마음 공부

마음공부를 위한 여덟가지 노래

작성자山木|작성시간24.06.24|조회수25 목록 댓글 1

Eight Verses of Thought Transformation
마음공부를 위한 여덟가지 노래 
                          By Geshe Langri Tangpa(랑리땅빠)

Determined to obtain the greatest possible benefit
from all sentient beings,
who are more precious than a wish-fulfilling jewel,
I shall hold them most dear at all times.

여의주보다  귀한
사람들 모두를 위하여
지극한 행복 이루길 다짐하며
항상 그들을 소중히 섬기리.

When in the company of others,
I shall always consider myself the lowest of all,
and from the depths of my heart hold others
dear and supreme.

어느 누구와 함께 있더라도
스스로를 가장 낮은 사람으로 여기고
가슴 깊은 곳에서
그들을 가장 높은 사람으로 소중히 섬기리.

Vigilant, the moment a delusion appears in my mind,
endangering myself and others,
I shall confront and avert it without delay.

모든 움직임에서 내가 한결갖기를
나와 남을 상하게 하는
괴로움의 물결이  
이를 바로 봄으로써 괴로움에서 벗어나리.

Whenever I see beings who are wicked in nature and
overwhelmed by violent negative actions and suffering,
I shall hold such rare ones dear,
as if I had found a precious treasure.
격렬한 행동과 괴로움에 이끌려
사악해진 사람을 만나면
마치 귀중한 보물을 얻은 것처럼
그들을 다정히 맞아 섬기리.

When, out of envy,
others mistreat me with abuse, insults, or the like,
I shall accept defeat and offer the victory to others.

미움에 휩싸여
나를 속이고 모욕하여도
기꺼이 그들의 사나운  받아들이고
그들에게 승리의 기쁨 돌려주리.

When someone whom I have benefited and
in whom I have great hopes gives me terrible harm,
I shall regard that person as my holy guru.
내가  도와주고
희망을 걸었던 사람이
비록 나에게 심한 고통을 줄지라도
그를 향상 귀중한 마음의 벗으로 여기리.

In short, both directly and indirectly,
do I offer every happiness and benefit to all my mothers.
I shall secretly take upon myself all their harmful actions
and suffering.

지금 이순간과 그후에 만나는
모든 어머니들께 행복과 기쁨을 드릴지니
어머니들의 불행과 고통을
아무도 모르게 기꺼이 떠맡아 안으리.

Undefiled by the stains of the superstitions
of the eight worldly concerns, may I,
by perceiving all phenomena as illusory,
be released from the bondage of attachment.

영욕(榮辱) 물든 세속의 감정으로
모든 이들을 더럽히지 않으며
겉모양은 모두 허망한 것임을 알아
애착을 버리고 자유를 얻으리.




This mind training (lo-jong) root text was composed 
by Kadampa Geshe Langri Tangpa (1054–1123).
The verses were translated by Lama Thubten Zopa Rinpoche at Kopan Monastery, 1980, and lightly edited by Ven.Constance Miller, 1997


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