2007.3.1. 여의도행사

삼일절 행사 보도 - 영어(번역판)

작성자이주용|작성시간07.03.09|조회수318 목록 댓글 20

JL, I found this coverage in Korean media:

Motorcyclists call for right to ride on the open road
March 02, 2007
Motorcyclists gather in Yeouido, western Seoul yesterday, to protest the government’s 1972 ban on motorcycles on highways. By Kim Sang-seon
Looking to put their two wheels on four-lane highways, more than 1,500 bikers gathered at Yeouido in Seoul to protest the government’s rules keeping them off expressways.
The protesters planned to ride en masse to World Cup Stadium, but the police only allowed five bikes at a time at certain time intervals.
The bikers said riding a motorcycle on the expressway does carry some danger, but they said it is no higher than on city streets.
“Most motorcycle accidents happen on city streets rather than highways,” said Hwang Sang-gil, former president of the BMW Motorrad Club in Korea. “If proper protection is worn and the riding is done safely, there isn’t a big threat to the rider’s safety.”
Peter Kim, head of the Korea Motorcycle Reference Group, said the Korean motorcycle industry has been damaged by the government’s policy. “The Korean motorcycle industry is so small compared to the car makers. The government should stop its policies against bikes. It will help the industry and would also ease the traffic and parking problems.”
Motorcycles were banned on highways in 1972 when the government decided they were too dangerous.

By Hwang Young-jin Staff Writer[]

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