
[1999][큐브] Cube

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[큐브] Cube
















I'm sorry... It's alright, I'm not gonna hurt you.


What do you want?


I thought you were...




I don't know...




What, what?


It's ok, come here.


It's ok, calm down, evrything's gonna be fine.


What was in there?


Just give me a minute to figure things out.


Why are you afraid of that room?


Just give me a minute I said.


How many people are in this thing? Listen! We can't go
climbing around in here.


Why not?


There's traps.


What do you mean, traps?


Ubitraps. I looked into a room down there and something almost
cut my head off!


Holy God, holy, holy God!


Are you alright? Mister? Worth?




I hit my head?


Let me take a look at that. It's ok, I'm a doctor, it doesn't
look bad.


What the hell are you doing?


Hey old man?


Motiondetectors integrated in the walls. Tough to spot.


Oh God, oh God, oh God.


Wait a second! Let's all just relax for a minute. Does anybody
remember how they got here?


Perogies! I was eating dinner. Perogies, cheese and potato.
I ran out of sour cream and then I went to the fridge and then
I... I don't know...

You... Leaven?

I... I just went to bed and then


What about you?


I just woke up here.


Middle of the night. It's like Chile. They always come in the
middle of the night.




Only the government can build something this ugly.


Oh, it ain't government.


Then what is it.


I don't know.




Please, we're spooked anough as it is. Let's rule out
aliens from now on and concentrate on what we know.


My mom's gonna freak...




Just won't be there...


What do you think Rennes?


We don't solve the act, sitting still. I'm moving
at this straight line, till I get to the end.


Alright, I attend to agree.


Shouldn't we wait here? To see if anybody comes.


No one is gonna come.


There's a way in here, so there's gotta be a way out.
We can avoid the traps using the boot. Holloway is it.
What do you think? For an exit?




It can't be that simple.

It ain't gonna be that simple. Take a look around. Take a
good long look around, see it. Coz, I got a feeling it's
looking at us.


I just wanna wake up...


Leaven, we can do this. We just have to stay calm, and work
together as a team. There's gotta be a lot of people
looking for us on the outside. I'm a cop, alright?


You're a cop?


Yeah... I'm gonna get you out of here, I promise, but you
gotta be with me on this one...




Boot it!




That one sounded closer.


It's mechanical. Seems to come at regular intervals.


Maybe it's the ventilationsystem?


No bets...


No kidding, I'm boiling:


What is it, serial numbers?


Room numbers, they're different in each room.


Oh great, so there's only 566 million 400.000 rooms in this thing.


There'd better not be! We have about three days without food and
water before we're too weak to move.


They have to feed us, don't they?



Oh, we have heat, stress, physical exhaustion i.e. dehydration,
headaches, dizziness, disorientation, confusement. Mental process.
The body eventual begins to break down it's own tissue.


Suck on it... Keeps the saliva flowing.




The air seems dry in there.




Molecular chemical sensor.


Why the hell didn't the boot set it off.


The boot's not alive. It detects hydrogen-sulfide extruded from
the skin.


How come, you know so much about sensors, Renz?


Rennes... Not Renz! It's french!


Fine, you're french. I'm asking how...


Rennes... Sensorexpert... With the right age... I don't believe


This guy is The Wren...


The what?


The Wren. The bird of Attica. through the coop on six major




You're kidding right?


You can get us out?




An escapeartist!


Yes, I'm Harry "fucking" Houdini. The only reason I dragged you
so far, is cause I need your boots. If you're not smarting up
I'm gone like that. No more talking... No more guessing. Don't
even think about something which is not right in front of ya.
That's the real challenge, you gotta save yourselves from




Get him out!


So it was electrochemical or whatever, right? And he missed it.
The Wren... That's great, that's fucking great.


Alright... It's time to reassess this place.


I've been over it again and again, why would they throw
innocent people in here? Are we being punished?


I've never done anything to deserve this!


Forget about all that! You can't see the big picture from in
here. So don't try. Keep your head down. Keep it simple.
Just look, look at what's in front of you.


That's what he said.


Start with us. We got an escapeartist and a cop.
There's gotta be a reason for that. You're a doctor Holloway.
That gives you a function, a reason, right?


No, it just makes me go: "Why me, and not one
of the ten million other doctors out there"!


Leaven. What are you?


Nothing, I jst go to school, hang out with my friends.


What else?


There is nothing else. My parents are these people
I live with them... I'm boring.


I think we have to ask the big questions: What does it want?
What is it thinking?


One down, four to go.


Why don't you tell us what your purpose is Worth!


I've wondered that myself. I'm just a guy, I work in an
officebuilding, doing officebulding stuff. I wasn't
actually bursting joie de vivre before I got here. Life
just sucks in general.


I can't stand that attitude.


Because, he's right.


What´s your purpose Quentin?


Kids.. Three of them... I haven't made my piece yet.
I'm getting out of here no matter what. That's where
my strength comes from. You people find yours wherever you
got it. For Christ's sake. What do you live for? Don't you
have a wife or a girlfriend or something?


Nope, I got a pretty nice collection of pornography


Nice, nice. I ain't got anyone either, but I'm not giving
up. I'm pissed off. The came into our homes. They stripped
us bare. They took my rings. They took my... my amethyst.
I wanna know who's responsible.


Leaven, your glasses? You don't need them?


Only for reading.


Well, they took off her jewelry, but they must have put
these on you. If nothing is random... why are they here.


Leaven, what do you read in school? Math?


What can they mean?




Primenumbers. I can't believe I didn't see it before.


See what?


It seems like if any of these numbers of prime, then the room is
trapped. Ok, 645... 645, that's not prime. 372... no. 649...
Wait, 11 x 59, it's not prime either. So that room is safe.


Wait, wait, wait. How can you make that decision based on one


I'm not. The incinerator thing was prime: 083. The
molecularchemical thing had 137, the acidroom had 149.


You'd remembered all that in your head?


I have a facility for it.


Leaven, you beautiful brain... Boot it.


Ok, out of the way.


Brains before beauty.


SAFE! Primenumbers! Primenumbers! Primenumbers! Primenumbers!


How long have we been in here


Nine or ten hours.


How do you know?


5 'o clock stubble. the last thing I remember was shaving.


I guess I missed breakfeast... or lunch... or whatever


Now don't worry. I'll be home in time for dinner.


If we get out, I'l make you dinner.


You got a date.


Doing good.


I need to smoke! I could smoke a butt of a sidewalk.


Holloway... Just real yourself in a bit. Come on. Were moving
along, things are looking up.


Ok. You're right, I quitted smoking years ago. I just need to
be occupied.


Talk to me. Have a conversation. What kind of doctor are you


Uh, you know, the free kinda... Er, come on help me. Tell me
about your rugrats.


Ok. We have three boys. Nine, seven and five.


Oh, good God. Poor woman. There's no way I'd survived that.


She didn't either................. She's not dead, we're just


I'm sorry, I can't just shoot the breeze.


These numbers aren't prime.


Ok. Clear.


Excuse me, sorry.


You could try and help me out here buddy.


No, I couldn't


This one is trapped too.


We have to backtrack?


Not yet.


Oh, no.


Read them to me.


What are you? His coatrack? Oh please.


It's stuck!


This room is green.




Hi there.


This room is green.


Yes it is.


I wanna go back to the blue room.


Is it shock or what?


I think he's mentally handicapped.


I like the blue room.


Jesus Christ!


He almost broke my neck.


Hey there, are you all alone? Do you wanna hold my hand, honey?


Butter first, then honey, Kazan. Butter first then honey.


How did he survive?


I wanna go back to the blue room.


There's lots of blue rooms. We'll find another one to you
real soon.


This is just way too bizarre.


Will you just worry about your own numbers...


Go on, I'll look after him.

Safe, obviously. Since he almost fell on my head.


Shall we go for a walk? Kazan, do you wanna go for a walk?


Erm' Quentin. Let's not make him do the climbing thing right






Could they have taken us all the way to New Mexico?


What are you talking about Holloway?


I'm talking about: "Where do you hide something this big?"
It has at least got to fill something.


I'm sorry to shake your foundations Quentin, but you have no idea
where your tax-dollars go.


Free clinic doctors?


Only the military industrial complex can afford to build something
this size.


Holloway, what's the military industrial complex? Have you ever
been there? I'm tellin' you, it's not that complex.


And how would you know from where you are.


What do you think these establishments is? It's just guys like me.
Their desks are bigger, but their jobs aren't. They don't conspide,
they... buy boats. No, this place is... Remember Scaramanga? The
bad guy in "The Man With The Golden Gun". It's some rich psyco's


Is that what you think?




Ok, you're a cop. Single bullet theory. Right on.




Holloway! Get back here.


It's ok. I just swallowed my button.


I hate this! I hate this!


Your boy's having a conniption sitting there.


It's like creme without coffee.


She needs a break.


She can do it.


They don't look prime to me.


Is that your two bits worth, Worth?


Of course it's what is worth.



Well, he's right. Not prime.


STOP! In front of you!!!


What is it?




I don't know what happened. it wasn't prime.


Quentin, hold still!


Somebody stop that rackets!




Leave the boots.


And shut the fucking door!


I had a feeling about that fucking guy. He knew about that trap.


But these numbers aren't prime.


Then your numbersystem failed, but he knew.


Knew what? How could he know?


You're the paranoid, think about it. His only function so far is
to kick us when we're down.


So, he has a bad attitude. So you think that makes him spy.


Trust me on this, it's my job to read people like an x-ray.


He doesn't like red rooms.


So what happened?


Pmfh, you saw what happened!




I guess the numbers are more complicated than I thought.


Maybe they mean nothing at all.


No, it means they're more involved, the works for us up to now
have just been bad, I just need more time with them.

We need to rest anyway.

Well that's handy, like if there was nothing fucking else we could

Are they telling you anything?


They're not Tarot-cards. Do you have any idea on how many
variables I have to consider before I can decide from numbers this
size!?!? They don't reveal themselves right away!


They're like people.


Oh, gross.


Erm, not here honey, over in the corner.


Well, he's just peeing!


Jesus Christ!


Excellent! Now it totally reeks in here!


And you find this all pretty funny, don't you?


What's your fucking problem Worth? Even Holloway's holding up
better than you. Get over there and help her with him. That's your
job, babysitter!


Jawohl, Kommandant!


Somebody has to taka responsibility around here.

And that somebody has to be you.


Not all of us have a luxury of playing nihilists.


Not all of us are conceded enough to play hero.


It's the will to live, everybody's got it Worth, even you,
especially you hiding behind that cynical front.


The will to live. That's the warm, coasy feeling deep inside.
Thanks partner, I'm a new man.


Arh, poor Worth: "Nobody loves me". If that's the chip on your
shoulders, then why did you lug it all this way? Why didn't you
just lie down and die!


Do it. Show us you have some backbone and jump into the
sushimachine. Be a man.


Thought so.


Fuck you Quentin. I don't wanna die, I'm just being realistic. Do
you think they just builded this thing so we could just walk out
of it?


Do you think they would lay clues, if there wasn't a way out.


You think we matter, we don't


Put us out of your misery so we can get on and get out of here.


Oh, you're not getting out.


Yes, we are!


There is no way outta here!!!


Got ya.


How... Do you know?


Answer the question Worth.


Oh, God!


Who are you?


I am the poison. I designed the outer shell.




The shell, the sarcophagus.


You builded this thing?


Not this part, the exterior. I don't know anything about the
numbers or anything else in here. I was contracted to draw plans
for a hollow shell. A cube.


A cube! Why didn't you tell us?


For Gods sake, Worth. You knew what it was.




Worth! You're lying.


Not first.


Who's beyond it?


I don't know.


Who hired you?


I didn't ask. I never even left my office. I talked on the phone
to some other guys like me. Specialists working on small details.
Nobody knew what it was. Nobody cared.


Bullshit! You knew from square one. Look at him, he's up to his
eyeballs in this thing.


No Quentin. That's how they stay hidden. You keep everyone
separated so the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is
doing. The brain never comes out in the open.

Whose brain?


It's all the same machine right. Pentagon. Multinational
coorporations. The police! If you do one little job. You build a
widget in Saskatoon. The next thing you know, it's two miles under
the desert, the essential component of a deathmachine. I was
right! All along my whole life I knew it. I told you Quentin.
Nobody's ever call me paranoid again. We gotta get out of here and
blow the lid of this thing.


Holloway, you don't get it.


Then tell me, please, I need to know.


It's maybe hard for you to understand, but there's no conspiracy.
Nobody is in charge. It's a headless blunder operating under the
illusion of a masterplan. Can you grasp that? Big brother is not
watching you.


What kind of fucking explanation is that?


It's the best you´re gonna get. I looked and the only explanation
I can come to is that there is nobody up there.


Somebody had to say yes to this thing.


What thing? Only we know what it is.


We have no idea, what it is.


We know more than anybody else. I mean somebody might have known
sometime, before they got fired or voted out or sold it. But if
this place ever had a purpose, then it got miscommunicated or lost
in the shuffle. This is an accident, a forgotten propetual, public,
worksproject. Do you think anybody wants to ask questions? All
they want is a clear conscience and a fat paycheck. I mean, I lead
on my desk for months. This was a great job!


Why put people in it?


Because it's here. you have to use it or admit it's pointless.


But it is pointless!


Quentin... That's my point.


What have we come to? It's so much worse than I thought.


Not really, just more pathetic.


You make me sick, Worth!


I make me sick too. We´re both part of the system. I drew a box -
you walk a beat. It's like you said Quentin is: Keep your head
down, keep it simple, just look at what's in fron of you! I mean
nobody wants to see the big picture. Life's too complicated. I
mean, let's face it. The reason we're here is it's out of control.


Is that how we're ruining the world?


Daah! Have you been on glue all of your life. I felt guilty for
ruining the world since I was like... seven. God! If you need
someone to blame, throw a rock.


Now I feel better.


That's why you stayed with us. To confess.


Still looking for someone to bust, Quentin?


Quentin, Quentin, STOP IT!

We need him.


What for?


Have you gone absolutely mad? He's the only one who knows nything
about the place.






So there's this outer shell.




And it's a cube, like this?


I assume so.


Are there any doors?


There's one door.




Wherever the doorguy put it. Six guesses and it's sealed from the


What are the dimensions of the outer shell?


434 feetsquare.


May I?


Come on. Side over.


14 by 14 by 14.


The inner cube cannot be flushed by the shell. There is a space.


One cube?


I don't know. It makes sense.


Well, the biggest the cube then can be is... 26 rooms heigh, 26
rooms across, so... 17.576 rooms.


17.576 rooms? Oh, God that makes me queasy.




Leaven, you are a genius!




Cartesian co-ordinates, of course, coded Cartesian co-ordinates.
They are uses in geometry to plot points on a three-dimensional


In English. Slower.


Bonjour, these numbers are markers, a grid-referance, like
altitude and longitude on a map. The numbers tell us where we are
inside the cube.


Then where are we?


It works! Ok, all I have to do now is add the numbers together.
The X co-ordinate is 19, Y is 26 rooms. So that places us... seven
rooms from the edge.


Alright, let's go.


Just out of curuiosity. I mean don't hit me again or anything. But
what are you gonna do when you get there?


Maybe we can get the door open.




What we need to do is figure out how we get around the traps.


I'm dealing with that Holloway. I'm looking for practical
solutions here.


Well, you haven't found any yet!


We cut the risk with the numbers and the boot. Worth will go in


No he won't Quentin, we take turns!




Is there room for two in there?


What's the matter?


These co-ordinates: 14, 27, 14.


What about them?


Well, they don't make sense. Assuming the cube is 26 rooms across,
there can't be a co-ordinate larger than 26. If that was right,
then we would be outside the cube.


No, not outside the cube.


I guess that means we're not having dinner.


Trap, trap, trap. TRAP!




(Whispers) It's soundactivated. BOOOH!




How come the sound of the door-opening didn't set it off?


Must be reat to ignore it.


So that's it. The edge is surrounded by traps.


Well, I guess we have to backtrack and try somewhere else.


Who knows how many detours we'll have to take. I say we cross the




How many boots do we have left Holloway?


Get it off him. We know how it works, we just have to be quiet.


Pretty fucking quiet.


I'm glad you're on sight Worth, because you're up.


And he's not coming.


Of course he is.


No way!


You're not leaving him behind.


He's unpredictable. When we get to the edge we can come back for
him, but he will get somebody killed here. Am I right?


Shame on you. Will you look at yourselves. What have you turned
into? They may have taken our lives away, but we're still human
beings. That's all we've got left.


We'll come back for him.


That's a lie and you know it.


He'll be quiet.




You fucking fuck!


That's enough!


He's a trap!


Let him go right now!


Law of the jungle Holloway. He's a danger in the pack!


Let him go you nazi!


What did you call me?


Quentin! You let that innocent boy go.


You listen to me woman. Every day I mop up after your bleeding
heart. The only reason why you exist is because I keep you! I know
your type. No kids, no man to fuck you. So you go around outraged
sticking your nose up in other peoples assholes, sniffing their
business! You missed your boat Holloway. You are all dry up inside
there aren't you? That's your fucking problem.


How dare you say that to her? You don't know her Quentin. None ouf
us know eachother here.


Oh, I do.


No you don't!


No wonder your wife left you. All that bottled-up anger. And a
thing for young girls.


God help you Quentin. Did you smack your kids around too?


Is anybody besides me interested in what's on the other side of
that door?


Open it.


Door number six, not door number one, door number two.


Open the fucking thing.


("singing") Sunshine.




My old friend the shell.


It's there. Morning!


Hang on to me.


Can't see shit. Nothing to hang on to.


We have to try something. We gotta see if the door's over there.
Someone has to swing over there and take a look. We make a rope of
our clothes. Take it off. I'll tie it onto myself.


Yeah, you're gonna go. You weigh like 500 pounds it'll snap in two
seconds. I'm the lightest.

Forget it.


I'll go.


I'm going Holloway.


She's right Quentin, you're too heavy. I'm the lightest after
Leaven. Anyways it's my turn.


How long did you know people we're put in here.


A couple of months.


That's not long , if you consider your whole life.


I am.


You opened my eyes Worth, that´s something.





And such a Helen.


That's as far as you go.


There's nothing down here. Hold tight. I'll try swinging over
there. Place yourself I'm gonna try again. Ok, one more time.


Hurry, you're getting heavy.


What the hell is going on?


Get up here now!




Do you got her?


What's going on?


Is she Ok?


She... slipped.




Sssh! Come on Kazan. Kazan will you please stop doing that!


Leaven, you gotta be strong sweetheart.


Don't even talk to me.


We gotta get down to the bottom. It'll be easier to get on to
shell from there. It's a long fucking way with only one boot. But
we gotta do it, before we get too weak. You gotta keep cracking
the numbers Leaven.


I can't think anymore.


Sure you can. It's your gift.


It's not a gift, it's just a brain.


Let her sleep for a while. We haven't slept for fucking hours.


Ok, one hour.


How the fuck are you gonna know how long an hour is?


An hour is as long as I say.


What are you doing?

We have to make it down to the bottom. There'll be quiet there and
you can concentrate.


Do you just wanna leave them?


They're traps! We are the key. I get us down there. You think us
out. Believe in me. Try to see what I see, how my mind works.
THRASH! When I look into someone's head like a fucking x-ray. I
looked through the walls. I dreamed him at his desk, designing
everything. He can't let you solve the puzzle. There is a purpose.
We are the purpose. The cube is us.




We fit like numbers. A man and a woman. Two halves of the equation.
I take you down. The perfect key.


I'll slip you on the lock.


Leaven... It's time to go down.


Get away from her. Leaven, they're fucking spy's. Him, the retard.
Holloway had outside information about my family. She went too far.


You dropped her.


Just go Quentin


Give us the boot, you pig!


You don't want the boot.


You wanna come with us Worth? Down the hatch.


What the fuck's with him?

How does he...?


(laughing) It's The Wren, the old Renster.


How could...?


(laughing) We've been going in circles


That can't be.

Where are we?


I don't know.


Where are we???


You figure it out! You haven't done anything. All you do is freak


You were right Worth. There is no outta here.


(crying) Get away from me.


Wasn't Rennes killed in that room?


How come there's nothing out there.


You see an edge.


We were not at the edge before. Where's the room that killed


Fuck off!


Oh, that was good.


What difference does it make? We're dead anyways.


HEY! Listen to what I'm saying! There was a room there before! We
haven't been moving in circles, the rooms have!


Of course.


The rooms?


That explains the thunder, the shaking. We've been shifting the
whole time.


It's the only logical explanation. I'm such an idiot.


What are you on to Leaven.


Give me a minute. The numbers are markers point on a map, right?




And how do you map a point that keeps moving?




Permu... what?


Permutations. A list of all the co-ordinates the room passes
through. Like a map that that tells you where the room starts, how
many times it moves and where it moves to.


The numbers tell you all that?


I don't know. I've only been looking at one point on the map,
which is probably the startingposition. All I saw, was how the
cube looked like before it started to move.


Ok, so it's moving. How do we get out?


27. I know where the exit is.


Stay away from me.


Back off, Quentin!


I just wanna know, don't you wanna know?


You remember that room we passed through before, the one with the
co-ordinate larger than 26?


What about it?


That co-ordinate placed the room outside the cube.


A bridge?


Right, but only in it's original position.


What are you talking about?


Look, the room starts off as a bridge, then it moves it's way
through the maze, which is where we ran into it, but at some point
it must return to it's original position.


So the bridge is just a bridge...


... in a short period of time. This thing is like a giant
combinationlock, when the rooms are in their startingposition ht
elock is open. But when they move out of the linement the lock


Well the size of us... It must take days to complete a full cycle.


So when does it open?


Don't! We find it's original co-ordinates by adding the numbers,
the permutations is found by subtracting the numbers. It's it. The
room moves to 0, 1 and ?1 on the x-axis, 2, 5 and ?7 on y, and 1,
-1 and 0 on z.


And what does that mean.


You suck in math? Ok, I need the roomnumbers around as a


666... 897... 466...


567... 898... ok?




And 545... Did you get that?


656... 778... 462...


That's enough. X is 17, y is 25 and z is 14. Which means this room
makes two more moves before returning to it's original position.


Do we have time?




Then let's go.


Can you work out the traps in the system?


Fuck the traps, let's get to the bridge.


Well you threw out our last boot, you fucking idiot.


Technically I can identify the traps.




First I thought they were identified by primenumbers, but they're
not. They're identified by a number that are the power of a prime.


Ok, so?


Can you calculate that?


The numbers are huge.


But you can, right? You can?


I have to calculate to numbers of factors in each set. Maybe if I
had a computer...


You don't need a computer.


Yes, I do.

Figure it out!


Yes, I do!


I'm not dying in a fucking ratmaze.


Look! No one in the whole world could do it mentally! Look at the
number: 567898545. There's no way I can factor that. I can't even
start on 567. It's astronomical!


Two... Astronomical.


What did you say?



Before that...




How many factors Kazan? Of 567?



What are you fucking kidding?


How many factors does 30 have?




And seven?


One... Gumdrop.


I don't have any gumdrops.




Kazan, I'll give you a whole box of gumdrops for each answer.


Gumdrops come in bags.


You want 'em in bags, you got 'em in bags.


I don't like the red ones.










He's giving us the factors.




You're telling me Tell-A-Son boy is a genius.


By those numbers the room should be safe.


There's only one way to find out.






Kazan, my man!


What's the numbers boy? Right here! Look here! Make him do it.


Kazan, we gonna do some numbers, ok? We like to do numbers, right?




That's right. Can you tell me the factors of 656?













Move. Come on let's go. You too Worth. Move your scuddy ass Worth,
I'm not through with you yet. Leaven open up that door, and get
Einstein working on the numbers.


Oh, Jesus!


Go! Hurry!




563... Come on Kazan... 563...


You fuckheads, you're dead!







Check the floor.


Is he dead?


Not quite.


Not even close, Worth! When I'm finish I'll throw you in a fucking
trap on the way out of here.


Where is he? Come here! I said come here riiight..........


Got ya. That way.












I guess that proves out theory. The numbers.


Four, two, three.






Listen. He hasn't moved far.


I'm gonna find him. What do you think?


You don't have a lot of lives left.




I didn't move.


Yeah, good. Erm, you have to climb up here, ok?


I don't like that.


14... 26... 14... WORTH GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!!!


Five bags of gumdrops?


27 bags total.

27 bags, deal.


Come here Worth, this room's next move takes it to the bridge.


We're coming.


Over here. Move it. We don't have much time come on.



Eaoh, it' better be it.


It should be.



Ooh, arh.


Give me a minute. Be patient. So guess what, this was the room we
started in. I was right, we should never have moved in the first


The bridge.











Go ahead.

What are you doing. You can't quit now. It's not your fault!!!


I have nothing to live for out there.


Was is out there.


Boundless human stupidity.


I can live with that.




Kazan get out to the door!


Red, Kazan.














































첨부파일 cube.txt


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