일 3자에게 모두 특출난 위협이라고 밑밥을 깝니다.



Yesterday, you’ve heard from Secretary Blinken and Secretary Austin and their Japanese counterparts of our determination to maintain readiness, to maintain the effectiveness of our alliance, and to be in a position to deter and, as necessary, confront the threats that we face together as an alliance. One of those threats – perhaps the most challenging threat to regional peace and security we face at the moment – is that from the DPRK, namely its nuclear weapons program, its ballistic missile program as well.

---> 한번 더 북한의 핵과 탄도 미사일 프로그램은 바로 전날 2+2회담을 가졌던 일본에게 위협을 주고 있음을 밝히고, 이러한 상황속에서 미일 동맹은 위협을 억제하는 지점까지 협의가 나아갔다는 겁니다.



We discussed these issues, alliance effectiveness and readiness, with our Japanese allies. We discussed them with our South Korean allies. But we are also very focused on the trilateral relationship because we know that, with the trilateral relationship, in some ways the sum is greater than its constituent parts. And we want to be prepared as allies – the United States, Japan, and South Korea – for the challenges, for the threats, and yes, for the opportunities as well that arise in the region.

---> 그렇지만 프라이스 대변인은 미일, 한미 차원에서 더 나아가서, 한미일 3국차원에서 위에서 언급한 북한의 위협에 대응하길 원한다는 바이든 행정부의 의중을 그대로 전달해주고 있습니다.



President Biden I think demonstrated our commitment to trilateral cooperation in Cambodia late last year when, for the first time in some five years, brought together the leaders of Japan, of South Korea. Secretary Blinken has on several occasions now brought together his counterparts from the ROK and from Japan as well. Deputy Sherman has done that. Sung Kim, our special envoy for the DPRK, routinely does that. We see it as a critical element when it comes to our effort to confront the challenges to the vision of a free and open Indo-Pacific that the DPRK poses.

---> 마지막으로 프라이스 대변인은 북한이 인도-태평양 지역에 취하고 있는 위협에 대항하여 미합중국은 일본 및 남한과 정상급, 장관급, 차관급 등의 접촉을 계속 유지하고 있다고 말하며 답변을 마쳤습니다.




3. 일본과 미국 간의 상호 협력 및 안전 보장 조약 제5조. 실효성 있나?





QUESTION: So a follow-up on this. Yesterday we heard Secretary Austin specifically mentioning Article V of the security treaty between the U.S. and Japan. Why he needed to express it, because historically the article is – had been there for decades? And what will – how will this statement implicate itself differently other than up-to-date the historical implications of that article?

---> 이 언론 브리핑 하루전에 있었던 미일 외교.국방장관 2+2회담 공동성명에서 '제5조'가 언급되었는데 이게 어떤 실효성을 가지고 있느냐는 질문입니다. 



MR PRICE: So Secretary Austin and Secretary Blinken were referring to Article V of the Japan-U.S. mutual defense treaty yesterday, specifically in the domain of space. The Secretary and foreign minister will sign a framework agreement tomorrow at NASA, in fact, on space cooperation between the United States and Japan. This agreement has been more than a decade in the making. It covers a range of civilian space coordination from research collaboration to working together to land the first woman and person of color on the moon.

---> 프라이스 대변인이 간만에 속 시원하게(?) 핵심을 말해주는거 같습니다. 미국과 일본과의 '제5조'가 그 자체보다는 우주영역에까지 적용된다는 것에 초점을 맞추도록 친절히 알려주고 있습니다.



And they also made reference to the fact for the first time that, as allies, we have decided that certain attacks in or from space may constitute – may invoke Article V. Those are issues that we will look at as allies on a case-by-case basis, but again, it’s all part and parcel of our effort to modernize the alliance, to ensure that the alliance is strong, effective, ready across all the domains – land, sea, air, cyberspace, outer space.

---> 미국과 일본은 우주에서 혹은 우주로부터의 몇몇 공격들로 인해 '제5조'를 촉발시킬수도 있음(may)을 결정했다는게 골자라고 설명해주고 있습니다.


---> 그리고 이러한 결정은 미일동맹을 "현대화"하기 위한 노력의 일부로써 동맹을 모든 영역(all the domains)에 대비시키기 위한 것이라고도 친절히 알려줬습니다. 너무 친절해서 구라같이 느껴질 지경입니다.


---> 자세한 사항은 제가 이전에 쓴 글을 참고해주시기 바랍니다.


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