
[Arirang tv NEWS] 2023 FIFA 여자월드컵 전망

작성자THEF|작성시간23.07.20|조회수119 목록 댓글 0
Arirang TV NEWS

The ninth Women's World Cup kicks off on Thursday, with 32 countries all primed and ready to compete in this year's expanded edition.

The pinnacle of women's international football is being jointly hosted by New Zealand and Australia.

For more on what to look forward to, we’re joined by Mr. Kim Tae-ryung.

Arirang News Live


1. What’s so special about the 9th edition of FIFA Women’s World Cup?(Australia and New Zealand co-hosting? Why? How is it possible?)

TR) The slogan of this World Cup is 'beyond greatness'. I think it's a great slogan, and there are several reasons for this.

First, the World Cup is co-hosted by Australia and New Zealand. There is a case in which Korea and Japan jointly hosted the FIFA Men's World Cup in 2002, but this is the first time that the FIFA Women's World Cup has been co-hosted.

Also, for the first time in the history of the FIFA Women's World Cup, the tournament will be held in the Southern Hemisphere. This means that it is now winter in Australia and New Zealand. Weather is always an important variable in football.

Lastly, starting with this World Cup, the number of participating countries increased from 24 to 32.. Personally, I think the World Cup is best with 32 teams.

​대회 슬로건 '위대함을 넘어서' 
FIFA 여자월드컵 최초의 공동 개최 (호주-뉴질랜드)
FIFA 여자월드컵 최초의 남반구 개최, 현지 기준 겨울에 월드컵 개최
본선 참가국인 24개에서 32개국으로 증가 

2. The Korean team is placed in Group H alongside world No. 3 Germany, Morocco and Colombia.

How competitive do you think Group H is?

What will be Team Korea’s biggest challenges?


South Korea was eliminated in the group stage in the 2003 and 2019 World Cups. Reaching the round of 16 in Canada in 2015 is the best ever. At the 2019 World Cup in France, they lost all three matches and failed to pass the group stage. As the past tells us, it takes skill and luck to pass the group stage.

FIFA rankings are not absolute. However, the highest-ranked country in Group H is second-placed Germany. Korea ranked 17th, Colombia 25th, and Morocco 72nd.

From that point of view, Korea's game schedule is not bad. South Korea will play their first match against Colombia, followed by Morocco and Germany. Realistically, Korea needs to put a lot of energy into their first game against Colombia. Unlike in the past, the top 2 in the group advances to the next round. So, we need to secure 4 points to have a chance.

Korea coach Colin Bell said, “Results are more important than performance.” I think this message is key. A minimum of 3 points is required by the 2nd game. Colombia is a very tough team, Morocco has good speed and technique. But Korea is an experienced team. They won't break easily.

한국은 콜롬비아, 모로코, 독일과 H조에 편성
한국, 2015년 대회에서 16강 진출. 나머지 대회는 모두 조별리그 탈락 
FIFA 랭킹이 절대적이진 않지만 피지컬이 우수한 남미, 아프리카 국가들은 매우 Tricky 함.
콜롬비아와의 1차전에 집중해야 함. 과거와 달리 조 2위까지만 16강에 오르기에 최소 승점 4점이 필요함.
우승 후보 독일, 터프한 콜롬비아, 빠르고 기술좋은 모로코. 경험이 있는 한국이기에 쉽게 무너지진 않을 것.

3. Any particular player or players that we should keep our attention to or you personally look forward to watching?


The Korean national team is in harmony with experience and energy. Members who finished third in the 2010 FIFA U20 World Cup and won the FIFA U17 World Cup still play an important role in the national team.

Korean women's football icons Ji So-yeon, Cho So-hyun, Kim Hye-ri, Kim Jung-mi, and Lim Seon-joo are the main characters. Here, Jang Seul-gi and Lee Geum min connect generations, and young players such as Chun Ga-ram, Bae Ye-bin, and Casey Fair join together.

For players over 30, this World Cup could be the last dance. They are the legends of Korean women's football. May God bless them.

한국은 신구 조화에 대한 기대가 있음.
2010년 U17, U20 영광의 세대들이 여전히 대표팀의 중심 (장점? 단점?)
30대 이상 선수들은 한국 여자축구의 전설들, 그들의 라스트 댄스.

4. The American Team is looking to snatch the championship once again after doing so in 2019 and 2015.

How successful will it be this year?

What other countries stand out? Spain? UK? Germany?


The United States is the best team in the FIFA rankings and has won the World Cup 4 times. They finished third at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, but won the 2022 CONCACAF championship. Currently, the United States boasts a perfect squad.

The United States faces the Netherlands, Portugal and Vietnam in Group E. The Netherlands may give them a little trouble, but it won't be a problem. I think it will be helpful for the US to have this World Cup held in British culture.

France, Spain, Germany, England, Japan and Brazil will challenge for the title. But the strongest team right now is the USA. But nobody knows what's going to happen, right? Let's wait and see.

미국이 가장 강함 (무결점 스쿼드)
E조에서 네덜란드가 미국을 귀찮게 할 가능성 있으나 큰 문제는 아님.
프랑스, 스페인, 독일, 잉글랜드, 일본, 브라질 등이 타이틀에 도전하겠지만 미국과 전력 차이는 존재
영어권에서 대회가 열리는 점 또한 미국에게는 이점.

5. Any match that you personally look forward to watching?


As an Asian, I am interested in the games of Asian teams. In particular, I am curious to see how China and Japan will demonstrate their abilities on the worldcup stage. Women's football is getting physically stronger and faster. In this trend, I want to see what kind of performance Asian teams with inferior physicals can show.


아시안으로서 아시아 국가들의 경기가 기대됨.
최근 여자축구는 체격과 체력이 급성장. (스포츠과학의 영향력)
아시아 국가들 대부분 피지컬에서 열세 (남자와 달리 '체급 차이'가 존재)
아시아 팀들이 2019년 월드컵에서 공통적으로 보인 한계를 이번 대회에서 어떻게 극복할 수 있을 것인가? 


✅인터뷰 전체 링크


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