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[오..누네띠네]2023.02.02. 미 국무부 언론 브리핑 中

작성자cjs5x5|작성시간23.03.01|조회수100 목록 댓글 0

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언제나 그렇듯이 번역에 태클걸어주시면 오히려 대환영입니다!

(사실 태클걸리길 바랄 지경입니다. 그래야 생산적일테니까요.)




1. 블링큰 국무장관의 방중, 맥카시 하원의장의 대만방문

* 본래 블링큰 국무장관은 2월 4일 방중할 예정이었으나 정찰풍선건으로 무기한 연기됨.

* 3월 1일 기준 맥카시 하원의장의 대만방문은 아직 의논중인 사항. 전 하원의장 펠로시는 2022년 8월 2일에서 3일까지 대만에 방문한바 있음.



QUESTION: Follow-up. So pundits in Washington, D.C. said they don’t expect any breakthrough or major deliverables from this trip. Is that what we should expect?

---> 워싱턴DC의 관계자들은 블링컨 국무장관의 국무장관에서 주요한 돌파구나 결실은 없을 거라고 예상하던데, 그럼 무엇을 기대할 수 있느냐는 질문.



MR PRICE: Every time we engage at a high level with the PRC, it’s really about one thing and one thing only, and that’s responsible management of, again, what is, we think, the most consequential, complex bilateral relationship on the planet. And so of course what we seek to do is to have these conversations, to see to it that competition doesn’t veer into conflict, to see to it that there are guardrails on that relationship so that in the course of our foreign policy, in the course of pursuing our values and our interests, we can do so in a way that serves them, that works for the broader good, the interests of the broader international community, and does so in a way that doesn’t have the potential or certainly minimizes the potential for what our two countries are doing around the world to veer into something potentially much more dangerous.

---> 미중관계가 이 행성에서 가장 중요한 양자관계라는 말은 또다시 반복된 말이고...


---> 미중대화를 통해서 추구하는 것은 경쟁이 분쟁으로 비화되지 않게 하는 것이다. 이것도 반복되고 있는 말입니다. 그렇다고 해서 미국이 미중대결을 준비하고 있지 않은건 아닙니다. 외교와 군사 모두 진행하고 있습니다.



QUESTION: Are you concerned that Speaker McCarthy’s potential trip to Taiwan may undermine any agreement Secretary Blinken’s going to reach with China?

---> 장차 있을수도 있는 맥카시 하원의장의 대만방문이 블링큰 국무장관의 중국에서의 그 어떤 형태의 협정(agreement)을 저해할 수 있지도 않을까라는 질문.



MR PRICE: Look, I am not aware that the Speaker has announced any travel to Taiwan. The travel on the part of any Speaker of the House of Representatives, it is – is a decision that he or she, and he or she alone, would make. Congress is a coequal, independent branch of government.

---> 이에 대해서 프라이스는 입법부의 일은 입법부의 일이니까 행정부인 국무부와는 완전히 별개의 사안이라는 것을 주지시키고...



What I can say – and we made the same message clear last summer – is our concern with the PRC’s reaction to the previous speaker’s travel to Taiwan. In the aftermath of a visit that was not unprecedented, the PRC, our concern is, used that travel as a pretext to intensify what it has been doing over the course of many years now: attempting to erode the status quo, the status quo that has really been at the heart of decades of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait. So any member of Congress, any speaker current or future, is going to make his or her own decisions about travel consistent with the independence and the coequality of the Legislative Branch, but we’ll continue to speak out when we see the PRC attempting to undermine the status quo that at every step we and our partners and allies around the world have only sought to strengthen and preserve.

---> 다만, 프라이스 대변인은 이전에 펠로시 하원의장이 대만을 방문했을떄 중국이 보인 반응은 전례가 없는 것도 아니었다고 첨언하였습니다. 그러면서도 중국측이 이러한 대만방문을 현상(status quo)를 깨려는 구실로 이용하려는 것에 대해서는 우려한다고 말하고 있습니다.


---> 그리고 미국(we)은 중국이 미국 그리고 파트너 및 동맹들이 강화하고 지키려 추구하는 현상을 깨려들때마다 계속 크게 경고할 것(continue to speak out)이라고 말하네요.



2. 북한에 관한 건들


MR PRICE: Let me move around a little bit. Janne, go ahead.


QUESTION: Thank you. I have a couple of question on North Korea and South Korea. First question on North Korean ambassador to UN said that it would not give up nuclear weapons as long as the United States has nuclear weapons. How you going to response this?

---> 북한 UN대사가 미합중국이 핵무기를 가지고 있는한 북한도 핵무기를 포기하지 않겠다고 발언했다고 합니다. 이에 대한 미 국무부의 대답을 요청하고 있습니다.



MR PRICE: I’m sorry, I missed the first part of your question.


QUESTION: North Korean ambassador to United Nations said that it wouldn’t – not give up nuclear weapons as long as the United States has nuclear weapons. How would you response?


MR PRICE: I don’t have a specific response to that beyond to reiterate what is and what has been our approach to the – to this challenge, and that is an approach that seeks complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. That was an outgrowth of a policy review that this administration took on in the early months of the administration. We’ve made clear time and again to the DPRK that we are ready and willing and able to sit down with them, to have discussions about practical steps we can take towards that ultimate goal of the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. But time and again, the DPRK has indicated to us and to the international community, oftentimes in no uncertain terms, that it has no desire at the present to engage in that.

---> 이에 대한 프라이스 대변인의 답변은 늘 같은 것이었습니다. 미국의 궁극적 목적은 한반도의 완전한 비핵화이다. 다만 지금으로썬 북한이 한반도의 완전한 비핵화로 관여할 의사가 없음을 보이고 있음도 첨언하고 있습니다.



So rather than wait idly by, we have continued to consult and to coordinate very closely with our treaty allies in the region. That of course includes Japan and the ROK on a bilateral basis, but also on a – on a trilateral basis, knowing that we have an ironclad commitment to the security of our treaty allies Japan and the ROK. And this is a challenge that confronts all of us and it’s a challenge we’ll in turn have to confront collectively as well.

---> 그래서 미국은 일본과 남한과 양자적일 뿐만 아니라 한미일 3자적으로 북한문제에 대응할 것이라고 하네요.



QUESTION: Okay. Although North Korea has launched many missiles, its foreign exchange reserves are still strong. As you know, North Korea continues to spend huge amounts of money for nuclear missile development through cyber hacking and money laundering. And the headquarters of the hacking organization is located in China. How do you concern about this, and when Secretary Blinken visit China will these issues be discussed?

---> 정리하자면 북한이 미사일 프로그램에 소요되는 돈을 해킹을 통해서 벌고 있는데 그 해킹조직의 본산은 중국에 있다고 합니다. 이 점에 대해서 어떻게 우려하고 있으며 블링컨 국무장관이 방중에 이 문제를 의논할 것이냐고 질문하고 있습니다.



MR PRICE: Well, let me say as a general matter that in every senior-level engagement, every significant senior-level engagement we have with the PRC, the DPRK is a topic of discussion, because the DPRK ‘s nuclear weapons program, its ballistic missiles program – ballistic missile program is not only a threat to the United States, is not only a threat to our allies in the region, but it poses a threat to regional peace and security. It is something that also implicates the PRC.

---> 일단 중국과의 시니어 레벨수준의 관여(engagement)에서 북한은 최상위 의논주제라고 합니다. 그리고 북한의 미사일과 핵 프로그램은 미국뿐만 아니라 주변 지역들과 중국에게도 위협이 된다는 이유로 말입니다.



Our message to countries around the world, especially to those permanent members of the UN Security Council that themselves have voted in favor of now various UN Security Council resolutions, is that all countries – but especially those countries that are signatories of UN Security Council resolutions – have a responsibility to fully comply with and to enforce the sanctions that are on the books. That has not always been the case. It has not always been the case from the PRC; it’s not always been the case from Russia. There are other countries where we’ve raised this as well.

---> 그리고 갑자기 UN안보리 이야기를 꺼냈습니다. UN안보리 회원국들, 특히 상임이사국들은 안보리 결의안을 준수할 의무가 있다고 말입니다.



It’s important, again, not for our own interests but for the purposes of regional peace and security, that countries around the world hold the DPRK to account and send a very clear signal to the North Korean regime that there will be costs and consequences for its continued provocations that threaten the United States, our treaty allies, but again, also the broader region.

---> 그리고 이러한 안보리 결의안을 준수하는 것은 단순히 미국의 이익을 위한 게 아니라 지역의 평화와 안보를 위한 것이라고 합니다. 왜냐하면 계속 미국과 동맹과 지역을 위협하는 북한의 도발행위들에는 대가가 따른다는 확고한 메세지를 보내는 것이기 때문.



QUESTION: Yeah, one more, lastly. Secretary Blinken and South Korea Foreign Minister Park Jin are meeting tomorrow. What topic will they discuss at the meeting tomorrow?

---> 블링컨 미 국무장관과 남한 외교부장관 박진이 2월 3일날 만난다고 합니다. 그때 어떤걸 의논할지에 대한 질문.


---> 내일 따로 다룰까 합니다.



MR PRICE: You will have an opportunity to hear directly from both of them in the context of that bilateral engagement tomorrow, but the ROK is a treaty ally of ours. There are a number of issues that will be on the table. We’ve already discussed one of them – the DPRK – but our relationship is multifaceted. There are a number of priorities that we are pursuing bilaterally with the ROK on the economic front, on the diplomatic front, on the political front, when it comes to our people-to-people ties, on the regional front but also on the global front.

---> 일단 의논했던 분야가 많아 보입니다. 외교, 정치, 경제, 인적관계, 지역적 문제, 세계적 문제.



The ROK is – has an influential voice, is an influential country on the world stage. We collaborate in any number of multilateral and global venues. And tomorrow’s engagement between Secretary Blinken and his South Korean counterpart will be an opportunity to discuss all of that, and you’ll have an opportunity to hear from both of them tomorrow.

---> 이건 내일 직접 관련 자료를 봐야알거 같습니다. 다만, 남한의 국제적 위상에 걸맞는 관여(engagement)의 확대가 논의의 주된 테마일거 같습니다.

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