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[오..누네띠네]2023.02.14. 미 국무부 언론 브리핑 中

작성자cjs5x5|작성시간23.03.09|조회수75 목록 댓글 0

오늘도 가봅니다.


언제나 그렇듯이 번역에 태클걸어주시면 오히려 대환영입니다!

(사실 태클걸리길 바랄 지경입니다. 그래야 생산적일테니까요.)





1. 러시아 정부. 우크라이나 어린이들을 임의대로 수용



MR PRICE: Happy Valentine’s Day. Maybe that’s why we have a smaller crowd today than usual. I will turn to your questions in just a moment, but we have a couple things at the top.


First, as we near the one-year anniversary of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the scale, the scope, the brutality of Russia’s efforts to subjugate the country continue to appall the world. A report released today by Yale University’s Humanitarian Research Lab, through the department-supported Conflict Observatory program, details Russia’s systematic government‑wide efforts to permanently relocate thousands of Ukraine’s children to areas under Russian Government control via a network of 43 camps and other facilities. In many cases, Russia purported to temporarily evacuate children in Ukraine under the guise of a free summer camp, only to later refuse to return the children and to cut off all contact with their families. Such actions obviously will have serious long-term implications on these children’s development. The network of facilities which these children are sent is vast, spanning from Russia-occupied Crimea across Russia itself, from the Black Sea region to its far east. The report indicates how these abusive practices involve officials and other individuals at all levels of Russia’s government.


Putin seeks to rob Ukraine of its future by taking its children. Russia’s system of forced relocation, re-education, and adoption of Ukraine’s children is a key element of the Kremlin’s systematic efforts to deny and suppress Ukraine’s identity, its history, and its culture. The devastating impacts of Russia’s failing war of aggression will be felt for generations to come. This report and others like it reinforce U.S. and international resolve to pursue accountability for Russia’s war crimes and other atrocities in Ukraine for as long as it takes.

---> 우크라이나 전쟁의 또다른 일면을 보여주는 사례입니다. 예일대 휴먼리서치랩에 따르면 수많은(thousand of) 우크라이나 아이들이 러시아 정부차원에서 43개 캠프 및 수용시설로 이송(relocate)되었다고 합니다. 겉으로는 무료 여름캠프를 가장하지만 아이들을 돌려보내지 않고 가족와의 연락까지 끊어버린다고 합니다.


---> 이에 프라이스 대변인은 푸틴은 어린아이들을 납치함으로써 우크라이나의 미래를 강도질(rob)하려 들고 하고 있다면서, 러시아의 우크라이나 어린이에 대한 체계적인 수용, 재교육, 납치는 우크라이나의 정체성과 역사와 문화를 부정하고 억압하려는 체계적인 시도의 주요한 요소라고 말하고 있습니다.




2. 이란, 중국, 미국.



QUESTION: A couple more short ones. Iranian president is in China, as you are aware. The Iranian media are now saying that there’s talk about resuming negotiations, nuclear negotiations, and that they will be in touch soon or something like that. Is the State Department willing to – or the Biden administration willing – should there be a proposal on this, on meeting and resuming and finalizing those talks? Would the Biden administration go through with it, given what’s still going on in Iran?

---> 어제 올린 미 국무부 브리핑에서 다뤘던 라이시 이란 대통령의 방중이야기입니다. 두 정상의 발언은 대미국 전선을 형성하려는 것으로 해석되었습니다.

---> 이 소식에 대해서 이란매체는 그들이 핵협상과 관련된 대화를 나누었다고 보도하고 있는데, 바이든 행정부는 지금 상황속에서 어떤 대이란 정책을 가져갈 생각이냐고 묻고 있습니다.



MR PRICE: Well, a broader point on this. I spoke yesterday to this, but we’ve consistently made the point that we’ve engaged with the PRC and other global stakeholders on – to encourage, in this case, the PRC to take steps to counter Iran’s policies that destabilize the region and threaten our partners and our allies. Iran’s nuclear program, its ballistic missile program, its other malign activities and influence, are profoundly destabilizing in the region. That is of concern not only to us – it should also be of concern to the PRC. Presumably, that’s why the PRC came together with us the better part of a decade ago by now in the original configuration of the P5+1 to work with us to ultimately negotiate what became known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.

---> 일단 전날의 브리핑에서처럼 중국은 이제까지 이란핵 합의(JCPOA)를 이끌어온 주요 멤버였음을 중국에게 상기시킵니다.



My point is that the PRC has a role to play in very clearly signaling to Iran that its destabilizing activities, that its brinksmanship is not going to be rewarded. It’s not going to be countenanced. It is not something that the international community is prepared to sit idly by and watch. Now, I would need to refer you to the PRC regarding any messages that they have – they may have conveyed in that direction or otherwise. But it’s our hope that, on this challenge, the PRC will use its influence in a direction that would be in both of our interests.

---> 그리고 현재 이란의 시도에 대해서는 결코 그 뜻을 이룰 수 없는 정세를 불안정하게 만드는 행위(destabilizing activities)이자 벼랑끝 전술(brinksmanship)이라고 평가하면서, 미국은 중국에 대하여 그 자신의 영향력을 미중양국의 공통이익에 맞는 방향으로 사용하길 원하고 있다며 첨언하고 있습니다. 



QUESTION: So should the opportunity present, should they want to go back to finalize the talks, with the U.S. go in?


MR PRICE: Again, the JCPOA has not been on the agenda for some time. We continue to discount, if not dismiss repeated claims from Iranian officials that we are eager to go back to the JCPOA, we’re calling for a return to JCPOA negotiations. We’re not. We’re sending very clear messages to the Iranian regime. Those messages are: Stop killing your own people, stop sending UAV technology to Russia, and free those wrongfully detained American citizens.

---> 다만, 미국은 당분간 JCPOA에 관심을 가지지 않을거라고 하네요. 제 생각에는 여건의 문제로 보입니다. 협상을 최대한 유리하게 끌고가기 위해서 이란 그리고 이탈하려는 중국에게 끌려가지 않겠다는 겁니다.




3. 셔먼 미 국무부 부장관과 모리 일본 외무성 차관의 회담 그리고 정찰풍선 사건



QUESTION: (Inaudible.) So today Deputy Secretary Sherman had a meeting with Japanese Vice Minister Mori this morning. It seems like Japan was being monitored by Chinese spy balloons. In that meeting, like was there any conversation to discuss about like joint effort for – against Chinese spy balloons?

---> 브리핑 당일아침 웬디 셔먼 미 국무부 부장관과 모리 일본 외무성 차관이 회담을 가졌다고 합니다. 기자는 일본도 정찰풍선을 모니터링해온것 같다고 말하며, 두 차관이 중국 정찰풍선에 대한 공통의 노력에 대해서 의견교환이 있었는지에 대해서 묻고 있습니다.  


MR PRICE: Sorry, could you repeat the last part of your question? I didn’t catch that.


QUESTION: Like in that meeting with Japanese vice minister, like Secretary – so Deputy Secretary Sherman, they had any conversation with – discuss about the Chinese balloon like joint effort?


MR PRICE: Chinese balloon, you said?


QUESTION: Yeah, Chinese spy balloon.


MR PRICE: Chinese spy – we’ll have a readout if it hasn’t been issued already of the Deputy’s meeting that took place earlier today. But as you know, she had an opportunity yesterday to engage trilaterally with her Japanese and ROK counterparts in the context of that session both yesterday and today. She’s held bilateral sessions with her Japanese and ROK counterparts.


Again, the readout will provide a better sense of the meeting, but in virtually all of our engagements with our Japanese and ROK counterparts we discuss our shared vision for a free and open Indo-Pacific region. We also discuss the challenges to that shared vision of a free and open Indo-Pacific. The PRC presents a challenge to that vision on a number of fronts.

---> 일단 곧 그 회담에 대한 입장문(readout)이 나올 것이다. 그게 나오면 만남의 성격에 대한 것을 더 확실히 볼 수 있을 것이다. 인도-태평양에 대한 공유된 비전과 그 비전에 대한 도전에 대해서 의논하였는데, 그 도전은 중국 공산당이 제기하고 있다고 말하고 있습니다.



Without speaking to the Deputy’s meeting today and yesterday, we have discussed our profound concerns with a number of countries, including a number of countries in the Indo‑Pacific region, regarding the program of which the high-altitude surveillance balloon that we detected and ultimately disabled last week was a part. These are conversations that we’re having with countries around the world, countries that may have been subjected to this. It’s part of our broader effort to share what we know about the challenges both systemic, tactical that the PRC poses to the vision we share with our allies and partners around the world.

--->  간단하게 줄이자면 정찰풍선건도 마찬자리로 중국 공산당이 제기하는 도전들의 하나로 다룰 것이라는 말.



* 그 외에도 중국관련된 질문이 있었으나 별다른 소득이 없어보여서 생략.

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