
[1995][쇼생크 탈출] The Shawshank Redemption

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[쇼생크 탈출] The Shawshank Redemption











D. A.: Mr. Dufresne, describe the confrontation you had with your wife the night she was murdered.

ANDY: It was very bitter.  She said she was glad I knew, that she hated all the sneaking around.  She said she wanted a divorce in Reno.

D. A.: What was your response?

ANDY: I told her I would not grant one.

D. A.: “I’ll see you in Hell before I see you in Reno.”  Those were the words you used, Mr. Dufresne, according to the testimony of your neighbors.

ANDY: If they say so.  I really don’t remember.  I was upset.

D. A.: What happened after you  argued with your wife?

ANDY: She packed a bag and went to stay with Mr. Quentin.

D. A.: Glenn Quentin.  The golf pro at the Falmouth Hills Country Club.  The man you had recently discovered was her lover.  Did you follow her?

ANDY: I went to few bars first.  Later, I drove to his house to confront them.  They weren’t there, so I parked my car in the turnout and waited.

D. A.: With what intention?

ANDY: I’m not sure.  I was confused.  Drunk.  I think mostly I wanted to scare them.

D.A.: When they arrived, you went up to the house and murdered them?

ANDY: No.  I was sobering up.  I got back in the car and drove home to sleep it off.  Along the way, I stopped and threw my gun into the Royal River.  I feel I’ve been very clear on this point.

D. A.: Well, where I get hazy is where the cleaning woman shows up the next morning and finds your wife in bed with her lover, riddled with .38 caliber bullets.  How, does that strike you as a fantastic coincidence, Mr. Dufresne, or is it just me?

ANDY: Yes, it does.

D. A.: Yet you still maintain that you threw your gun into the Royal River before the murders took place.  That’s rather convenient.  The police dragged that river for three days and nary a gun was found.  So no comparison can be made between your gun and the bullets taken from the bloodstained corpses of the victims.  And that is rather very convenient, isn’t it, Mr. Dufresne?

ANDY: Since I am innocent of this crime, Sir, I find it decidedly inconvenient the gun was never found.
D. A.: Ladies and gentlemen, you’ve heard all the evidence.  You know all the facts.  We have the accused at the scene of the crime.  We have foot prints.  Tire tracks.  Bullets strewn on the ground which bear his fingerprints.  A broken bourbon bottle, likewise with fingerprints.  And most of all, we have a beautiful young woman and her lover lying dead in each other’s arms.  They had sinned.  But was their crime so great as to merit a death sentence?  And while you think about that, think about this.  A revolver holds six bullets, not eight.  I submit to you that this was not a hot-blooded crime of passion!  That could at least be understood, if not condoned.  No, this was revenge of a much more brutal and cold-blooded nature.  Consider!  That’s four bullets per victim!  Not six shots fired, but eight!  That means he fired the gun empty and then stopped to reload so he could shoot each of them again!  An extra bullet per lover, right in the head.

JUDGE: You strike me as a particularly icy and remorseless man, Mr. Dufresne.  It chills my blood just to look at you.  By the power vested in me by the State of Maine, I hereby order you to serve two life sentences, back to back, one for each of your victims.  So be it.


MAN #1: Sit.

MAN #2: We see by your file that you’ve served twenty years of a life sentence.

MAN #3: You feel you’ve been rehabilitated?

RED: Oh, yes Sir.  Absolutely, Sir.  I’ve learned my lesson.  I can honestly say that I’m a changed man.  I’m no longer a danger to society.  That’s the God’s honest truth.


MAN #1: Hey, Red.  How did it go?

RED: Same old shit, different day.

MAN #1: Yeah, I know how you feel.

MAN #2: Hey Red, float me a pack.

RED: Get the fuck out of my face, will you man!  You dissed me for five packs already!

MAN #2: Four.

RED: Five!

RED (VO): There must be a con like me in every prison in America, I guess.  I’m the guy who can get it for you.  Cigarettes, a bag of reefer, if that’s your thing, a bottle of brandy to celebrate your kid’s high school graduation.  Damn near anything, within reason.  Yes sir, I’m a regular Sears and Roebuck.



RED (VO): So when Andy Dufresne came to me in 1949 and asked me to smuggle Rita Hayworth into the prison for him, I told him, “No problem.”  Andy came to Shawshank Prison in early 1947 for murdering his wife and the fella she was bangin’.  On the outside, he’d been vice president of a large Portland bank.  Good work for a man as young as he was.

ERNIE: Hey Red.


HADLEY: So you speak English, butt face?  You follow this officer!

HEYWOOD: Never seen such a sorry-lookin’ heap of maggot shit in all my life.

MEN: Hey fish!  Come over here!  C’mon fish!

FLOYD: You takin’ bets today, Red?

RED: Smokes or coins, bettor’s choice.

FLOYD: Smokes.  Put me down for two.

RED: All right.  Who’s your horse?

FLOYD: That little sack of shit, eighth, eighth from the front.  He’ll be the first.

HEYWOOD: Bullshit.  I’ll take that action.

ERNIE: Yeah, me, too.

HEYWOOD: You’re out some smokes, son.  Let me tell you.

FLOYD: Heywood, you’re so smart, you call it.

HEYWOOD: I’ll take that chubby fat-ass there, fifth from the front.  Put me down for a quarter deck.

RED (VO): I must admit I didn’t think much of Andy first time I laid eyes on him.  Looked like a stiff breeze could blow him over.  That was my first impression of the man.

SKEET: What do you say, Red?

RED: That tall drink of water with the silver spoon up his ass.

SKEET: Never happen!

RED: Ten cigarettes.

SNOOZE: That’s a rich bet.

RED: All right, who’s gonna prove me wrong?  Heywood, Jigger, Skeet?  Four brave souls.

GUARD: Return to your cellblocks for evening count.  All prisoners, return to your cellblocks.

HADLEY: Eyes to the front!

NORTON: This is Mr. Hadley, he’s captain of the guards.  I am Mr. Norton, the warden.  And you are convicted felons.  That’s why they sent you to me.  Rule number one:  no blaspheming.  I’ll not have the Lord’s name taken in vain in my prison.  The other rules you’ll figure out as you go along.  Any questions?

PRISONER: When do we eat?

HADLEY: You eat when we say you eat!  You shit when we say you shit!  You piss when we say you piss!  You got that?  On your feet, you maggot-dick motherfucker!

NORTON: I believe in two things.  Discipline and the Bible.  Here, you’ll get both.  Put your trust in the Lord.  Your ass belongs to me.  Welcome to Shawshank.


HADLEY: Unhook ‘em!  Turn around!  That’s enough.

GUARD: Go to the end of the cage.  Turn around.

HADLEY: Delouse him.

GUARD: Turn around.  Come out of the cage, go to the left, pick up your clothes and Bible.  Next man up!

GUARD: Right.  Right.  Left.  Left.

RED (VO): The first night’s the toughest.  No doubt about it.  They march you in naked as the day you’re born, skin burning and half-blind from that delousing shit they throw on you.  And when they put you in that cell, when those bars slam home, that’s when you know it’s for real.  Old life blown away in the blink of an eye.  Nothing left but all the time in the world to think about it.  Most new fish come close to madness the first night.  Somebody always breaks down crying.  Happens every time.  The only question is, who’s it gonna be?  It’s as good a thing to bet on as any, I guess.  I had my money on Andy Dufresne.


GUARD: Lights out!

RED (VO): I remember my first night.  Seems like a long time ago.

MEN: Fishee, fishee, fishee!  You’re gonna like it here, new fish!

RED (VO): The boys always go fishin’ with the first-timers.  And they don’t quit till they reel someone in.

HEYWOOD: Hey, Fat-Ass.  Faaat-Ass!  Talk to me, boy.  I know you’re in there.  I can hear you breathin’.  Now don’t you listen to these nitwits, you hear me?  This place ain’t so bad.  Tell you what, I’ll introduce you around, make you feel right at home.  I know a couple of big ol’ bull queers who’d love to make your acquaintance.  Especially that big, white, mushy butt of yours.

PRISONER: Oh God!  I don’t belong here!  I wanna go home!

HEYWOOD: And it’s Fat-Ass by a nose!

MEN: Fresh fish!  Fresh fish!  Fresh fish!  Fresh fish!

PRISONER: I don’t belong here!  I wanna go home!  I want my mother!

MAN: I had your mother!  She wasn’t that great!

HADLEY: What the Christ is this happy horse shit?

MAN: He took the Lord’s name in vain!  I’m tellin’ the warden!

HADLEY: You’ll be tellin’ him with my baton up your ass!  What’s your malfunction you fat barrel of monkey-spunk?

PRISONER: Please!  I ain’t supposed to be here!  Not me!

HADLEY: I ain’t gonna count to three!  I’m not even gonna count to one!  You will shut the fuck up or I’ll sing you a lullabye!

PRISONER: Please!  This has been a mistake!  You don’t understand!  I’m not supposed to be here!

HADLEY: Open that cell!

MAN: Me neither!  You run this place like a fuckin’ prison!

HADLEY: Son-of-a-bitch!  If I hear so much as a mouse fart in here the rest of the night, I swear to God and Sonny Jesus, you’ll all visit the infirmary.  Every last motherfucker in here!  Take that tub of shit down to the infirmary.


GUARD: Turn to the left.  Roll out!

BROOKS: Are...are you gonna eat that?

ANDY: Hadn’t planned on it.

BROOKS: Do you mind?  Yeah, that’s nice and ripe.  Jake says thank you.  Fell out of his nest over by the plate shop.  I’m gonna look after him till he’s old enough to fly.

JIGGER: Oh, no, no.  Here he comes.

HEYWOOD: Mornin’ fellas!  It’s a fine mornin’, isn’t it?  And you know why it’s a fine morning, don’t ya?  C’mon, set ‘em down all lined up.  Just like a pretty little chorus line.  Yeah, look at that.  That is good.  Oh, Lord.  Yes, Richmond, Virginia.

FLOYD: Smell my ass!

HEYWOOD: Gee, Red.  That’s a terrible shame about your horse comin’ in last and all.  But I sure do love that winnin’ horse of mine, though!  I do believe I owe that boy a big sloppy kiss when I see him.

RED: Why don’t you give him some of your cigarettes instead, motherfucker.

HEYWOOD: Hey, Tyrell.  You pull infirmary duty this week?  How’s that horse of mine doin’, anyway?

TYRELL: Dead.  Hadley busted his head up pretty good.  Doc had already went home for the night.  Poor bastard lay there till this morning.  By then, Hell, there was nothin’ we could do.

ANDY: What was his name?

HEYWOOD: What’d you say?

ANDY: I was just wondering if anyone knew his name.

HEYWOOD: What the fuck you care, new fish?  Doesn’t matter what his name was.  He’s dead.


BOGS: Hey, anyone come at you yet?  Anybody get to you yet?  Hey, we all need friends in here.  I could be a friend to you.  Hey.  Hard to get.  I like that.


RED (VO) Andy kept pretty much to himself at first.  I guess he had a lot on his mind, trying to adapt to life on the inside.  Wasn’t until a month went by that he finally opened his mouth to say more than two words to somebody.  As it turns out, that somebody was me.

ANDY: I’m Andy Dufresne.

RED: The wife-killin’ banker.

ANDY: I didn’t, since you asked.

RED: Hah!  You’re gonna fit right in.  Everybody in here is innocent, don’t you know that?  Heywood!  What are you in for, boy?

HEYWOOD: Didn’t do it!  Lawyer fucked me!

RED: Rumor has it that you’re a real cold fish.  You think your shit smells sweeter than most.  Is that right?

ANDY: What do you think?

RED: I’ll tell you the truth.  I haven’t made up my mind.

ANDY: I understand you’re a man who knows how to get things.

RED: I’m known to locate certain things from time to time.

ANDY: I wonder if you might get me a rock-hammer?
RED: A what?

ANDY: A rock-hammer.

RED: What is it and why?

ANDY: What do you care?

RED: If you wanted a toothbrush, I wouldn’t ask questions.  I’d just quote a price.  But then a toothbrush is a non-lethal object, isn’t it?

ANDY: Fair enough.  A rock-hammer is about six or seven inches long.  Looks like a miniature pickaxe.

RED: Pickaxe?

ANDY: For rocks.

RED: Rocks.  Quartz?

ANDY: Quartz.  And this is mica.  Shale.

RED: So?

ANDY: I’m a rockhound.  At least I was, in my old life.  I’d like to be again, on a limited basis.

RED: Or maybe you’d like to sink your toy into somebody’s skull?

ANDY: No.  I have no enemies here.

RED: No?  Wait a while.  Words gets around.  The Sisters have taken quite a liking to you.  Especially Bogs.

ANDY: I don’t suppose it would help any if I explained to them that I’m not homosexual?

RED: Neither are they.  You have to be human first.  They don’t qualify.  Bull queers take by force.  That’s all they want or understand.  If I were you, I’d grow eyes in the back of my head.

ANDY: Thanks for the advice.

RED: That comes free.  But you understand my concern.

ANDY: Well, if there’s any trouble, I won’t use the hammer, okay?

RED: Then I guess you wanna escape.  Tunnel under the wall maybe?  I miss something here?  What’s so funny?

ANDY: You’ll understand when you see the rock-hammer.

RED: What’s an item like this usually go for?

ANDY: Seven dollars in any rock and gem shop.

RED: My normal mark-up’s twenty-percent.  But this is a specialty item.  Risk goes up, price goes up.  Make it an even ten bucks.
ANDY: Ten it is.

RED: Waste of money if you ask me.

ANDY: Why is that?

RED: Folks who run this joint love surprise inspections.  They find it and you’re gonna lose it.  If they do catch you with it, you don’t know me.  Mention my name, we’ll never do business again.  Not for shoelaces or a stick of gum.

ANDY: I understand.  Thank you, Mr....?

RED: Red.  The name’s Red.

ANDY: Red.  Why do they call you that?

RED: Maybe it’s because I’m Irish.

RED (VO): I could see why some of the boys took him for snobby.  He had a quiet way about him, a walk and a talk that just wasn’t normal around here.  He strolled, like a man in a park without a care or a worry in the world.  Like he had on an invisible coat that would shield him from this place.  Yeah, I guess it would be fair to say, I liked Andy from the start.


MAN: C’mon!  Some of us have got a schedule to keep!  Move it!  C’mon, move it!  How’s the wife treatin’ you?


RED (VO): Andy was right.  I finally got the joke.  It would take a man about six hundred years to tunnel under the wall with one of these.


BROOKS: Book?  Book?

RED: Hey, Brooks.

BROOKS: Book?  Book?  Dufresne, here’s your book.

ANDY: Thanks.


MAN: Dufresne!  We’re running low on Hexlite!  Get on back and fetch us up some!

ANDY: You get this in your eyes, it blinds you.

BOGS: Honey, hush.  That’s it!  You fight!  It’s better that way!

RED (VO): I wish I could tell you that Andy fought the good fight, and the Sisters let him be.  I wish I could tell you that.  But prison is no fairy-tale world.  He never said who did it, but we all knew.


RED (VO): Things went on like that for a while.  Prison life consists of routines, and then more routines.  Every so often, Andy would show up with fresh bruises.  The Sisters kept at him.  Sometimes he was able to fight them off, sometimes not.  And that’s how it went for Andy.  That was his routine.  I do believe those first two years were the worst for him.  And I also believe if things had gone on that way, this place would have got the best of him. But then, in the spring of 1949, the powers-that-be decided that...


NORTON: The roof of the license-plate factory needs resurfacing.  I need a dozen volunteers for a week’s work.  As you know, special detail carries with it special privileges.

RED (VO): It was outdoor detail, and May is one damn fine month to be workin’ outdoors.


GUARD: Stay in line there.

RED (VO): More than a hundred men volunteered for the job.

GUARD: Wallace E. Unger...Ellis Redding....

RED (VO): Wouldn’t you know it?  Me and some fellas I know were among the names called.  Only cost us a pack of smokes per man.  I made my usual twenty-percent, of course.


HADLEY: So this big shot lawyer calls long distance from Texas.  I say, “Yeah?”  He says uh, “Sorry to inform you, but your brother just died.”

GUARD: Oh, damn Byron.  I’m sorry to hear that.

HADLEY: I’m not.  He was an asshole.  Ran off years ago.  Figured him for dead anyway.  So anyway, this lawyer fella says to me, your brother died a rich man.  Oil wells and shit, close to a million bucks.

GUARD: A million bucks?

HADLEY: Jesus, it’s fucking incredible how lucky some assholes get.

GUARD: Jeez-Louise!  You gonna see any of that?

HADLEY: Thirty-five thousand.  That’s what he left me.

GUARD: Dollars?


GUARD: Holy shit!  That’s great!  Like winning the sweepstakes ... ain’t it?

HADLEY: Dumbshit.  What do you think the governments’ gonna do to me?  Take a big wet bite out of my ass, is what.

HEYWOOD: Poor Byron.  Terrible fuckin’ luck, huh?  It’s a cryin’ shame.  Some people really got it awful.

RED: Andy.  You nuts?  Keep your eyes on your mop, man!

GUARD: You’ll still end up with ...

HADLEY: Yeah!  Yeah!  Maybe leave me enough to buy a new car, and then what?  I got to pay tax on the car.  Repairs and maintenance.  Goddamn kids pesterin’ you to take ‘em for a ride all the time.  Then at the end of the year, if you figured out the tax wrong, they make you pay out of your own pocket.  I tell ya, Uncle Sam, he puts his hand in your shirt and squeezes your tit till it’s purple.

GUARDS: Ain’t it the truth.

RED: Andy!  Come back!  Shit!

SNOOZE: What’s he doing?

FLOYD: Gettin’ himself killed.

RED: God damn it!

HADLEY: Some brother.  Shit.


ANDY: Mr. Hadley.  Do you trust your wife?

HADLEY: Oh, that’s funny.  You’re gonna look funnier suckin’ my dick with no teeth.

ANDY: What I mean is, do you think she’d go behind your back?  Try to hamstring you?

HADLEY: That’s it!  Step aside, Mert.  This fucker’s havin’ hisself an accident!

HEYWOOD: He’ll push him off the roof!

ANDY: Because if you do trust her, there’s no reason you can’t keep that thirty-five thousand!

HADLEY: What did you say?

ANDY: Thirty-five thousand.

HADLEY: Thirty-five thousand?

ANDY: All of it.

HADLEY: All of it?

ANDY: Every penny.

HADLEY: You better start making sense!

ANDY: If you want to keep that money, give it to your wife.  The IRS allows you a one-time-only gift to your spouse for up to sixty-thousand dollars.

HADLEY: Bullshit!  Tax-free?

ANDY: Tax-free.  IRS can’t touch one cent.

HADLEY: You’re that smart banker what killed his wife, aren’t ya?  Why should I believe a smart banker like you?  So’s I can wind up in here with you?

ANDY: It’s perfectly legal.  Go ask the IRS, they’ll say the same thing.  Actually, I feel stupid telling you this.  I’m sure you would have investigated the matter yourself.

HADLEY: Yeah!  Fuckin’-A!  I don’t need no smart, wife-killin’ banker to show me where the bear shit in the buckwheat!

ANDY: Of course not.  But you do need somebody to set up the tax-free gift for you, and that’ll cost you.  A lawyer, for example ...

HADLEY: Bunch of ball-washin’ bastards!

ANDY: ... or, I suppose I could set it up for you.  That would save you some money.  If you get the forms I’ll prepare them for you nearly free of charge.  I’d only ask three beers apiece for each of my co-workers.

GUARD: Co-workers!  Get him!  That’s rich, ain’t it?

ANDY: I think a man working outdoors feels more like a man if he can have a bottle of suds.  That’s only my opinion, Sir.

HADLEY: What are you jimmies starin’ at?  Back to work!

GUARD: Let’s go!  Work!


RED (VO): And that’s how it came to pass, that on the second-to-the-last day of the job, the convict crew that tarred the plate factory roof in the spring of ‘49 wound up sitting in a row at ten o’clock in the morning, drinking icy cold bohemia style beer, courtesy of the hardest screw that ever walked a turn at Shawshank Prison.

HADLEY: Drink up while it’s cold, ladies.

RED (VO): The colossal prick even managed to sound magnanimous.  We sat and drank with the sun our shoulders, and felt like free men.  Hell, could’a been tarring the roof of one of our own houses.  We were the Lords of all Creation.  As for Andy, he spent the that break hunkered in the shade, a strange little smile on his face, watching us drink his beer.

HEYWOOD: Hey, want a cold one, Andy?

ANDY: No thanks.  I gave up drinking.

RED (VO): You could argue he’d done it to curry favor with the guards.  Or maybe make a few friends among us cons.  Me, I think he did it just to feel normal again ... if only for a short while.


RED: King me.

ANDY: Chess.  Now there’s a game of kings.

RED: What?

ANDY: Civilized.  Strategic...

RED: ... and a total fuckin’ mystery.  I hate it.

ANDY: Maybe you’ll let me teach you someday.

RED: Yeah, sure.

ANDY: I’ve been thinking of getting a board together.

RED: Well hey, you’re talkin’ to the right man.  I’m the guy who can get things.  Right?

ANDY: We might do business on a board.  But I want to carve the pieces myself.  One side in alabaster, the opposing side in soapstone.  What do you think?

RED: I think it’ll take you years.

ANDY: Years I’ve got.  What I don’t have are the rocks.  Pickings are pretty slim in the yard.  Pebbles mostly.

RED: Andy?  We gettin’ to be kind of friends, aren’t we?

ANDY: Yeah, I guess.

RED: Can I ask you something?  Why’d you do it?

ANDY: I’m innocent, Red.  Just like everybody else here.  What are you in for?

RED: Murder.  Same as you.

ANDY: Innocent?

RED: The only guilty man in Shawshank.

SCENE 21 Andy scratches his name into the cement with his rock-hammer.


ANDY: Red.

RED: Wait, wait, wait, wait.  Here she comes.  This is the part I really like, when she does that shit with her hair.

ANDY: Oh yeah, I know.  I’ve seen it three times this month.
RED: Ha!  God, I love it!

ANDY: I understand you’re a man that knows how to get things.

RED: Yeah, I’m known to locate certain things from time to time.  What do you want?

ANDY: Rita Hayworth.

RED: What?

ANDY: Can you get her?

RED: Take a few weeks.

ANDY: Weeks?

RED: Well yeah, Andy.  I don’t have her stuffed down in front of my pants, sorry to say.  But I’ll get her.  Relax.

ANDY: Thanks.


BOGS: Take a walk.

CON: I gotta change the reels.

BOGS: I said, fuck off!  Ain’t you gonna scream?

ANDY: Let’s get this over with.

ROOSTER: He broke my fuckin’ nose!

BOGS: Now I’m gonna open my fly, and you’re gonna swallow what I give you to swallow.  And when you swallowed mine, you gonna swallow Rooster’s.  You done broke his nose, so he ought to have somethin’ to show for it.

ANDY: Anything you put in my mouth, you’re going to lose.

BOGS: No, you don’t understand.  You do that and I’ll put all eight inches of this steel in your ear.

ANDY: All right.  But you should know that sudden brain injury causes the victim to bite down.  Hard.  In fact, I hear they have to pry the victim’s jaws open with a crowbar.

BOGS: Where do you get this shit?

ANDY: I read it.  You know how to read, you ignorant fuck?

BOGS: Honey, you shouldn’t.

RED (VO): Bogs didn’t put anything in Andy’s mouth, and neither did his friends.  What they did do is beat him within an inch of his life.  Andy spent a month in the infirmary.  Bogs spent a week in the hole.


GUARD: Time’s up, Bogs.

BOGS: It’s your well, boss.

GUARD: All prisoners report for lockdown.

BOGS: What?

GUARD: Where’s he going?

HADLEY: Grab his ankles!

BOGS: No!  No!  No!


RED (VO): Two things never happened again after that.  The Sisters never laid a finger on Andy again, and Bogs never walked again.  They transferred him to a minimum security hospital upstate.  To my knowledge, he lived out the rest of his days drinking food through a straw.

RED: I’m thinkin’ Andy could use a nice welcome back when he gets out of the infirmary.

HEYWOOD: Sounds good to us.  I figure we owe him that much for the beer.

RED: Man likes to play chess.  Let’s get him some rocks.


HEYWOOD: Red.  I got me one.  Look, I got one.

FLOYD: Heywood, that isn’t soapstone.  And it ain’t alabaster either.

HEYWOOD: What are you, a fuckin’ geologist?

SNOOZE: No, he’s right.  It ain’t.

HEYWOOD: What the hell is it then?

RED: Horse apple.

HEYWOOD: Bullshit!

RED: No, horse shit.  Petrified.

HEYWOOD: Oh, Jesus!

RED (VO): Despite a few hitches, the boys came through in fine style.  And by the week Andy was due back, we had enough rocks saved up to keep him busy till Rapture.  Also got a big shipment in that week.  Cigarettes, chewing gum, sipping whiskey, playing cards with naked ladies on ‘em, you name it.  And, of course, the most important item.

SCENE 27 Andy returns to his cell and discovers the Rita Hayworth poster with a piece of paper that says:  “No charge.  Welcome back.”

ERNIE: Heads up.  They’re tossin’ cells.

HADLEY: On you feet.  Face the wall.  Turn around and face the warden.

NORTON: I’m pleased to see you reading this.  Any favorite passages?

ANDY: “Watch ye therefore, for ye know not when the master of the house cometh.”

NORTON: Mark 13.35.  I’ve always liked that one.  But I prefer:  “I am the light of the world.  He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.”

ANDY: John.  Chapter 8, verse 12.

NORTON: I hear you’re good with numbers.  How nice.  A man should have a skill.

HADLEY: You wanna explain this?

ANDY: It’s called a rock blanket.  It’s for shaping and polishing rocks.  Little hobby of mine.

HADLEY: Looks pretty clean.  Some contraband here, but nothing to get in a twist over.

NORTON: I can’t say I approve of this.  But I suppose exceptions can be made.

GUARD: Lock ‘em up!

NORTON: I almost forgot.  I’d hate to deprive you of this.  Salvation lies within.

ANDY: Yes, Sir.


RED (VO): Tossin’ cells was just an excuse.  Truth is, Norton wanted to size Andy up.

NORTON: My wife made that in church group.

ANDY: It’s very nice, Sir.

NORTON: You enjoy working in the laundry?

ANDY: No, Sir.  Not especially.

NORTON: Well, perhaps we can find something more befitting a man of your education.


ANDY: Hey, Jake.  Where’s Brooks?

BROOKS: Andy!  I thought I heard you out here!

ANDY: I’ve been reassigned to you.

BROOKS: I know, they told me.  Ain’t that a kick in the head?  Well, I’ll give you the dime tour.  Here she is, the Shawshank Prison Library.  National Geographics.  Reader’s Digest Condensed books.  Louis L’Amours.  Magazines.  Erle Stanley Gardners.  Every evening I load up the cart and make my rounds.  I enter the names on this clipboard here.  Easy, peasy, Japaneasy.  Any questions?

ANDY: Brooks, how long have you been librarian?

BROOKS: Uh, I came here in ‘05 and they made me librarian in 1912.

ANDY: And in all that time, have you ever had an assistant?

BROOKS: Ha!  No, no, no.  Not much to it, really.

ANDY: So why me?  Why now?

BROOKS: I dunno.  Be nice to have some company down here for a change.

HADLEY: Dufresne!  That’s him.  That’s the one.

DEKINS: I’m Dekins.  I was uh, thinkin’ ‘bout maybe settin’ up some kinda trust fund for my kids’ educations.

ANDY: Oh.  I see.  Well, um, why don’t we have a seat and talk it over?  Brooks, do you have a piece of paper and a pencil?  Thanks.  So, Mr. Dekins ....


BROOKS: ... and then Andy says, “Mr. Dekins, you want your sons to go to Harvard or Yale?”

FLOYD: He didn’t say that!

BROOKS: God is my witness.  And Dekins, he just blinks for a second, then laughed himself silly.  Afterward, he actually shook Andy’s hand.

HEYWOOD: My ass!

BROOKS: Shook his hand.  I near soiled myself.  All Andy needed was a suit and tie, a little jiggly hula gal on his desk, he would’a been Mister Dufresne, if you please.

RED: Makin’ a few friends, huh Andy?

ANDY: I wouldn’t say “friends.”  I’m a convicted murderer who provides sound financial planning.  That’s a wonderful pet to have.

RED: Got you out of the laundry though, didn’t it?

ANDY: It might do more than that.  How about expanding the library?  Get some new books in there.

ERNIE: If you’re gonna ask for somethin’, ask for a pool table.

JIGGER: Right.

HEYWOOD: “Mr. Dufresne-if-you-please?”  How do you figure to do that?  Get new books in here?

ANDY: Ask the warden for funds.

BROOKS: Son, son, son.  Six wardens have been through here in my tenure, and I’ve learned one great immutable universal truth:  not one of ‘em been born whose asshole wouldn’t pucker up tight as a snare drum when you ask for funds.


NORTON: Budget’s stretched thin as it is.

ANDY: I see.  Perhaps I could write to the State Senate and request funds directly from them.

NORTON: Far as they’re concerned, there’s only three ways to spend the tax-payer’s hard-earned when it comes to prisons.  More walls.  More bars.  More guards.

ANDY: Still, I’d like to try, with your permission.  I’ll write a letter a week.  They can’t ignore me forever.

NORTON: They sure can.  But you write your letters if it makes you happy.  I’ll even mail ‘em for you, how’s that?


RED (VO): So Andy started writing a letter a week, just like he said.  And just like Norton said, Andy got no answers.  The following April, Andy did tax returns for half the guards at Shawshank.  Year after that, he did them all, including the warden’s.  Year after that, they rescheduled the start or the intramural season to coincide with tax season.  The guards on the opposing teams all remembered to bring their W-2’s.

ANDY: So, Moresby Prison issued you your gun, but you actually had to pay for it?

GUARD: Damn right, and the holster, too.

ANDY: See, that’s tax-deductible.  You can write that off.

RED (VO): Yes sir, Andy was a regular cottage industry.  In fact, he got so busy at tax time, he was allowed a staff.

ANDY: Say Red, could you hand me a stack of 1040s?

RED (VO): Got me out of the wood shop a month out of the year, and that was fine by me.  And still he kept sending those letters.


FLOYD: Red?  Andy?  It’s Brooks.

RED: Close the door!
JIGGER: Take it easy Brooks.  Just calm the fuck down, will ya?  Come on!

BROOKS: Stay back!  Stay back!  God damn it!

RED: What the hell’s going on?

JIGGER: You tell me.  One second he’s fine, then out come the knives.

RED: Brooks.  Brooks.  What are you talkin’ about?  You all right?

BROOKS: Nothing left to talk about, god damn it!  It’s all talked out!  I’m gonna cut his fuckin’ throat!

RED: Heywood?  Wait a minute.  What’s he done to you?

BROOKS: It’s what they done.  I’ve got no choice.

ANDY: Brooks, you’re not going to hurt Heywood, we all know that.  Even Heywood knows it, right Heywood?

HEYWOOD: Yeah, I know that.  Sure.

ANDY: And you know why you’re not gonna hurt him?  Because he’s a friend of yours and Brooks Hatlen is a reasonable man.

RED: Yeah, that’s right.  That’s right.  That’s right.  Ain’t that right guys?

GUYS: Yes.

ANDY: So put the knife down.  Brooks, Brooks, look at me.  Put the knife down!  Brooks, look at his neck for God’s sake.  Look at his neck.  He’s bleeding.

BROOKS: It’s the only way they’ll let me stay.

ANDY: Come on.  You don’t want to do this.  Come on.  Put it down.  Take it easy.  You’ll be all right.

HEYWOOD: Him?  What about me?  Crazy old fool!  Goddamn near cut my throat!

RED: Aw shit Heywood, you’ve had worse from shaving!  What the hell you do to set him off, anyway?

HEYWOOD: I didn’t do nothin’!  I came in here to say fare-thee-well.  Ain’t you heard?  His parole come through.


ANDY: I just don’t understand what happened in there, that’s all.

HEYWOOD: Old man’s crazy as a rat in a tin shithouse, is what.

RED: Oh Heywood, that’s enough!

SNOOZE: I heard he had you shitin’ in your pants.

HEYWOOD: Fuck you!

RED: Would you knock it off!  Brooks ain’t no bug.  He’s just ... he’s just institutionalized.

HEYWOOD: Institutionalized my ass!

RED: The man’s been in here fifty years Heywood.  Fifty years!  This is all he knows.  In here, he’s an important man, and educated man.  Outside he’s nothing.  Just a used-up con with arthritis in both hands.  Probably couldn’t get a library card if he tries.  You know what I’m trying to say?

FLOYD: Red, I do believe you’re talking out of your ass.

RED: You believe whatever you want, Floyd.  But I’m tellin’ you these walls are funny.  First you hate ‘em, then you get used to ‘em.  Enough time passes, you get so you depend on ‘em.  That’s “institutionalized.”

JIGGER: Shit.  I could never get like that.

ERNIE: Oh yeah?  Say that when you’ve been here as long as Brooks has.

RED: Goddamn right.  They send you here for life, and that’s exactly what they take.  Part that counts, anyway.


BROOKS: I can’t take care of you no more, Jake.  You go now.  You’re free.  You’re free.


BROOKS: “Dear Fellas.  I can’t believe how fast things move on the outside.”

MAN: Watch it old-timer!  Trying to get yourself killed?

BROOKS: “I saw an automobile once when I was a kid, but now they’re everywhere.  The world went and got itself in a big damn hurry.  A parole board got me into this halfway house called the Brewer, and a job bagging groceries at the Foodway.  It’s hard work.  I try to keep up.  But my hands hurt most of the time.”

LADY: Make sure your man double-bags.  Last time he didn’t double-bag and the bottom near came out.

MANAGER: Make sure you double-bag like the lady says, understand?

BROOKS: Yes, Sir.  Double-bag.  Surely will.

BROOKS: “I don’t think the store manager likes me very much.  Sometimes after work, I go to the park and feed the birds.  I keep thinking Jake might just show up and say hello, but he never does.  I hope wherever he is, he’s doing okay and making new friends.  I have trouble sleeping at night.  I have bad dreams, like I’m falling.  I wake up scared.  Sometimes it takes me a while to remember where I am.  Maybe I should get me a gun and rob the Foodway, so they’d send me home.  I could shoot the manager while I was at it, sort of like a bonus.  But I guess I’m too old for that sort of nonsense anymore.  I don’t like it here.  I’m tired of being afraid all the time.  I’ve decided not to stay.  I doubt they’ll kick up any fuss.  Not for an old crook like me.”

ANDY: “I doubt they’ll kick up any fuss.  Not for an old crook like me.  P.S.  Tell Heywood I’m sorry I put a knife to his throat.  No hard feelings.

RED: He should’a died in here.


ANDY: What is all this?

HADLEY: You tell me, fuck-stick!  They’re all addressed to you!

WILEY: Take it.

ANDY: “Dear Mr. Dufresne.  In response to your repeated inquiries, the Library District has generously responded with a charitable donation of used books and sundries.  We trust this will fill your needs.  We now consider the matter closed.  Please stop sending us letters.”

HADLEY: I want all this cleared out before the warden gets back.

ANDY: Yes, Sir.

WILEY: Good for you, Andy.

ANDY: It only took six years.  From now on, I send two letters a week instead of one.

WILEY: I believe you’re crazy enough.  Now you better get all this stuff out of here like the Captain said.  I’m gonna go pinch a loaf.  When I get back, this is all gone, right?


WILEY: Andy?  Did you hear that?  Dufresne!  Dufresne!  Andy, could you let me out?  Andy?  Andy?

RED (VO): I have no idea to this day what them two Italian ladies were singin’ about.  Truth is, I don’t want to know.  Some things are best left unsaid.  I like to think they were singin’ about something so beautiful it can’t be expressed in words, and makes your heart ache because of it.  I tell you, those voices soared.  Higher and farther than anybody in a gray place dares to dream.  It was like some beautiful bird flapped into our drab little cage and make these walls dissolve away.  And for the briefest of moments, every last man at Shawshank felt free.  It pissed the warden off something awful.

NORTON: Open the door!  Open it up!  Dufresne, open this door!  Turn that off!  I am warning you Dufresne, turn that off!

HADLEY: Dufresne, you’re mine now.  On your feet!


MEN: Hey, look who’s here.  Maestro.

HEYWOOD: You couldn’t play somethin’ good, huh?  Hank Williams, or somethin’?
ANDY: They broke the door down before I could take requests.

FLOYD: Was it worth it?  Two weeks in the hole?

ANDY: Easiest time I ever did.

ERNIE: Bullshit.  No such thing as easy time in the hole.

SNOOZE: That’s right.  A week in the hole is like a year.

JIGGER: Damn straight.

ANDY: I had Mr. Mozart to keep me company.

FLOYD: So, they let you tote that record player down there, huh?

ANDY: It was in here, and in here.  That’s the beauty of music.  They can’t get that from you.  Haven’t you ever felt that way about music?

RED: I played a mean harmonica as a younger man.  Lost interest in it, though.  Didn’t make much sense in here.

ANDY: Here is where it makes the most sense.  We need it so we don’t forget.

RED: Forget?

ANDY: Forget that there are places in the world that aren’t made out of stone.  That there’s something inside that they can’t get to, that they can’t touch.

RED: What are you talking about?

ANDY: Hope.

RED: Hope.  Let me tell you something my friend.  Hope is a dangerous thing.  Hope can drive a man insane.  It’s got no use on the inside.  You better get used to that idea.

ANDY: Like Brooks did?


MAN: Sit down.  It says here that you’ve thirty years of a life sentence.  You feel you’ve been rehabilitated?

RED: Oh, yes, Sir.  Without a doubt.  I can honestly say I’m a changed man.  No danger to society here, God’s honest truth.  Absolutely rehabilitated.


RED: Thirty years.  Jesus.  When you say it like that....

ANDY: You wonder where it went.  I wonder where ten years went.  Here, a little parole rejection present.  Go ahead and open it.  I had to go through one of your competitors.  I hope you don’t mind.  I wanted it to be a surprise.

RED: It’s very pretty, Andy.  Thank you.

ANDY: You gonna play it?

RED: No.  Not right now.

SCENE 44 Andy gets a poster of Marilyn Monroe with a note that says:  “A new girl to for your 10 years anniversary.  Red.”


RED (VO): Andy was as good as his word.  He wrote two letters a week instead of one.  In 1959, the state senate finally clued in to the fact they couldn’t buy him off with just a 200 dollar check.  Appropriations Committee voted an annual payment of 500 dollars, just to shut him up.  You’d be amazed how far Andy could stretch it.  He made deals with book clubs, charity groups.  He bought remaindered books by the pound.

HEYWOOD: Treasure Island.  Robert Louis ...

ANDY: ... Stevenson.  Fiction.  Adventure.  What’s next?

RED: I got here an auto repair and a soap carving.

ANDY: Trade skills and hobbies, goes under educational.  Stack behind you.

HEYWOOD: The Count of Monte Crisco ...

FLOYD: That’s “Cristo” you dumbshit.

HEYWOOD: ... by Alexandree Dumb-ass.

ANDY: Dumas.  You know what that’s about?  You’ll like that.  It’s about a prison break.

RED: We’ll be able to file that under educational, too.


RED (VO): The rest of us did our best to pitch in when and where we could.  By the year Kennedy was shot, Andy had transformed a storage room smelling of rat turds and turpentine into the best prison library in New England.  Complete with a fine selection of Hank Williams.  That was also the year Warden Norton instituted his famous “Inside-Out” program.  You may remember reading about it.  It made all the papers and got his picture in Look magazine.

NORTON: ... no free rides.  But rather a genuine, progressive advance in corrections and rehabilitation.  Our inmates, properly supervised, will be put to work outside these walls performing all manner of public service.  These men can learn the value of an honest day’s labor while providing a valuable service to the community, and at a bare minimum of expense to Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Taxpayer!

RED (VO): Of course, Norton failed to mention to the press that “bare minimum of expense” is a fairly loose term.  There are a hundred different ways to skim off the top.  Men, materials, you name it.  And oh my Lord, how the money rolled in.

NED: This keeps up, you’re gonna put me out of business!

NED: With this pool of slave labor you got, you can underbid any contractor in town.

NORTON: Ned, we’re providing a valuable community service.

NED: That’s fine for the papers, but I got a family to feed.  Sam.  Sam, we go back a long way.  I need this new highway contract.  I don’t get it, I go under.  That’s a fact.  Now you just have some of this fine pie my missus made specially for you, and you think about that.

NORTON: Ned, I wouldn’t worry too much about this contract.  Seems to me I’ve already got my boys committed elsewhere.  You be sure and thank Maisie for this fine pie.


RED (VO): And behind every shady deal, behind every dollar earned, there was Andy, keeping the books.

ANDY: Two deposits.  Lange National and New England First.  Night drop, as always, Sir.

NORTON: Get my stuff down to the laundry.  Two suits for dry-clean and a bag of whatnot.  Tell ‘em if they over-starch my shirts again, they’re gonna hear about it from me.  How do I look?

ANDY: Very nice, Sir.

NORTON: Big charity to-do up Portland way.  Governor’s gonna be there.  Want the rest of this?  Woman can’t bake worth shit.

ANDY: Thank you, Sir.


RED: He’s got his fingers in a lot of pies, from what I hear.

ANDY: What you hear isn’t half of it.  He’s got scams you haven’t dreamed of.  Kickbacks on kickbacks.  There’s a river of dirty money flowing through this place.

RED: The problem with havin’ all that money is that sooner or later, you’re gonna have to explain where it came from.

ANDY: That’s where I come in.  I channel it, filter it, funnel it.  Stocks, securities, tax-free municipals.  I send that money out into the real world.  And when it comes back ...

RED: It’s clean as a virgin’s honeypie.

ANDY: Cleaner.  By the time Norton retires, I will have made him a millionaire.

RED: If they ever catch on though, he’s gonna wind up in here wearing a number himself.

ANDY: Now Red, I thought you had a little more faith in me than that.
RED: I know you’re good, Andy.  But all that paper leaves a trail.  Now, anybody gets curious, the FBI, IRS, whatever, that’s gonna lead to somebody.

ANDY: Sure it is.  But not to me.  And certainly not to the warden.

RED: All right, who?

ANDY: Randall Stevens.

RED: Who?

ANDY: The silent, silent partner.  He’s the guilty one your Honor.  The man with the bank accounts.  That’s where the filtering process starts.  They trace anything, it’s just gonna lead to him.

RED: But who is he?

ANDY: He’s a phantom.  An apparition.  Second cousin to Harvey the Rabbit.  I conjured him out of thin air.  He doesn’t exist, except on paper.

RED: Andy, you can’t just make a person up!

ANDY: Sure you can.  If you know how the system works and where the cracks are.  It’s amazing what you can accomplish by mail.  Mr. Stevens has a birth certificate, driver’s license, social security number.

RED: You’re shitin’ me.

ANDY: If they ever trace any of those accounts, they’ll wind up chasing a figment of my imagination.

RED: I’ll be damned.  Did I say you were good?  Shit, you’re a Rembrandt.

ANDY: Now, the funny thing is, on the outside, I was an honest man.  Straight as an arrow.  I had to come to prison to be a crook.

RED: Ha!


RED: Does it ever bother you?

ANDY: I don’t run the scams, Red.  I just process the profits.  That’s a fine line, maybe.  But I’ve also built that library, and used it to help a dozen guys get their high school diplomas.  Why do you think the warden lets me do all that?

RED: To keep you happy and doing the laundry.  Money instead of sheets.

ANDY: Well, I work cheap.  That’s the trade-off.


RED (VO): Tommy Williams came to Shawshank in 1965 on a two year stretch for B and E.  That’s breakin’ and enterin’ to you.  Cops caught him sneakin’ TV sets out the back door of a JC Penney.  Young punk.  Mr. Rock n’ Roll.  Cocky as hell.
TOMMY: Hey, c’mon old boys!  Movin’ like molasses!  Makin’ me look bad!

RED (VO): We liked him immediately.


TOMMY: ... so I’m backin’ out the door, right?  I’ve got the TV like this.  It’s a big ol’ thing.  I couldn’t see shit.  Suddenly, here’s this voice:  “Freeze kid!  Hands in the air!”  Well, I just stand there holdin’ on to that TV, so finally the voice says:  “You hear what I said, boy?”  And I say, “Yes, Sir.  I sure did!  But if I drop this fuckin’ thing, you got me on destruction of property, too!”

HEYWOOD: Hey, you done a stretch in Cashman, right?

TOMMY: Yeah.  That was an easy piece of time, let me tell you.  Weekend furloughs, work programs.  Not like here.

SNOOZE: Sounds like you done time all over New England.

TOMMY: Yeah, I’ve been in and out since I was 13.  You name the place, chances are I been there.

ANDY: Perhaps it’s time you tried a new profession.  What I mean is, you don’t seem to be a very good thief.  Maybe you should try something else.

TOMMY: Yeah, well what the hell you know about it, Capone?  What are you in for?

ANDY: Me?  Lawyer fucked me.  Everybody’s innocent in here.  Don’t you know that?


RED (VO): As it turns out, Tommy had himself a young wife and a new baby girl.  Maybe it was the thought of them on the streets, or his child growing up not knowing her daddy.  Whatever it was, something lit a fire under that boy’s ass.

TOMMY: I’m thinkin’ maybe tryin’ for my high school equivalency.  Hear you helped a couple of fellas with that.

ANDY: I don’t waste time on losers, Tommy.

TOMMY: I ain’t no goddamn loser.

ANDY: You mean that?

TOMMY: Yeah.

ANDY: You really mean that?

TOMMY: Yes, Sir.  I do.

ANDY: Good.  Because if we do this, we do it all the way.  A hundred percent.  Nothing half-assed.

TOMMY: Thing is, see, I don’t read so good.
ANDY: Well, you don’t read so well.  We’ll get to that.


RED (VO): So, Andy took Tommy under his wing.  Started walking him through his ABCs.  Tommy took to it pretty well, too.  Boy found brains he never knew he had.  Before long, Andy started him on his course requirements.  He really liked the kid.  Gave him a thrill to help a youngster crawl off the shitheap.  But that wasn’t the only reason.  Prison time is slow time.  So you do what you can to keep going.  Some fellas collect stamps.  Others build matchstick houses.  Andy built a library.  Now he needed a new project.  Tommy was it.  It was the same reason he spent years shaping and polishing those rocks.  The same reason he hung his fantasy girlies on the wall.  In prison, a man’ll do most anything to keep his mind occupied.  By 1966, right about the time Tommy was getting ready to take his exams, it was lovely Racquel.


ANDY: Time.  Well?

TOMMY: Well.  It’s for shit.  Wasted a whole fuckin’ year of my time with this bullshit! 

ANDY: It’s probably not as bad as you think.

TOMMY: Yeah, it’s worse!  I didn’t get a fuckin’ thing right!  It might as well have been in Chinese!

ANDY: We’ll see how the score comes out.

TOMMY: Yeah, well.  I’ll tell you how the goddamn score comes out.  Two points!  Right there!  There’s your goddamn score!  Goddamn cats crawlin’ up trees, 5 times 5 is 25.  Fuck this place!  Fuck it!


TOMMY: I feel bad.  I let him down.

RED: Aw, that’s crap, kid.  He’s proud of you.  We been friends a long time so I know him as good as anybody.

TOMMY: Smart fella, ain’t he?

RED: Smart as they come.  Used to be a banker on the outside.

TOMMY: What’s he in for anyway?

RED: Murder.

TOMMY: The hell you say.

RED: You wouldn’t think to look at the guy.  Caught his wife in bed with some golf pro. Greased ‘em both ....  What?



TOMMY: “Bout four years ago, I was in Thomaston on a 2 to 3 stretch.  Stole a car.  It was a dumbfuck thing to do.  About six months left to go, I get a new cellmate in.  Elmo Blatch.  Big, twitchy fucker.  Kind of roomie you pray you don’t get.  You know what I’m sayin’?  Six to twelve for armed burgarly.  Said he pulled hundreds of jobs.  Hard to believe, high-strung as he was.  Cut a loud fart, he’d go three feet in the air.  Talked all the time, too.  That’s the other thing.  He never shut up.  Places he’d been, jobs he pulled, women he fucked.  Even people he killed.  People gave him shit, that’s how he put it.  So one night, like a joke, I say to him, I say:  “Yeah Elmo, who’d you kill?”  So he says ...

BLATCH: ... I got this job one time bussin’ tables at a country club.  So I could case all these big, rich pricks that come in.  So I pick out this guy, go in one night, and do his place.  He wakes up and gives me shit.  So I killed him.  Him and this tasty bitch he was with.  It was the best part!  She’s fuckin’ this prick, see, this golf pro, but she’s married to some other guy!  Some hotshot banker.  And he’s the one they pinned it on!


NORTON: I have to say, that’s the most amazing story I ever heard.  What amazes me most is you were taken in by it.

ANDY: Sir?

NORTON: It’s obvious this fellow Williams is impressed with you.  He hears your tale of woe and quite naturally wants to cheer you up.  He’s young, not terribly bright.  Not surprising he wouldn’t know what a state he’d put you in.

ANDY: Sir, he’s telling the truth.

NORTON: Well, let’s say for a moment this Blatch does exist.  You think he’d just fall to his knees and cry:  “Yes, I did it!  I confess!  Oh, and by the way, add a life term to my sentence!”

ANDY: You know that wouldn’t matter.  With Tommy’s testimony, I can get a new trial.

NORTON: That’s assuming Blatch is even still there.  Chances are excellent he’d be released by now.

ANDY: Well, they’d have his last known address.  Names of relatives ...Well, it’s a chance, isn’t it?  How can you be so obtuse?

NORTON: What?  What did you call me?

ANDY: Obtuse.  Is it deliberate?

NORTON: Son, you’re forgetting yourself.

ANDY: The country club will have his old time cards!  Records.  W-2s with his name on them!

NORTON: Dufresne, if you want to indulge this fantasy, that’s your business.  Don’t make it mine.  This meeting is over.
ANDY: Sir, if I were to get out, I’d never mention what goes on in here.  I’d be just as indictable as you for laundering that money!

NORTON: Don’t you ever mention money to me again, you sorry son-of-a-bitch!  Not in this office, not anywhere!  Get in here, now!

ANDY: I was just trying to rest your mind at ease, that’s all.  Sir, I didn’t mean to ....

NORTON: Solitary!  A month!

GUARD: Yes, Sir.

ANDY: What’s the matter with you?

NORTON: Get him out of here!

ANDY: It’s my chance to get out.  Don’t you see that?  It’s my life!  Don’t you understand it’s my life?

NORTON: Get him out!  Get him out!


FLOYD: A month in the hole.  That’s the longest damn stretch I ever heard of.

TOMMY: It’s all my fault.

RED: That’s bullshit.  You didn’t pull the trigger, and you certainly didn’t convict him.

HEYWOOD: Red?  You saying that Andy is innocent?  I mean for real innocent?

RED: Well, it looks that way.  Sweet Jesus.  How long’s he been in here now?  1947.  What is that?  Nineteen years?

MAILMAN: Williams, Thomas!

TOMMY: Yeah, over here.

MAILMAN: Packson, Edwards.

RED: What you got?  Board of Education!

TOMMY: The son-of-a-bitch mailed it.

RED: Looks like he did.  You gonna open it or you gonna stand there with your thumb up your butt?

TOMMY: Thumb up my butt sounds better.  Hey, c’mon!  Give me that!  Red!  C’mon, would you throw that away, please?  C’mon.

RED: Well, shit.


GUARD: Kid passed.  C-plus average.  Thought you’d like to know.


GUARD: Warden wants to talk.

TOMMY: Out here?

GUARD: That’s what the man said.

TOMMY: Warden?

NORTON: Tommy.  Tommy, I’m asking you to keep this conversation just between us.  I feel awkward enough as it is.  We’ve got a situation here.  I think you can appreciate that.

TOMMY: Yes, Sir.  I sure can.

NORTON: I tell you son, this really came along and knocked my wind out.  It’s got me up nights, that’s the truth.  The right thing to do.  Sometimes, it’s hard to know what that is.  You understand?  I need your help, son.  If I’m gonna move on this, there can’t be the least little shred of doubt.  I have to know if what you told Dufresne was the truth.

TOMMY: Yes, Sir.  Absolutely.

NORTON: Would you be willing to swear before a judge and jury, having placed your hand on the Good Book and taken an oath before the Almighty God Himself?

TOMMY: Just gimme that chance.

NORTON: That’s what I thought.


NORTON: I’m sure by now you’ve heard.  Terrible thing.  Man that young, less than a year to go, trying to escape.  Broke Captain Hadley’s heart to shoot him, truly it did.  We just have to put it behind us.  Move on.

ANDY: I’m done.  Everything stops.  Get someone else to run your scams.

NORTON: Nothing stops!  Nothing!  Or you will do the hardest time there is.  No more protection from the guards.  I’ll put you out of that one-bunk Hilton and cast you down with the sodomites!  You’ll think you got fucked by a train!  And the library?  Gone!  Sealed off, brick by brick!  We’ll have us a little book-barbecue in the yard!  They’ll see the flames for miles!  We’ll dance around it like wild Injuns!  Do you understand me?  Are you catching my drift?  Or am I being obtuse?  (To guard):  Give him another month to think about it.


ANDY: My wife used to say I’m a hard man to know.  Like a closed book.  Complained all the time.  She was beautiful.  I loved her.  But I just didn’t know how to show it.  That’s all.  I killed her, Red.  I didn’t pull the trigger.  But I drove her away.  And that’s why she died.  Because of me, the way I am.

RED: That don’t make you a murderer.  Bad husband, maybe.  Feel bad about it if you want to.  But you didn’t pull the trigger.

ANDY: No.  I didn’t.  Somebody else did, and I wound up in here.  Bad luck, I guess.

RED: Yeah!

ANDY: It floats around.  It’s gotta land on somebody.  It was my turn, that’s all.  I was in the path of the tornado.  I just didn’t expect the storm would last as long as it has.  Think you’ll ever get out of here?

RED: Me?  Yeah.  One day, when I got a long white beard and two or three marbles left rolling around upstairs.  They’ll let me out.

ANDY: Tell you where I’d go.  Zihuatanejo.

RED: Zihuatanejo?

ANDY: Zihuatanejo.  It’s in Mexico.  Little place on the Pacific Ocean.  You know what the Mexicans say about the Pacific?  They say it has no memory.  That’s where I want to live the rest of my life.  A warm place with no memory.  Open up a little hotel right on the beach.  Buy some worthless old boat and fix it up new.  Take my guests out charter fishing.

RED: Zihuatanejo.

ANDY: You know, a place like that, I could use a man you knows how to get things.

RED: I don’t think I could make it on the outside, Andy.  I’ve been in here most of my life.  I’m an institutional man now.  Just like Brooks was.

ANDY: Well, you underestimate yourself.

RED: I don’t think so.  In here, I’m the guy who can get things for you, sure.  But outside, all you need is the Yellow Pages.  Hell, I wouldn’t even know where to begin.  Pacific Ocean?  Shit.  About scare me to death, somethin’ that big.

ANDY: Not me.  I didn’t shoot my wife and I didn’t shoot her lover.  And whatever mistakes I made I’ve paid for and then some.  That hotel and that boat?  I don’t think that’s too much to ask.

RED: I don’t think you oughta be doin’ this to yourself, Andy.  This is a shitty pipe dream.  I mean, Mexico’s way the hell down there and you’re in here, and that’s the way it is!

ANDY: Yeah, right.  That’s the way it is.  It’s down there and I’m in here.  I guess it comes down to a simple choice, really.  Get busy living or get busy dying.

RED: Andy?

ANDY: Red, if you ever get out of here, do me a favor.

RED: Sure, Andy.  Anything.
ANDY: There’s a big hayfield up near Buxton.  You know where Buxton is?

RED: There’s a lot of hayfields up there.

ANDY: One in particular.  It’s got a long rock wall with a big oak tree at the north end.  It looks like something out of a Robert Frost poem.  It’s where I asked my wife to marry me.  We went there for a picnic.  We made love under that oak, and I asked her and she said yes.  Promise me, Red.  If you ever get out, find that spot.  In the base of that wall you’ll find a rock that had no earthly business in a Maine hayfield.  A piece of black, volcanic glass.  There’s something buried under it that I want you to have.

RED: What Andy?  What’s buried under there?

ANDY: You’ll just have to pry it up.  You’ll see.


RED: No, I’m tellin’ you, the guy is , he’s talkin’ funny.  I’m really worried about him.

SKEET: We ought to keep an eye on him.

JIGGER: That’s fine during the day.  But at night, he’s got that cell all to himself.


RED: What?

HEYWOOD: Andy come down to the loading dock today.  He asked me for a length of rope.

RED: Rope?

HEYWOOD: Six feet long.

SNOOZE: And you gave it to him?

HEYWOOD: Sure I did.  Why wouldn’t I?

FLOYD: Jesus, Heywood!

HEYWOOD: How the hell was I supposed to know?

FLOYD: Remember Brooks Hatlen?

JIGGER: No.  Andy’d never do that.  Never.

RED: I don’t know.  Every man had a breaking point.


NORTON: Lickety-split.  I wanna get home.

ANDY: Just about finished, Sir.  Three deposits tonight.

NORTON: Get my stuff down to the laundry.  And shine my shoes.  I want ‘em lookin’ like mirrors.  Good havin’ you back, Andy.  The place wasn’t the same without you.


GUARD: Lights out!

RED (VO): I have had some long nights in stir.  Alone in the dark with nothing but your thoughts.  Time can draw out like a blade.  That was the longest night of my life.


GUARD: Man missing on tier two!  Cell 245!

HAIG: Dufresne?  Get your ass out here boy!  You’re holding up the show!  Don’t make me come in there!  I’ll thump your skull for you!  I got a schedule to keep!  Dufresne!  Dammit, you’re putting me behind!  You better be sick or dead in there, I shit you not!  You hear me?  ... Oh my Holy God.


NORTON: I want every man on that cellblock questioned!  Start with that friend of his!


NORTON: Him!  ... What do you mean, “He just wasn’t here?”  Don’t say that to me, Haig!  Don’t say that to me again!

HAIG: But Sir!  He wasn’t!

NORTON: I can see that, Haig!  You think I’m blind?  Is that what you’re saying?  Am I blind, Haig?

HAIG: No, Sir!

NORTON: What about you?  You blind?  Tell me what this is!

HADLEY: Last night’s count.

NORTON: You see Dufresne’s name there?  I sure do!  See, right there!  “Dufresne!”  He was in his cell at lights out!  Stands to reason he’d still be here in the morning!  I want him found!  Not tomorrow, not after breakfast, now!

HAIG: Yes, Sir!


RED: Well what?

NORTON: I see you two all the time, you’re thick as thieves, you are!  he must’a said something!

RED: No, Sir.  Not a word.
NORTON: Lord!  It’s a miracle!  Man up and vanished like a fart in the wind!  Nothin’ left but some damn rocks on the windowsill and that cupcake on the wall!  Let’s ask her!  Maybe she knows!  What say there, Fuzzy-No-Britches?  Feel like talking?  No, guess not.  Why should you be different?  It’s a conspiracy!  That’s what this is!  It’s one big, damn conspiracy!  And everyone’s in on it!  Including her!


RED (VO): In 1966, Andy Dufresne escaped from Shawshank Prison.  All they found of him was a muddy set of prison clothes, a bar of soap, and an old rock-hammer damn near worn down to the nub.  I remember thinking it would take a man six hundred years to tunnel through the wall with it.  Andy did it in less than twenty.  Oh, Andy loved geology.  I imagine it appealed to his meticulous nature.  An ice age here, a million years there.  Geology is the study of pressure and time.  That’s all it takes, really.  Pressure and time.  That and a big goddamn poster.  Like I said.  In prison, a man’ll do most anything to keep his mind occupied.  It turns out Andy’s favorite hobby was totin’ his wall out into the exercise yard a handful at a time.  I guess after Tommy was killed, Andy decided he’d been here just about long enough.

NORTON: Lickety-split.  I wanna get home.

ANDY: Just about finished, Sir.

RED (VO): Andy did like he was told.  Buffed those shoes to a high mirror shine.  The guard simply didn’t notice.  Neither did I.  I mean, seriously, how often do you really look at a man’s shoes?  Andy crawled to freedom through five-hundred yards of shit-smelling foulness I can’t even imagine.  Or maybe I just don’t want to.  Five-hundred yards.  That’s the length of five football fields.  Just shy of half a mile.  The next morning, right about the time Racquel was spilling her little secret, a man nobody ever laid eyes on before strolled into the Maine National Bank.  Until that moment, he didn’t exist--except on paper.

TELLER: May I help you?

RED (VO): He had all the proper ID.  Driver’s license, birth certificate, social security card.  And the signature was a spot-on match.

MANAGER: I must say, I’m sorry to be losing your business.  I hope you’ll enjoy living abroad.

ANDY: Thank you.  I’m sure I will.

TELLER: Here’s your cashier’s check, Sir.  Will there be anything else?

ANDY: Please.  Would you add this to your outgoing mail?

TELLER: I’d be happy to.

ANDY: Good day, Sir.

RED (VO): Mr. Stevens visited nearly a dozen banks in the Portland area that morning.  All told, he blew town with better than 370 thousand dollars of Warden Norton’s money.  Severance pay for nineteen years.


D.A.: Byron Hadley?  You have the right to remain silent.  If you give up the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

RED (VO): I wasn’t there to see it, but I hear Byron Hadley started sobbing like a little girl when they took him away.  Norton had no intention of going that quietly.

D.A.: Samuel Norton?  We have a warrant for your arrest.  Open up!  Norton!  Open the door!

GUARD: I’m not sure which key it is.

D.A.: Norton!  Make it easy on yourself, Norton.

RED (VO): I like to think the last thing that went through his head, other than that bullet, was to wonder how the hell Andy Dufresne ever got the best of him.


RED (VO): Not long after the warden deprived us his company, I got a postcard in the mail.  It was blank.  But the postmark said:  “Fort Hancock, Texas.”  Fort Hancock.  Right on the border.  That’s where Andy crossed.  When I picture him heading south in his own car with the top down, it always makes me laugh.  Andy Dufresne, who crawled through a river of shit and came out clean on the other side.  Andy Dufresne, headed for the Pacific.  Those of us who knew him best talk about him often.  I swear, the stuff he pulled.  Sometimes it makes me sad, though, Andy being gone.  I have to remind myself that some birds aren’t meant to be caged.  Their feathers are just too bright.  And when they fly away, the part of you that knows it was sin to lock them up does rejoice.  But still, the place you live in is that much more drab and empty that they’re gone.  I guess I just miss my friend.


MAN: Please sit down.  Ellis Boyd Redding.  Your file says you’ve served forty years of a life sentence.  You feel you’ve been rehabilitated?

RED: Rehabilitated?  Well now, let me see.  You know, I don’t have any idea what that means.

MAN: Well, it means that you’re ready to rejoin society as a ...

RED: I know what you think it means, Sonny.  To me, it’s a made-up word, a politician’s word so young fellas like you can wear a suit and a tie and have a job.  What do you really want to know?  Am I sorry for what I did?

MAN: Are you?

RED: There’s not a day goes by I don’t feel regret, and not because I’m in here or because you think I should.  I look back on the way I was then, just a young, stupid kid who committed that terrible crime.  I want to talk to him.  I want to try to talk some sense into him.  Tell him the way things are.  But I can’t.  That kid’s long gone.  This old man is all that’s left, and I have to live with that.  “Rehabilitated?”  That’s just a bullshit word.  So you go on and stamp that form, Sonny, and stop wasting my damn time.  And to tell you the truth, I don’t give a shit.


RED: Here you go, Miss.  Restroom break, boss?

MANAGER: You don’t need to ask me every time you need to go take a piss.  Just go.  Understand?

RED (VO): Forty years I’ve been asking permission to piss.  I can’t squeeze a drop without say-so.  There is a harsh truth to face.  No way I’m gonna make it on the outside.  All I do anymore is think of ways to break my parole, so maybe they’d send me back.  Terrible thing, to live in fear.  Brooks Hatlen knew it.  Knew it all too well.  All I want is to be back where things make sense.  Where I won’t have to be afraid all the time.  Only one thing stops me.  A promise I made to Andy.


ANDY (VO): “Dear Red.  If you’re reading this, you’ve gotten out.  And if you’ve come this far, maybe you’re willing to come a little further.  You remember the name of the town, don’t you?”

RED: Zihuatanejo.

ANDY: “I could use a good man to help me get my project on wheels.  I’ll keep an eye out for you and the chessboard ready.  Remember, Red.  Hope is a good thing.  Maybe the best of things.  And no good thing ever dies.  I will be hoping that this letter finds you, and finds you well.  Your friend, Andy.”


RED (VO): Get busy living or get busy dying.  That’s goddamn right.  For the second time in my life, I am guilty of committing a crime.  Parole violation.  Of course, I doubt they’ll toss up any roadblocks for that.  Not for an old crook like me.

RED: Fort Hancock, Texas, please.

RED (VO): I find that I am so excited I can barely sit still or hold a thought in my head.  I think it is the excitement only a free man can feel--a free man at the start of a long journey whose conclusion is uncertain.  I hope I can make it across the border.  I hope to see my friend and shake his hand.  I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams.  I hope.


























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