마음 공부


작성자山木|작성시간24.01.03|조회수22 목록 댓글 1

The Atmashatkam (आत्मषट्कम्ātmaakam), also known as Nirvanashatkam (निर्वाणषट्कम्Nirvāaakam), is a composition consisting of 6 fold śloka (and hence the name Ṣaṭ-ka to mean six-fold) written by the Hindu philosopher Adi Shankara summarizing the basic
teachings of Advaita Vedanta, or the Hinduteachings of non-dualism.
It was written around 788-820 AD.
Atmashatkam ( आत्मषट्कम् , ātmaakam )은  Nirvanashatkam (निर्वाणषट्कम्, Nirvāaakam )으로도 알려진  여섯 단락으로 구성된 문장 
śloka 힌두 철학자 기록 (따라서 여섯 단락을 의미하는 이름 a-ka)  카라 Advaita Vedanta  기본 가르침 또는  이원론에 대한 힌두교 
가르침을 요약합니다. 그것은  788-820 년경에 기록되었습니다.
It is said that when Ādi Śaṅkara was a young boy of eight and
wandering near River Narmada, seeking to find his guru,
he encountered the seer Govinda Bhagavatpada who asked him,
"Who are you?". The boy answered with these stanzas,
which are known as "Nirvāṇa Ṣaṭkam" or Ātma Ṣaṭkam".
Swami Govindapada accepted Ādi Śaṅkara as his disciple.
The verses are said to be valued to progress in contemplation
practices that lead to Self-Realization.

Ādi Śakara 여덟 살의 어린 소년이었을  나르마다  근처를 돌아다니며 자신의 스승을 찾으려고  그는 고빈다 바가바트 파다 ( Govinda Bhagavatpada )라는 "당신은 누구입니까?"라고 묻는 선구자와 마주쳤다고 합니다.  소년은 "Nirvāakam"또는 "Ātma akam"으로 알려진 분에게 이문구로 답했으며 스와미 고빈다 파다는 그의 제자로 Ādi
Śakara 받아들였습니다.  구절들은 자아실현으로 이끄는 명상 수행의 진보에 중요한 요소 여겨져 왔습니다.

"Nirvāṇa" is complete equanimity, peace, tranquility, freedom and joy. "Ātma" is the True Self.
"Nirvāa"니르바나 완전한 평온평화평온자유와 기쁨입니다.
 "Ātma"아트마 진정한 자아입니다.

I am not mind, nor intellect, nor ego, nor the reflections of inner self
(citta). I am not the five senses. I am beyond that. I am not the seven
elements or the five sheaths. I am indeed, That eternal knowing and
bliss, the auspicious (Śivam), love and pure consciousness.

나는 마음이 없고지식도 없고자존심도 없고내적 자아 (citta) 성찰도 아니다. 나는 오감이 아니다. 나는  이상이다. 나는 일곱 요소  다섯 가지 작용이 아니다나는 참으로 영원한 인식이며 지복상서로움 (Śivam), 사랑이며 순수한 자각의식이다.

The five sense organs: eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin.
   오감眼, 耳, 鼻, 舌, 촉각
* the five elements: earth, air, water, fire and space.
   다섯 구성 요소: 地흙, 風바람, 火불, 水물, 空簡공간.
Neither can I be termed as energy (prāṇa), nor five types of
breath (vāyus), nor the seven material essences,
nor the five sheaths(pañca-kośa).
Neither am I the organ of Speech, nor the organs for Holding
( Hand ), Movement ( Feet ) or Excretion. I am indeed,
That eternal knowing and bliss, the auspicious (Śivam),
love and pure consciousness.

나는 또한 에너지 (prāa) 또는 5 가지 유형의 호흡 (vāyus), 7 가지 물질 요소 또는 5 가지 육체 기능 (pañca-kośa)으로도 명명될  없습니다. 
나는 연설의 기관이 아니며, 잡거나(), 운동 (또는 배설을 위한 기관도 아닙니다. 나는 참으로 영원한 인식이며 지복상서로움(Śivam), 사랑과
순수한 자각의식이다.

*  the seven material essence: blood, bone, muscle, marrow, fat, lymph and semen.
일곱 가지 육체의 물질 요소: 혈액근육골수지방임파정액.

I have no hatred or dislike, nor affiliation or liking, nor greed,
nor delusion, nor pride or haughtiness, nor feelings of envy or jealousy. I have no duty (dharma), nor any money, nor any desire (kāma),
nor even liberation (mokṣa). I am indeed, That eternal knowing and
bliss, the auspicious (Śivam), love and pure consciousness.

나는 증오  싫어함애착이나 좋아함욕심망상자만심오만함,
시기심이나 질투심이 없습니다. 나는 어떤 의무 (dharma)어떤 돈도,
어떤 욕망 (kāma)심지어는 해방 (moka) 없다. 나는 참으로 영원한 인식이며 지복상서로움 (Śivam), 사랑과 순수한 자각의식이다.

I have neither merit (virtue), nor demerit (vice). I do not commit sins
or good deeds, nor have happiness or sorrow, pain or pleasure.
I do not need mantras, holy places, scriptures (Vedas), rituals or
sacrifices (yajñas). I am none of the triad of the observer or one who
experiences, the process of observing or experiencing, or any object
being observed or experienced. I am indeed, That eternal knowing
and bliss, the auspicious (Śivam), love and pure consciousness.

나는 장점 (미덕) 없고 단점도 없다 (악덕). 나는 죄를 짓거나 선을 행하지 않으며 행복이나 슬픔고통 또는 쾌락을 갖지 않습니다. 나는 만트라, 성스러운 장소경전 (베다), 제사 또는 희생 (예나스) 필요하지 않습니다. 나는 제삼의 관찰자 또는 경험  사람관찰하거나 경험하는 과정관찰되거나 경험되는 어떤 대상도 아니다. 나는 참으로 영원한 인식이며 지복상서로움 (Śivam), 사랑과 순수한 자각의식이다.

I do not have fear of death, as I do not have death. I have no separation from my true self, no doubt about my existence, nor have I discrimination on the basis of birth. I have no father or mother, nor did I have a
birth. I am not the relative, nor the friend, nor the guru, nor the disciple.
I am indeed, That eternal knowing and bliss, the auspicious (Śivam),
love and pure consciousness.

나는 죽음이 없기 때문에 죽음에 대한 두려움이 없습니다. 나는 진정한 자아와 별개가 아니며 존재에 대해서는 의문의 여지가 없으며출생에 근거한 차별을 받지도 않습니다. 나는 아버지도 어머니도 없고 탄생 하지도 않았다. 나는 친척도 아니고 친구도 스승도 아니고 제자도 아닙니다. 나는 참으로 영원한 인식이며 지복상서로움 (Śivam), 사랑과 순수한 자각의식이다.

I am all pervasive. I am without any attributes, and without any form.
I have neither attachment to the world, nor to liberation (mukti). I have no wishes for anything because I am everything, everywhere, every time, always in equilibrium. I am indeed, That eternal knowing and bliss, the auspicious (Śivam), love and pure consciousness.

나는  누리에 두루 펼쳐있다. 나는 어떤 속성도 없고 어떤 형태도 없다. 나는 세상에 귀속되어 있지 않고 해방 (묵티)되어 있지도 않다. 언제나 어디서나 평정 상태에 있기 때문에 모든 것에 소망이 없습니다. 나는 참으로 영원한 인식이며 지복상서로움 (Śivam), 사랑과 순수한 자각의식이다.


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