어깨치료의 핵심은 scapula를 중립위치에 자리하도록 하는 것이다.
견갑골은 늑골면과 관절을 이루고 있다.
scapulothoracic articulation
이 관절에서 snapping소리가 날때 어떻게 진단하고 치료해야할까?
정말 끝이 없는 의학의 세계에 겸손해야 함을 다시한번 느낀다
snapping scapular라는 개념을 통해 견갑골의 움직임을 이해하고, 중립위치의 중요성을 깨닫자..
panic bird......
Abstract: As a largely under-recognized problem, snapping scapula stems from the disruption of normal mechanics in scapulothoracic articulation. It is especially common in the young, active patient population, and symptoms are frequently seen with overhead and throwing motions. Understanding the anatomy of the scapula and surrounding neurovascular structures is crucial in making a differential diagnosis and providing both nonoperative and surgical treatments.
- 의학적으로 흔히 인지되지 않는 문제인 견갑골 염발음은 견흉관절의 정상기능이 파괴되면서 발생함.
- 특히 젊은나이, 활동이 많은사람, 증상은 overhead 던지기에서 흔히 발생함.
- 견갑골과 주위 신경혈관조직의 해부학적 이해는 감별진단을 위해 중요함.
Common causes of snapping scapula include bursitis, muscle abnormality, and bony or soft-tissue abnormalities. Anatomic variations, such as excessive forward curvature of the superomedial border of the scapula, may also be a cause for snapping. Benign tumor conditions of the scapula can also predispose one to snapping scapula syndrome and should be thoroughly investigated during the course of treatment.
- 견갑골 염발음의 흔한 원인은 "점액낭염, 근육불균형, 뼈 또는 연부조직의 비정상"
- 견갑골이 과도하게 앞으로 이동한 해부학적 변이는 또한 염발음의 원인임.
- 견갑골의 양성종양은 염발음을 일으킬 수 있음.
Patients with snapping scapula syndrome typically present with a history of pain with overhead captivities. Snapping scapula is associated with audible and palpable crepitus near the superomedial border of the scapula. Various imaging studies may be used to rule out soft-tissue and bony masses, which may cause impingement at the scapulothoracic articulation.
- 견갑골 염발음 환자는 흔히 오버헤드 동작과 함께 통증이 흔히 발생함.
- 견갑골 염발음은 견갑골의 상내측 가장자리에서 들리고 촉진됨.
- 다양한 검사를 시행하여 뼈질환과 연부조직질환 mass를 배제진단할 수 있음.
In most cases nonoperative treatment is curative and includes physical therapy for scapular muscle strengthening and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications. Corticosteroid injections may also be used for therapeutic and diagnostic purposes. In most cases overuse injuries and repetitive strains respond well to nonoperative treatments. When nonoperative measures fail, surgery is a proven modality, especially if a soft-tissue or bony mass is implicated. Both open and arthroscopic techniques have been described with predictable results.
- 대부분 비수술 경우에는 견갑골 근육의 근력강화를 위한 물리치료와 염증제거를 위한 약물치료를 시행하.ㅁ
- 스테로이드 주사는 진단과 치료목적으로 흔히 이용될 수 있음.
- 대부분 과사용과 반복사용 환자에게서 비수술적 치료는 잘 반응함.
- 비수술적 치료가 실패했을때, 수술은 open 수술, 관절경 수술 등이 적용됨.
The scapula is a triangular-shaped bone articulating with the posterior thorax. It is attached to the axial skeleton by only the acromioclavicular joint, and therefore its stability is dependent on surrounding musculature.3
- 견갑골은 삼각형의 뼈
The periscapular musculature creates stability of the scapulothoracic articulation. The levator scapulae and rhomboids attach to the medial border of the scapula, whereas the subscapularis is on its anterior surface.1,4 The serratus anterior originates on the ribs and inserts on the medial scapular anterior surface. A cushion between the scapula and the thoracic wall is created by the serratus anterior and the subscapularis.5-8
Two spaces, the subscapularis space and the serratus anterior space, are created by the musculature of the joint. The serratus anterior space is located between the chest wall, serratus anterior, and rhomboids. The subscapularis space is bounded by the serratus anterior, subscapularis, and axilla.6,7,9,10 Three muscles of the rotator cuff originate at the scapula: the supraspinatus and the infraspinatus on the posterior surface of the scapula and the subscapularis on the anterior surface(Fig 1).
- 견갑하근 공간과 전거근 공간! 두개의 공간이 존재함.
- 전거근 공간은 흉벽과 전거근, 능형근이 만드는 공간임.
- 견갑하 공간은 전거근과 견갑하근 그리고 액와가 만드는 공간임.
- 회전근개 3가지 근육이 견갑골에서 기시함. 극상근, 극하근은 견갑골의 뒤면에서, 견갑하근은 전면에서 ...
견갑골 주위의 중요한 신경과 혈관
dorsal scapular nerve
transverse cervical artery
suprascapular nerve and artery
견갑골 주위 4개의 주요 점액낭
● The dorsal scapular artery and nerve run along the medial border of the scapula.
● The suprascapular nerve passes through the scapular notch, and the suprascapular artery passes over the superior transverse scapular ligament.
● The 2 main bursa that become inflamed are the infraserratus and supraserratus.
● The main neurovascular structures near the scapula are the transverse cervical artery, dorsal scapular artery, suprascapular artery, dorsal scapular nerve, long thoracic nerve, suprascapular nerve, and accessory nerve.
● Bursitis is a reaction due to overuse or repetitive trauma of the articulation.
● Muscle weakness or changes can disrupt the articulation, causing crepitus or bursitis.
● Bony abnormalities include an angulated superomedial scapular angle, rib fractures, osteochondroma, Luschka’s tubercle, or reactive spurs.
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