Overseas Notice

[English]Special benefits discussed so far

작성자하백번역스탭2|작성시간17.09.19|조회수485 목록 댓글 0

Hello, this is Bride of the Water God BR/DVD Promotion Team.

Here are special benefits confirmed or discussed so far as of Sep 19, 2017.

Special 1. English subtitles confirmed
English subtitles are not basic specifications for original episodes.
Additional effort is required to add on.
We included English subs for international fans in the first stage.

Special 2. Photobook confirmed
According to the vote result, our photobook will be provided as two separate books
: SoBaek Main Couple Photobook+Drama photobook

Special 3. List of bonus material
Multiple angle kiss scenes w/ no BGM, NG, deleted scenes, making films...
We will put these all together into BR/DVD as many as possible.

Special 4. Script book
In a discussion. Further will be informed.

Special 5. Commentary
Commentary film will be included. We’ll get back to you later with more details.

We are working day and night to make everything possible.

But pre-order doesn’t mean production confirmation.
Without enough number of pre-orders, everything will be gone FOREVER.

Production will be canceled and we won’t be able to see all of these.

Please let more fans know that pre-order is in progress via your SNS.


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