Feedback through experiences by the training of Kimu with Vipassana Acupuncture in Mexico

작성자HAEDONG|작성시간17.12.10|조회수1,448 목록 댓글 0
■Vipassana (Zen, 참선, 선, 좌선) - Kimu■ 

Anybody can enjoy to do it right away! 
●Kimu come from energy in the nature. 
We will train through kimu so we can understand and get experiences what the reality of energy and where it moves. 

There is some forms for Kimu training for basic exercise and treatment according to two kinds of constitutions, Bladder type and Stomach type, but in fact, no rules and no forms, only if you could follow the flow of energy, you can start to enjoy and practice in vivid. It is just same as with weapon or without weapon, with Needles or no!  It is Creation Level which you will be able to choose your own way as you wish.
●Jinyoung Ssangkum Ryu with two swords system come from kimu . 
As we are getting to know Energy through Jinyoungssangkum Ryu, two swords system, it will definitely help for both better training in the martial arts and in daily life for sure. 
In the meanwhile, we can get happiness and health additionally as well as we can have an opportunity to be able to heal others for lifetime which is a gift, blessing and grace from Nature!  We are going to share it now!!

●Vipassana(Love,사랑) - Acupuncture 

As we are getting to understand and experience simply and clearly what the energy is , we may use Needles or without anything for healing others which is "Vipassana - Acupuncture" named Love(Light) Acupuncture under the principle of Nature. It will also be called " Sarang Chim" in Korean; sarang means Love, Chim is Acupuncture. 
Jinyoung Ssangkum Ryu will lead trainees to get to the gate in order to enjoy human life by themselves much more than before through training in the martial arts.  
Anybody can do it with the light of Love !!  
See this site ; 
Fortunately, you may experience right away, but we need to cultivate ourselves for lifetime through various experience in daily life. 
With above things,
I recently made 5 Volumes series book in korean for guiding people to get the right way for our cultivation in life. 
Kim in Mexico.

■Saying something as they felt through Kimu training and Acupuncture experience in Mexico

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