[165] 2017-10-14 Rest day
[166] 2017-10-15 Next day
Pilgrims 순례참가자 :
LEE Won-young 이원영 (Director of Pilgrims, Republic of Korea)
HARA Tsunenori 原 恒德 (Staff of Pilgrims, Japan)
휴식일과 다음날
Rest day and the next day.
휴식일에 다시 간 한식당. 세번째다. 갈 때마다 사람들이 많다.
한식이 인기가 있는 모양이다.
I visited the Korean restaurant again. This is the third times.
Whenever I go there, the restaurant is full of people.
The Korena food must be popular in Thailand.
하라상이 먹은 갈비탕. 250바트.
싼 줄 알았더니 한국돈으로 8천원이니까 만만치 않은 값이다.
The beef-rib soup Mr. Hara ordered was 250 bat.
First I thought it was cheap, but I found that it was 8,000 won in Korean currency.
It was not cheap.
필자는 비빕밥과 만두라면 2개의 요리를 양껏 먹었다.
I ordered two steamed bun and boiled rice assorted with mixtures.
I was full with the food.
이 집 사장과 얘기하는 장면. 로마까지 걸어가는 일에 감탄하고 있다.
I was talking with the owner of the restaurant.
He was amazed with our pilgrimage to Rome.
하라상은 휴식일에도 열심이다.
Mr. Hara is busy with making friends even in rest day.
다음날 출발. 해가 점점 짧아지고 있다. 6시반이 넘어야 밝아진다.
I started in the morning, the next day.
The length of daytime is shortening day by day.
It became lighter after 6:30 in the morning.
쌍둥이 딸을 둔 가족과 함께.
I took a picture with a family having twin daughers.
이 젊은 부부는 필자를 발견한 후,
미리 가게에 도착해서 음료수를 사들고 기다리고 있었다.
This young couple saw me, and they went to the store to buy drinks.
They have waited for me and gave me the drink.
잘생긴 부부다.
The couple looked nice.
순례자로만 생각했는데, 알고보니 로마까지 간다니 놀라면서 좋아한다.
They thought me just as an ordinary pilgrim.
They were surprised to hear of my pilgrimage to Rome.
"안녕하세요?" 소리에 돌아다보니 필자가 한국인임을 알아본 태국아가씨다.
리플렛을 보여주고 설명하니 환호한다.
Somebody called me "Annyonghaseyo! (Hello in Korean)!"
I looked back and found a Thailand lady who recognized me as a Korean.
I showed her the leaflet and explained about the pilgrimage.
She was excited and cheered.
바로 주위에 있던 언니와 어머니도 함께 한 컷.
찍고 보니 표정들이 그만이다.
I took a nice picture with her sister and mother who were nearby.
The face expressions were interesting.
하라상의 활약은 여전하다.
Mr. Hara was always busy with making many friends.
저녁에 먹은 태국 요리들. 값싸고 맛있다.
The Thai food which we ordered as supper was cheap and good in taste.