12 신경질환의 탐구

Re:Re:Re:Re:Re: 티아민(비타민 B1)부족과 함께 나타나는 Subacute sensory ataxia and optic neuropathy - 2010년 nature논문

작성자문형철|작성시간20.06.23|조회수297 목록 댓글 0

beyond reason

쌀을 주식으로 하는 사람들에게서 흔히 부족한 티아민

위절제술 후 흔히 부족한 티아민

위절제술 후 보행실조 sensory ataxia, 시력저하(optic neuropathy)가 갑자기 나타나면 티아민 부족이 원인!!

Subacute sensory ataxia and optic neuropathy with thiamine deficiency



A 71 year-old man with a history of partial gastrectomy presented to the emergency department with subacute gait instability associated with painful dysesthesias and clumsiness in both hands. 10 years before presentation he had received a diagnosis of megaloblastic anemia, with no neurological involvement, as a result of vitamin B12 and folate deficiency, for which he was receiving regular supplements.


Neurological examination; routine laboratory testing; MRI of the spine and brain; lumbar puncture; electromyography; sensory, motor and visual evoked potentials, optic nerve optical coherence tomography; immunoelectrophoresis; cryoglobulins; immunological and infection tests; screening for onconeural antibodies; measurement of serum metabolic values, including vitamins B12 and E, folates, homocysteine, copper, zinc and pyruvic acid; transketolase activity; gastrointestinal endoscopies; and the glucose breath test.


Subacute sensory ataxia with bilateral optic neuropathy related to thiamine deficiency resulting from remote partial gastrectomy.


Parenteral thiamine supplementation followed by chronic oral thiamine and short-term, low-dose multivitamins.

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12 신경질환의 탐구 다른글

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