
[167] 2017-10-16 Who owns DAS?

작성자상생21|작성시간17.10.16|조회수851 목록 댓글 0

[167] 2017-10-16 Who owns DAS?


Pilgrims 순례참가자 :

LEE Won-young 이원영 (Director of Pilgrims, Republic of Korea)

HARA Tsunenori 原 恒德 (Staff of Pilgrims, Japan)

평범한 하루다.

It was an ordinary day.

며칠 안보던 사이에 들판의 벼가 눈에 띄게 익어가고 있다.

I could not see the rice in the field for a couple of days. 

When I saw the rice again, the rice was ripening considerably in the field.

대형화물차의 기사께서 차를 세워놓고 기다렸다가 큰 생수 두병을 전해준다.
무거워서 받지 못하고 마음만 받겠다고 하면서 한컷.

The driver of a large truck stopped and waited for me. 

He gave me two large bottles of cold water.

Since it was heavy, I said "I will accept only your kind mind."

And I took a picture with the driver.

그런데 이 선행의 실세는 조수석에 앉아 있던 이분의 부인이다.
손을 흔들고 있다.

However, the real organizer of this kind behavior was the driver's wife who was sitting next to him.

She waved to me.

트럭을 주차해놓은 후 해먹을 걸어두고 즐기는 기사.
여유가 넘치는 삶의 모습이다.

A truck driver parked his car, and he was resting at hammock.

He enjoys his leisurely life.

주유소 직원들과 한 컷.  이분들도 마실 것을 챙겨주었다.

I took a picture with the workers of a gas station.

They also gave me beverage.

오늘 하라상의 실적은 더욱 좋다~

Mr. Hara was busy with making friends and taking pictures.

Today, his achievment was excellent.  

내일 이틀 연속으로 쉬는 날이다.
아유타야라는 옛수도에 도착해서 숙소에서 차오프라야강을 내려다 보았다.

We will rest two consecutive days from tomorrow. 

We arrived at Ayutaya, an old capital city. 

We went to the lodging where I looked down Chaopraya river. 

저녁 식사로 주문한 파인애플 볶음밥이다. 150바트니까 5000원.
맛도 쓸만하다.

I ordered fried rice mixed with pineapple.  The price was 150 bat, equivalent to 5,000 won.

The taste was good enough. 

그런데, 다스는 누구겁니까?

By the way, who owns DAS?

현재 게시글 추가 기능 열기


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