모든 근육과 TrP탐구

다열근(cervical multifidus, thoracic multifidus, lumbar multifidus)

작성자문형철|작성시간14.04.09|조회수3,077 목록 댓글 1

1. 다열근 경추, 흉추, 요추의 1차 안정성 심부근육

2. 요추부위에서 흔히 fat infiltration되는 근육

3. Deep in the spine, it spans three joint segments, and works to stabilize the joints at each segmental level. 그래서 척추분절움직임의 핵심근육

4. The stiffness and stability makes each vertebra work more effectively, and reduces the degeneration of the joint structures. 

5. 다열근 기능부전은 흔히 후관절 기능부전과 복잡하게 얽힘.  과긴장, 짧아진 다열근은 hypomobile 후관절의 위치에서 흔히 발견됨. 

6.  cat and camel exercise, pelvic tilt exercise 등

panic bird....

The multifidus (multifidus spinae : pl. multifidi ) muscle consists of a number of fleshy and tendinous fasciculi, which fill up the groove on either side of the spinous processes of the vertebrae, from the sacrum to the axis. The multifidus is a very thin muscle.

Deep in the spine, it spans three joint segments, and works to stabilize the joints at each segmental level.

The stiffness and stability makes each vertebra work more effectively, and reduces the degeneration of the joint structures.

- 다열근은 척추 심부에 존재하며 3 관절분절을 연결하고, 각 분절의 안정성을 만듬

- 다열근의 안정성은 척추를 좀더 효과적으로 사용하게 하고, 척추관절의 퇴행성 변화를 막는 역할을 수행함.

These fasciculi arise:

Each fasciculus, passing obliquely upward and medialward, is inserted into the whole length of the spinous process of one of the vertebræ above.

These fasciculi vary in length: the most superficial, the longest, pass from one vertebra to the third or fourth above; those next in order run from one vertebra to the second or third above; while the deepest connect two contiguous vertebrae.

The multifidus lies deep relative to the Spinal ErectorsTransverse AbdominusAbdominal internal oblique muscle and Abdominal external oblique muscle.

다열근의 해부학적 구조, 진단 및 치료법

첨부파일 다열근의 해부학, 진단법.pdf

Multifidi dysfunction is often interwoven with facet joint dysfunction. Hypertonic, short multifidi are often found in the location of a facet joint hypomobility. The multifidi may adapt to the hypomobility by becoming short, or they may encourage facet joint hypomobility by keeping the facet joint compressed and altering its ability to function properly.

- 다열근 기능부전은 흔히 후관절 기능부전과 복잡하게 얽힘. 

- 과긴장, 짧아진 다열근은 hypomobile 후관절의 위치에서 흔히 발견됨. 

- 다열근은 hypomobile에 적응하면서 짧아지고, 후관절 저움직임을 악화시키면서 적절한 기능을 방해하고, 후관절 부딪힘을 야기함.

Multifidi can also be related to spinal disc dysfunction. The tone of multifidi in close proximity to spinal disc pathologies tends to be inhibited. The resultant weakness in the multifidi often sets the stage for recurrent disc issues.

- 다열근은 척추 추간판 기능부전과 관련될 수 있음. 

People with an excessive lumbar lordosis often have short erector spinae, quadrates lumborum and multifidi muscles.

- 요추과전만은 척추기립근, 요방형근, 다열근이 짧아지게 함.

만성요통에서 다열근의 역할에 관한 review논문

첨부파일 만성요통에서 다열근의 역할.pdf

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