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강장 음료 부작용들 Energy Drink Side Effects

작성자진보문사모|작성시간21.10.29|조회수36 목록 댓글 0

강장 음료 부작용들 Energy Drink Side Effects


이 글을 올리게된 동기가 내가 아는 은퇴한 미국사람이 당뇨 2기 인데

5분을 걷지못한다. 

힘이 없으니 Energy Drink 를 마신다. 

이게 당뇨를 가속화 시키는 독 인줄도 모르고 마신다.  


돈도 있고, 가족, 마누라도 있고 좋은 음식 얼마던지 먹을수 있는데

왜 일찍 죽으려고 독을 마시는가?  


이런거 마시지말고 식사를 하라고 권했다.


강장 음료 부작용들 Energy Drink Side Effects


What are the long term side effects of energy drinks?


Several previous studies have shown that energy drinks may affect heart rhythm, blood pressure, heart palpitations significantly. As energy drinks are sugar-sweetened beverages, long-term use may also affect the body's metabolism, including cholesterol, blood sugars, and weight.

Energy drinks are also high in sugar and sweeteners, which is associated with obesity, dental problems, and type 2 diabetes,


heart palpitation 심계항진, 心悸亢進 ; 두근거림’의 전 용어. 자신의 심장 박동을 불편하게 느끼는 증상, 불규칙하거나 빠른 심장 박동이 비정상적으로 느껴지는 증상.


Consumption of Energy Drinks Induces Blood-Brain Barrier Dysfunction[혈액 뇌 관문(血液腦關門) 방어 기능 저하],


What is BBB dysfunction?

[ Blood-Brain Barrier Dysfunction / (Blood-Cerebral Barrier) ]


The dysfunction of BBB includes

(1) BBB disruption, which results in leakage of circulating substances into the CNS[Central Nervous System]  that can be neurotoxic;

(2) transporter dysfunction, which has consequences such as inadequate nutrient supply, buildup of toxic substances in the CNS[Central Nervous System] and increased entry of compounds that are normally extruded;

(3) altered protein expression‎[변형 단백질 발현] and secretions[분비물들] by endothelial cells[내피세포(內皮細胞)들] and other cell types of the NVU[NeuroVascular Unit 신경혈(맥)관[神經血(脈)管]의 장치, 신경성 및 혈관성 요소의 양자에 관계된 장치,] that can result in inflammatory activation, oxidative stress[체내 활성산소가 많아져 생체 산화 균형이 무너진 상태], and neuronal damage[신경 파손].


BBB; Blood-Brain Barrier (Blood-Cerebral Barrier) ;;

혈액뇌장벽(血掖腦障壁), 혈뇌관문(血腦關門). 뇌실질조직과 혈액 사이에 있는 생리학적 장벽이며 양자간의 물질교환을 제한하는 장치로서, 중추신경계의 혈관벽과 그 주위의 신경교막(神經膠膜)으로 구성.


How do energy drinks impact your body?

When you chug an energy drink, you assume you’ll feel energized. It’s an energy drink after all. And you probably will get a little pep in your step for a while. Energy drinks are full of caffeine, sweeteners and sugar, both of which can get your body moving temporarily.

It’s all the other things that happen when you drink an energy drink that you should be concerned about.


Energy drinks can ;;


Increase blood pressure,

Increase your risk for irregular heart rhythms,

Impact your sleep,

Cause weight gain,

Cause tooth decay,

Contribute to mental health problems,

Increase diabetes risk,

Cause kidney damage,

Contribute to substance abuse problems,


Why do energy drinks cause health problems?

It’s not hard to see that energy drinks can cause a myriad[무수함, 무수히 많음] of health problems.

The extra sugar in an energy drink might keep you awake for a while, but it’s going to contribute to insulin resistance, diabetes, tooth decay. That powerhouse of caffeine? It’ll push your blood pressure up quickly. Energy drinks cause health problems not because they contain sugar and caffeine, but because they have so much sugar and caffeine that it can hurt your body,


What to do instead,

The temporary benefits of a drinking an energy drink are not nearly enough to outweigh the long term health problems. So, what can you do instead? It’s not as hard as it might seem to feel good and energized all day long.


Cut out artificial energy boosters. They might give you a quick up, but they’ll be followed by a hard crash down. If you use artificial “energy” you’ll also be less likely to notice when you naturally feel good, because you won’t know what it feels like to feel good without a boost.

Drink plenty of water. It’ll help clear out toxins and keep your body running the best it can.

Get plenty of sleep. Most of the time you’re looking for an energy boost, you probably should instead focus on getting more shut eye. Establish a regular sleep schedule. Once you start sleeping better, you’ll notice that you feel better.

Exercise regularly. When starting an exercise regimen, you may initially feel more drained. If you stick with it you’ll gradually build up strength and stamina that will help you get through your day.

Eat nutritious foods. Stop loading up on chips and soda. Eat more fresh foods. Limit added sugars. When you eat well, your body will feel well. It’ll also help you feel more energized.

Energy drinks promise that you’ll feel great and be energized. Unfortunately, energy drinks also come with an assortment of potential health problems. Instead of subjecting your body to a variety of illnesses, focus on treating your body the best you can with improved sleep and nutrition. You’ll feel better, and you’ll have less days where you feel like you need something just to make it through the afternoon.


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