The Avatamsaka Sutra, Chief in Goodness (현수품 39-6)

작성자眞如華|작성시간24.12.03|조회수42 목록 댓글 13



     第六他化自在天      於彼雲色如眞金

     化樂天上赤珠色      兜率陀天霜雪色


     제6 타화자재천에는

     저 구름의 빛깔이 진금과 같고

     화락천에는 붉은 구슬의 빛깔이요

     도솔타천에는 서리와 눈의 빛깔이며


In the sixth heaven, of access to others’ enjoyments,

The clouds are the color of gold;

In the heaven of enjoyment of emanations they’re the color of ruddy pearls;

In the heaven of happiness, they’re the color of frost and snow;



In the sixth; 제6

heaven of access to others’ enjoyments

; 타화자재천에는

The clouds are the color; 저 구름의 빛깔이

of gold; 진금과 같고

In the heaven of enjoyment of emanations

; 화락천에는

they’re the color of ruddy pearls; 붉은 구슬의 빛깔이요

In the heaven of happiness; 도솔타천에는

they’re the color of frost and snow

; 서리와 눈의 빛깔이며





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