<Part 4>
1. unseasonably = unusually 평상시와 다르게
Because of the unseasonably high temperature
2. short notice 갑작스런 통보
I know that this is very short notice.
3. maintenance work 보수, 유지 작업
The Robson Road will be closed for the maintenance work.
4. I'm interested in borrowing some money to start up the small business.
난 작은 사업을 시작하기 위해서 돈을 빌리는 것에 관심이 있다.
5. clear up 날씨가 개다, 맑아지다 We expect the skies to clear up soon.
6. Please check out our newest compact car. 새로나온 우리의 소형차를 확인해보세요.
7. A well -known writer Sharon Kim will be here to sign copies of her new autobiography.
그녀의 새 자서전인 책에 직접 사인해 줄 것이다.
8. regarding ~에 대하여 I'm calling regarding your recent response to our job.
9. I would like to start off with a few words of thanks. 고맙다는 인사말로 시작하고자 합니다.
10. financial backing for my project. = give money = donate money
프로젝트를 위해 재정적인 지원을 하다
11. Rain will last throughout the weekend. 비는 주말까지 계속해서 내릴 것이다.
12. I'd like you to ~ 난 당신이 ~하길 원합니다 (요구사항, 부탁)
I'd like all of you to think of new strategies for increasing sales next quarter.
13. Now, it's time to renew your subscription to Weekly News. 구독 신청을 갱신하다.
14. put in a request 요구하다, 신청하다 (=request, make a request)
Please, put in a request an installation specialist for an extra fee.
15. His cooking style fits our restaurant. 그의 요리법은 우리레스토랑에 적합하다.
16. There will be a 15 minute intermission. 15분간의 휴식이 있을 것입니다. *intermission = break
17. present 소개하다 (= introduce)
I'd now like to present Mr. Han who will make a speech tonight.
18. They are planning to produce some revolutionary new products in the next few years.
혁신적인 새로운 컴퓨터 상품을 생산함 *produce = develop
19. waiting to board flight 104 104비행기 탑승을 기다리다
20. proving hotel accommodations and travel bus services to those in need 필요한 사람에게 호텔 숙박과 버스 운행 서비스를 제공하다
21. my mobile phone is being repaired 휴대폰이 수리 되고 있다
22. it's best to just email me when you have a chance 기회있을때, 나에게 이메일로 보내는게 가장 좋다
23. Come see our recently remodeled store 최근 개조된 가게를 보러 오세요
24. This is a reminder to all employees 이것은 모든 직원들을 위한 공지사항입니다
25. food and beverages are permitted in the hall lobby only 음식과 음료는 복도에서만 허락됩니다
26. pick up the schedule about coming events 다가오는 행사에 대한 일정을 잡다
27. request for a price estimate on a delivery 배송에 관한 가격 견적서를 요청하다
28. we have two different air delivery options 우리는 두 가지의 항공 배송 방법이 있다
29. Give(make, deliver) a speech 연설하다
30. rare antique automobiles and sports cars will be on display 보기 드문 고풍스런 자동차와 스포츠카가 전시 될 것이다
31. receive a free T-shirt provided by ABC Motors ABC자동차에 의해 제공되는 티셔츠를 받다
32. take one's place 대신하다
I want to thank for taking my place for the appointment with Mr. David this morning.
33. be scheduled to ~할 예정이다
The new highway 99 is finally scheduled to open next month after 4 years of construction.
34. guest speaker 초대연사
Now let me introduce our guest speaker Susan Welch, the communication strategy expert.
35. participate in (=take part in, partake) 참가하다
We ask each of you to participate in discussion.
36. questionnaire 질문서
I'm going to hand out a questionnaire.
37. well- known (=renowned, famous) 유명한
Martin is a well-known film critic in Hollywood.
38. periodically 정기적으로
You may periodically receive voice mail messages.
39. be donated to 기부되다
All of the money will be donated to local charity for children.
40. the environmentally friendly product 환경 친화 제품
The company has gained an excellent reputation for producing the environmentally friendly products.
41. commuters 통근하는 사람들
Commuters are encouraged to take alternative streets as much as possible.
42. energy consumption 에너지 소비
We expected to reduce energy consumption in our factories.
43. personnel 인사부
Welcome to the new employee orientation by personnel.
44. electric power outages 정전
We are experiencing electric power outages in many residential neighborhood.
45. make a difference 영향을 끼치다
Team work has definitely made a big difference in my company's success.
46. take advantage of 이용하다
I've taken advantage of business loans.
47. in stock 제품이 있는, 재고가 있는
The bookcase you ordered for your office is no longer in stock.
48. complimentary 무료의 (= free of charge)
Our flight attendants will serve you with complimentary snack and beverage.
49. online reservation 온라인 예약
I tried using the online reservation form but I kept having technical problems.
50. lean out the windows 내다보다
I'd also like to remind you not to lean out the windows while taking pictures.
51. cater for 음식을 조달하다
We've organized a catering service for the banquet with the public relations.
52. There is a significant back-up ; 교통 지체 (= traffic congestion)
53. car’s broken down ; 고장나다 (= out of order)
54. close one lane ; 차선 통행 차단
55. where traffic is running smoothly. ; 교통이 순조롭게 소통되고 있는 곳
56. familiarize myself with ~; 내자신을 ~ 에 익숙하게
57. I’m calling to remind you about ~; ~ 에 대해 상기시켜 주려고 전화했다 (전화목적)
58. artifacts ; 고대유물
59. because the floors are uneven ; 바닥이 평탄하지(안전하지) 않기 때문에
60. watch your step as it is very steep. 매우 가파르기 때문에 발걸음을 조심해라
61. flash photography is permitted ; 사진을 찍는 것이 허용되다
62. enjoy the rest of the day. 오늘 남은 하루를 즐겨라
63. deciding how much to set aside for retirement.
퇴직을 위해 얼마만큼의 돈을 저금할지 결정하는 것에
64. it’s a very user-friendly. 사용자가 사용하기 쉬운, 용이한 (= easy to use)
65. share some of his cooking secrets. 그의 요리 비법을 공유하다
66. copies of his latest cook books will be on sale ; 그의 신간도서가 판매될 것이다
67. on-line payment ; 인터넷으로 지불하는 것
68. lack of space ; 공간 부족
69. present this year’s Award of the best product Developer.
(= give ) 상을 주다 (= manufacturer, 제품 개발자)
70. We’re delighted to recognize a work for this award.
이 상으로 공로가 인정받게 되어 기쁘다